Forbidden knowledge 1

Forbidden knowledge

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Earth Science

By and large the scientists now believe that Earth’s atmo­sphere was reconstituted initially from the gases spewed out by the volcanic convulsions of a wounded Earth. As clouds thrown up by these eruptions shielded the Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; eventually, plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide (C0) to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle (with the aid of bacteria).

It is noteworthy that even in this respect the ancient texts stand up to the scrutiny of modern science. The fifth tablet of Enuma elish, though badly damaged, describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s “spittle” and places the volcanic activity earlier than the formation of the atmosphere, the oceans, and the continents. The spittle, the text states, was “laying in layers” as it poured forth. The phase of “making the cold” and the “assembling of the water clouds” are described; after that the “foundations” of Earth were raised and the oceans were gathered-just as the verses in Genesis have reiterated. It was only thereafter that life appeared on Earth: green herbage upon the continents and “swarms” in the waters.

But living cells, even the simplest ones, are made up of complex molecules of various organic compounds, not just of separate chemical elements. How did these molecules come about? Because many of these compounds have been found elsewhere in the Solar System, it has been assumed that they form naturally, given enough time. In 1953 two scientists at the University of Chicago, Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, conducted what has since been called “a most striking exper­iment.” In a pressure vessel they mixed simple organic mol­ecules of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor, dissolved the mixture in water to simulate the primordial watery “soup,” and subjected the mixture to electrical sparks to em­ulate primordial lightning bolts. The experiment produced sev­eral amino and hydroxy acids-the building blocks of proteins, which are essential to living matter. Other researchers later subjected similar mixtures to ultraviolet light, ionizing radia­tion, or heat to simulate the effects of the Sun’s rays as well as various other types of radiation on the Earth’s primitive atmosphere and murky waters. The results were the same.

But it was one thing to show that nature itself could, under certain conditions, come up with life’s building blocks-not just simple but even complex organic compounds; it was an­other thing to breathe life into the resulting compounds, which remained inert and lifeless in the compression chambers. “Life” is defined as the ability to absorb nutrients (of any kind) and to replicate, not just to exist. Even the biblical tale of Creation recognizes that when the most complex being on Earth, Man, was shaped out of “clay,” divine intervention was needed to “breathe the spirit/breath of life” into him. Without that, no matter how ingeniously created, he was not yet animate, not yet living.
Zecharia Sitchen - Genesis Revisited

Only God can do that.

The first scientist - Roger Bacon; He is sometimes credited as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method inspired by the works of early Muslim scientists. The 1214 birth date assumes he was not being literal, and meant 40 years had passed since he matriculated at Oxford at the age of 13. If he had been literal, his birth date was more likely around 1220. In the same passage he reports that for all but two of those forty years he had always been engaged in study. Bacon studied and later became a Master at Oxford, lecturing on Aristotle. His whereabouts between 1247 and 1256 are uncertain, but about 1256 he became a Friar in the Franciscan Order.

Bacon performed and described various experiments, which were for a time claimed as the first instances of true experimental science, several hundred years before the rise of science in the West. This widely held interpretation of Bacon as a modern experimental scientist, emerging before his time, originated in the nineteenth century. This image reflected the emphasis, dominant at that time, upon experiment as the principal form of scientific activity and the general acceptance of the characterization of the Middle Ages as the "Dark Ages". Some writers of this period, such as Andrew Dickson White, carried the account further by describing a concerted opposition to Bacon's ideas in which he was repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned as part of a medieval "Warfare of Science with Theology." In this view Bacon would be an advocate of modern experimental science who somehow emerged as an isolated figure in an age supposed to be hostile toward scientific ideas.

In contrast to Aristotle's argument that facts be collected before deducing scientific truths, physical science was not carried out by observations from the natural world, but by arguments based solely on tradition and prescribed authorities (see Scholasticism).

Others do still argue that the Franciscans kept Bacon in isolated confinement for many years, and prevented from teaching his scientific views. Bacon is quoted as writing in 1267, about his time in a small cell in Paris, "…for my superiors and brothers, disciplining me with hunger, kept me under close guard and would not permit anyone to come to me, fearing that my writings would be divulged to others [rather] than to the chief pontiff and themselves," and that they treated him with "unspeakable violence" and "for ten years had been exiled from former University fame."

Bacon withdrew from the scholastic routine and devoted himself to languages and experimental research. With regard to the obtaining of knowledge, he strongly championed experimental study over reliance on authority, arguing that "thence cometh quiet to the mind". Bacon did not restrict this approach to theological studies. He rejected the blind following of prior authorities, both in theological and scientific study, which was the accepted method of undertaking study in his day. Bacon studied astrology and believed that the celestial bodies had an influence on the fate and mind of humans.

Many writers of earlier times have been attracted to Roger Bacon as the epitome of a wise and subtle possessor of forbidden knowledge, similar to Faustus. also see Roger Bacon, the Voynich Manuscript

Evidence of ancient inhabitants


Is there evidence that mining took place, in southern Africa, during the Old Stone Age? Archaeological studies indicate that it indeed was so. Realizing that sites of abandoned ancient mines may in­dicate where gold could be found, South Africa’s leading mining corporation, the Anglo-American Corporation, in the 1970s engaged archaeologists to look for such ancient mines. Published reports (in the corporation’s journal Op­tima) detail the discovery in Swaziland and other sites in South Africa of extensive mining areas with shafts to depths of fifty feet. Stone objects and charcoal remains established dates of 35,000, 46,000, and 60,000 B.C. for these sites. The archaeologists and anthropologists who joined in dating the finds believed that mining technology was used in southern Africa “during much of the period subsequent to 100,000 b.c.”

Abzu was in Africa and it means 'gold' in reverse.

The drawing is from the Turin Papyrus and shows definite interest in where the gold was. We can not tell from this primitive drawing exactly where in Africa this was but in the upper right corner of the photo we see a reference to the shrine of Amun; A primordial Egyptian god, whose name means "the hidden one". As the driving force of the invisible breeze he was originally a god of wind and ruler of the air. During the 11th dynasty (2133 - 2000 BC) he became the powerful sun-god of Thebes, where he was worshipped as Amun-Re. Evidence from the map indicates a gold mining settlement housing area. For a larger view click the photo.

In September 1988, a team of international physicists came to South Africa to verify the age of human habitats in Swaziland and Zululand. The most modern techniques indicated an age of 80,000 to 115,000 years.

Regarding the most ancient gold mines of Monotapa in southern Zimbabwe, Zulu legends hold that they were worked by “artificially produced flesh and blood slaves created by the First People.” These slaves, the Zulu legends recount, “went into battle with the Ape-Man” when “the great war star appeared in the sky” (see Indaba My Chil­dren, by the Zulu medicine man Credo Vusamazulu Mu­twa).

The first American publication of Credo Mutwa includes sangoma magical lore, prophecies, dreams, tales, and a rich mythology that reaches beyond this Earth to an extraterrestrial origin.

We are informed via Zacharia Sitchen in The Wars of Gods and Men that the Anunnaki were here on Earth for one find and mine gold. They used it as a protective shield around their planet because like Earth, their atmosphere was thining. The mining was hard labor and the Anunnaki complained bitterly so to ease their burden, slaves were created to toil in the mines. The Gods that created the 'slave workers' also created us.

The Egyptian Stand on Race

The racial make-up of the Nile Valley Region of Africa and of ancient Egypt in particular, continues to be a topic of controversy. Some have suggested that the ancient Egyptians were Semites. Others have suggested that they were whites. The roots of ancient Egyptian culture have been searched for within Europe and Mesopotamia. The only region left out of the equation thus far has been Africa itself. So exactly who were these peoples who inhabited the ancient Nile Valley?

So what race were the Egyptians?

Ramsess II
Professor P. F. Ceccaldi, with a research team, studied some hairs from the mummy's scalp. Ramesses II was thought to be 87 years-old when he died, and his hair had turned white. Ceccaldi determined that the reddish-yellow color of the hair was due to a dye with a dilute henna solution. Many Egyptians dyed their hair, and this personal habit was preserved by the embalmers. However, traces of the hair's original color remained in the roots. Microscopic examinations showed that the hair roots contained natural red pigments, and that therefore, during his younger days, Ramesses II had been a red head. Analysis concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise being altered after death, but did represent Ramesses' natural hair color. Ceccaldi also studied the cross-section of the hairs, and determined from their oval shape, that Ramesses had been "cymotrich" (wavy-haired). Finally, he stated that such a combination of features showed that Ramesses had been a "leucoderm" (white-skinned person).

Queen TiyQueen Tiy (Taia,Tyre) Father was Yuya - Mother Thuya - Mother and wife of Akhenaten (Pharaoh Priestess of the God Amun AmenhotepIII who was the father of Aye whom replaced Tutankhamun after his death)

She was called the most brilliant and famous of Egypt's queens in 18th Dynasty Egypt. We see that she has blond hair and caucasian features. Queen Hatshepsut had blond hair. A wooden statue of King Hor shows him to have very blue eyes. There are countless examples of Nordic influence in Egypt on display. The ruling elite began to disintegrate when they married outside of their own race. In fact that was the beginning of the end. The term "blue blood" first arose in Egypt. It referred to the fact that their blue veins could be seen through their pale skin.

This link settles the question once and for all. The real Egyptians were not Black! The White History of Egypt and here's another one Red Haired Mummies of Egypt and another..Pro-White Article

As a people, the Egyptians had a very racist and antagonistic stand vis-à-vis all other races. They considered Semitic Hebrews, Canaanites, Libyans, Black Nubians (even though Nubian Pharaohs ruled Egypt for 100 years), Ethiopians and other non-Egyptians as sub-human. Hence, they treated the aforesaid Hebrew nomads with disdain. It is, therefore, safe to say that most Hebrews in Egypt were not permitted to rise as a people and they suffered in ignorance and poverty. This did not have anything to do with the 'color' of their skin - it had to do with 'who' their god was....Who he still is!

The Evolutionists versus the Creationists

In 1871, when publishing his Descent of Man, Charles Darwin coined the expression ‘missing link’ in relation to a perceived anomaly in the human evolutionary progression. There was an undeniable inconsistency in the supposed lineage which, at first, seemed like a gap in the sequence, but it was soon realized that there was no gap, simply an unexplained link.

It is frequently alleged that Darwin taught that humans had descended from early apes, such as chimpanzees, orang-utans and gorillas, but this is nonsense: Darwin never taught that. If it were true, there would be no chimpanzees, orang-utans or gorillas today. In the wider scheme of things, it was logically conceived that humans must have evolved from a different type of ape—a hipedal ground-dwelling ape, but there had been no archaeological discovery which supported this theory. And so it was generally agreed that there had to have been a sub-man, an ape-man, a dawn-man: a ‘missing link’.

The very idea of human evolvement from apes was, of course, anathema to the Church, for it was contrary to the book of Genesis, which told how man (Adam) was created in a unique and original adult form...but that isn't true either.

Darwin had been so sure about the possibility of a ‘missing link’ because of two significant finds during his own lifetime. In 1857, the skeleton of a very primitive hunter had been discovered in the Neander Valley, near Düsseldorf, in Germany, and his type was duly dubbed ‘Neanderthal’. Other discoveries have shown that the Neanderthalers were prevalent in Europe, Asia and Africa, having existed from sometime before 70,000 BC. They were thought to have evolved from an early form of homo erectus through a gradual process from about 300,000 BC.

The problem with the Neanderthal breed was that, although they were the primary hominoid race through the Old Stone Age (when fire, hand-axes and flint tools were in use), they were not merely simpler and less developed than ourselves, they were from another line altogether.

The other great discovery of the Darwinian age was made soon afterwards in 1868, when the first examples of homo sapiens were unearthed at Cro-Magnon in the Dordogne region of France. Unlike the crouched Neanderthalers with their heavy brows, receding foreheads, protruding jaws and robust bone structure, the Cro-Magnons (as the newly discovered people were called) were tall, upright, broad-faced individuals, with a very differently structured brain cavity. In terms of geological time, there appeared to be nothing to separate the late Neanderthalers and the early Cro-Magnons, but they were as different from each other as cattle are from horses. Not only that, but their cultures were remarkably dissimilar, with the Cro-­Magnons displaying an uncanny sophistication in terms of their art, clothing, habitation and general lifestyle.

The apparent time-frame for the Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon crossover was about 35,000-30,000 BC, and they did exist as contemporaries for a time, thereby proving that one did not evolve from the other. It is of particular interest to note that there has never been a trace of any interbreeding between the distinctly different strains, and as the Cro-Magnons grew to prominence, so the Neanderthalers became totally extinct.

Until quite recently, it was thought that perhaps today’s world supported various peoples that were separately descended from each of these two key races, but this theory has now been overturned. In July 1997, a breakthrough in genetic analysis proved beyond doubt that modern homo sapiens-sapiens have not the slightest trace of ancestry from the Neanderthalers. This was ascertained when a team led by Dr Svante Pääho of the University of Munich managed to extract DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from a Neanderthal upper armbone fragment. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down, unchanged, from mothers to their children, and, apart from the odd random mutation, all today’s humans have very similar sequences.

It transpired that the 40,000-year-old Neanderthal DNA was so significantly different that it had to be that of an entirely separate species. The scientists announced that, without question, the Neanderthal race was a ‘biological dead end’ and that there is no indication of any crossbreeding with Cro-Magnon homo sapiens. It was possible, they said, that Neanderthalers and homo sapiens had some form of common ancestor about 600,000 years ago, but this could not he proven and was of little relevance.

The Cro-Magnon types appear to have developed out of Africa, Asia and perhaps from the Balkan and Black Sea regions, spreading throughout Europe century by century. As for their immediate ancestry, this is quite unknown, while their semi-advanced culture (highly advanced for the time) and their modern physique appear to have no scientifically obvious forerunners.

Equally startling was the earlier announcement in December 1996 that skulls found on the Indonesian island of Java suggest that homo erectus (thought to be 40,000 years ago) was still in existence 40,000 years ago. If so, this means that the homo erectus apes did not evolve into the Neanderthales with whom they lived side by side. This conclusion was reached by a team of geologists led by Dr Carl Swisher of the Berkley Geochronology Center in Califorinia. Using some teeth from the site where four homo erectus skulls had been found, they applied an electron spin resonance dating method to the tooth enamel. Also, as a cross check, other species were tested by a process which analysed the radioactive decay of uranium in fossils. Each of the separate tests threw up the same figures, and the skulls were dated at between 53,000 and 27,000 BC - a 40,000 BC mean.

A 3.5-million-year-old skull found by Kenyan 
researchers on a National Geographic Society expedition in 1998-99see... New humaniod skull found by Richard Leaky. ScienceDaily (Mar. 23, 2001) — March 21, 2001 – After the partial skeleton of a 3.2-million-year-old human relative known as Lucy was found in Ethiopia in 1974, many researchers believed her species – Australopithecus afarensis – was the ancestor of modern humans. Now, in a stunning discovery, scientists working in Kenya have found the skull and partial jaw of a completely different genus and species, with a flattened face and small molar teeth much different than those of afarensis. The discovery of the 3.2- to 3.5-million-year-old fossils raises the question of whether modern humans descended from Lucy’s species or from the newly discovered species.

What we now know, and has been proven beyond doubt is that there is no missing link in the way Darwin preceived it. The Cro-Magnon homo sapiens did not descend from the Neandathalers; they were entirely different breeds with entirely different DNA structures. It appears that we are descended from the Afro-Asian Cro-Magnon types, but from what species did they evolve? Maybe this is where the Enochian records come into play - the accounts of the Nepilim who spawned an entirely new race prior to 35,000 BC, in the same era that the advanced Cro-Magnons appeared, after which the backward Neanderthalers were gradually wiped out.

Noah's son Ham was not black as many uninformed African American web sites have stated. Here is the evidence Hams race ie., Cush ect. (automatoc scroll down)

What we also know is that if the Nephilim created a new species by interbreeding with the 'daughters of men', then these species were not of the Neanderthal race because, as confirmed by Dr Svante Pääbo, mitochondrial DNA is a female inheritance passed down from mothers. Could it be, therefore, that there was another race contemporary with the Neanderthalers?
Laurence Gardner Genesis of the Grail Kings

Donald Johanson and Tom Gray found 'Lucy' (A. afarensis - "Lucy")on the 24th of November, 1974, at the site of Hadar in Ethiopia. Another thirteen bodies were found, dubbed the 'First Family'. These dated to 3.5 million BC. Footprints found in the area showed rounded heels, raised arches, pronounced balls and a forward pointing big toe. These bipedial anthropoids were physically in advance of the later Neanderthalers and their remains were in Ethopia, the closed land mass to Saudi Arabia, which sits between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

This species were also found in Iraq in the Ararat Mountains at a source of the River Tigris which we observed as the area of the Garden of Eden. Professor Ralph Soleki was investigating the Shanidar Cave when he found nine skeletons, four of which had been crushed by a rockfall. These bones were about 40,000 years old but the cave had been used for shelter from about 100,000 BC.

Another species that not many people talk about; "Bigfoot!"

What Donald Johanson and Tom Gray found was an imperfect 'slave worker' experiment of the Anunnaki, an 'ape like woman'. There now exist, 'throw-backs' to this primitive creation. They are generally short people about 5'5". They have feet that are 6 to 8 inches wide and very short. So 'deformed' that they cannot wear shoes. They look like chimpanzees or gorillas in the face with almost the same skull formation. We have seen this woman with our own eyes but apparently no scientist that might see the connection has. This could be a breakthrough for the evolutionists or it could be another huge puzzle that no one can solve. But don't we have some evidence that chimpanzee DNA is closest to ours?

The simple answer is, "The Gods that created the 'slave workers' also created us". see Chimp DNA and the 'Bigfoot" link.

However, Jeffrey Swartz, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Pittsburg, maintains that man is closer to orangutans in gross morphology. Acts and Facts, 16 (5):5, 1987 see The Creationists theory. Everyone tries to explain away their theories with complicated techinical jargon but the Anunnaki explanation in the Sumerian texts still fits better that any of these theories.

Where is gold mined? Johannesburg South Africia.

The theory is known popularly as the (Recent) Out-of-Africa model, and academically also as the recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), Replacement Hypothesis or Recent African Origin (RAO) model. According to the theory, anatomically modern humans evolved solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago, with members of one branch leaving Africa by 60,000 years ago and replacing all earlier human populations such as Neanderthals and Homo erectus. The hypothesis originated in the 1980s based on a study of mitochondrial DNA, and its proponents have since presented evidence based on physical anthropology as well. What we found is two different cultures in two different places like the scientists say, at the same time. One was very primitive, one was civilized. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and one had black hair and brown eyes.

The Upper Paleolithic, or Late Stone Age - Very broadly it dates to between 40,000 and 11,500 years ago. Crita 7400 B.C.- exactly 3,600 years later - another abrupt advancement has been recognized. Scholars have named it Neolithic (C "New Stone Age”); but its principal feature was the switch from stone to clay and the appearance of pottery. And then, “suddenly and inexplicably” - but exactly 3,600 years later - there blossomed out (crita 3800 B.C.) in the plain between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers the high civilization of Sumer. It was followed, crita 3100 B.C., by the civilization of the Nile River; and crita 2800 B.C., the third civilization of antiquity, that of the Indus River, made its appearance. These were the three regions allotted to mankind; of them evolved the nations of the Near East, Africa, and Indo-Europe - a division faithfully recorded in the Old Testament’s Table of Nations.

Evidence of cultivated crops turned up around 10,000 BC. LIMA, June 29, 2002(UPI) -- An archeologist from Vanderbilt University says domesticated squash seeds found in the Andes of northern Peru are almost 10,000 years old. Researchers also found peanut hulls and cotton fibers that date back 6,000 to 8,500 years, as well as stone hoes, furrowed garden plots and small irrigation canals. The evidence of such plantings dating 5,000 to 9,000 years was found on the western slopes of the Andes Mountains in the Nanchoc Valley, about 1,600 feet above sea level.

But scientists also assume there is a stage in the evolution of language somewhere between Great ape language and fully developed modern human language. There isn't - because it didn't happen! However, as we said, "beginning about 100,000 years ago, there is evidence of more sophisticated behaviour, and by 50,000 years ago fully modern behaviour is thought to have developed in various parts of Africa." Actually it did but under different circumstances than the theory of evolution can explain or prove.

Science tells us today that there were four ‘Homonites’ - first is ‘Lucy’ along with its guy ‘Dosnopytichest’, which died about 3 and a 1/2 million years - the Ice Age. Then next came the ‘Homosepians’, who died about 5 hundred thousand years ago. Then came the ‘Neanderthal Man’, who died 500 hundred to forty thousand years ago. Then came the fourth stage, ‘the Cromagnon’. ‘There is no link at all between these stages’ - According to P. P. Grasse in 1971 who held the Chair of Evolutionary Studies in Paris, in Sojerion University. He said… ‘It is absurd - We cannot say who were our ancestors based on fossils’. I can give you a list of hundreds of scientists and Noble Prize winners who speak against Darwin’s theory… Hundreds. If you know of Sir Albert George who got the Noble prize for inventing… for inventing the Vitamin ‘C’ - He wrote the book ‘The Can’t Ape and Man’, against Darwin’s Theory. Again if you read, Sir Fred Hoyle’s work - he wrote several works against Darwin’s Theory. If you know about Ruperts Albert, this person wrote a new theory of evolution against Darwin’s Theory. from Forum

All humans possess similar linguistic abilities, and no child is born with a biological predisposition favoring any one language or type of language. That also means there is no primate alive that can be linked to humans except their ability to walk upright, and perhaps some of their bone structure. The evolution of humans from apes is only a theory that in fact has never been proven, but every documentary we see on television tries to shove this theory down our throats, even though they have no real evidence.
see Science Daily

Humans are unique. They are born with an ability to speak and learn. Of cource they inherent these traits from their parents. As they grow, they are taught many other skills. This ability to reason and learn is taken for granted because everyone has the ability. The ability to learn is in their DNA. But Neanderthals didn't have this in their DNA nor did they have the ability to reason or solve a mathmetical problem. Their DNA does not match that of modern humans. The use of language is one of the most conspicuous and diagnostic traits that distinguish Homo sapiens from other species. Unlike writing, spoken language leaves no trace. Hence linguists have to resort to indirect methods in trying to decipher the origins of language.

A 2003 study on Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, concluded that Neanderthals were far outside the modern human range, while Cro-Magnons were well in the average of modern Europeans. mtDNA retrieved from two Cro-Magnon specimens was identified as Haplogroup N. Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and its descendant haplogroups is found among modern Eurasian and Native American populations.

Here's the headline of one of the more recent stories; (Mar. 20, 2008) — New research adds to the evidence that chance, rather than natural selection, best explains why the skulls of modern humans and ancient Neanderthals evolved differently. CHANCE? Are you kidding?

They've done this before when they can't find a resonable explaination.... (Aug. 16, 2007) — "Chance, not natural selection, best explains why the modern human skull looks so different from that of its Neanderthal relative". They call this science? and see Skulls and see The origin of Language

ARDI, Sept 9th, 2009 So, 'In The Beginning', knowledge was not evil - it was necessary. God gave it to Eve that she might teach Adam. Cain was taught Agriculture and Abel was taught Animal Husbandry. Who taught them these skills? It is also noteworthy to point out these people were not the primitive 'hunter gatherers' scientists recognise as the first humans. It is clear they grew crops and raised livestock....or is the biblical story wrong?

On the other hand, will the scientists ever get it right? Wednesday, 9 September 2009: "Experts believe fossilised bones unearthed at the medieval village of Dmanisi in the foothills of the Caucuses, and dated to about 1.8 million years ago, are the oldest indisputable remains of humans discovered outside of Africa." The Ethiopian Afar town of Gewane in 1990. The volcano "Ayelu" is in the background. The local Afar people work with the scientists in the field as guides, guards, excavators, and fossil collectors.

And by the way, Ham, Noah's grandson is descended from the Afar tribe as we learned on Forbidden 1.

The Hamitic (Ham) people were not negro as evidenced by this Oromo tribesman and the (2) Afar tribe who are the descendents of Cush. Oromo Tribesman Compair this tribesman to the golden funeral mask of King Tut.

The Afar- They are a dark brown people with Caucasian features, similar to the darker Somali and Oromo. They are likewise distantly related to the ancient Beja group of peoples, who are Southern Cushites, and related in turn to the ancient Egyptian race.

History: Little is known of the actual specific history of the Afar people. The Afar claim a descent from Arabs, through a mythic Yemeni ancestor, though they differ racially, linguistically and culturally.This kind of cultural geneological adoption is common among Semitic and Cushitic peoples, such as some Somali clans, who also claim Yemeni Arab descent. Sometimes this reflects cultural ties from an earlier historical period or actual instances of intermarriage, perhaps for a defense alliance. also see The Afar tribe

"Before our findings, the prevailing view was that humans came out of Africa almost 1 million years ago, that they already had sophisticated stone tools, and that their body anatomy was quite advanced in terms of brain capacity and limb proportions. But what we are finding is quite different," Professor Lordkipanidze said.

This the currently excepted theory and that's all it is, a theory! Could we except that humans like Adam and Eve were here 1.8 million years ago? see Neanderthal Skull: "Discovering Ardi" Is An Exclusive Discovery Special that first aired on Oct. 11, 2009 at 9/pm. C an you except that your ancestor looked like this? see Ardi and Human evolution We do not think this creature has anything to do with Adam and Eve.

There is a reason scientists keep finding bipedality in apes in Africa, and now Caucuses. But like the famous "Lucy", it has nothing to do with humans.

So why do scientists try to link modern humans with these Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon pre-humans? It seems they refuse to acknowledge that there might be a different answer than what the so-called science reveals. On the other hand, the church, based on scripture, claims God make us. Is it possible that God made Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons too and they didn't 'evolve' like the scientists proclaim? see our page Hiram Index 5 - The Giants

According to the evolutionists, the australopithecines are known only from Africa and are believed to be the earliest known true hominids. None has ever been found in Europe or Asia. UNTIL now! They had ape-sized brains; their average cranial capacity ranged from 413 to 530 cc. They had strong jaws with large teeth. Like modern gorillas the adult males were much larger than the females. The babies probably took approximately the same length of time to grow up as a modern chimpanzee and gorilla. Size: 8"L, 6"W, 7 1/4"H Origin: Africa Age: 3.6 to 2.9 million years ago.
Where they were found - Gauteng which is in South Africa. see the map on this link.

This page says; "Developed from an as yet possibly unknown common ancestor independently." Australopithecines lived from 3.7 to 1 million years ago. They are not ancestral to the genus Homo, which includes modern humans. Both Paranthropus and Homo genera were more advanced in their behavior and habits than Australopithecus, which were little more than bipedal chimpanzees. It has been suggested that the bipedal australopithecines may possibly be the ancestors of the non-bipedal modern chimpanzees and gorillas, a result of adaptation for reduced neotony (Neotony / Paedomorphism: A process by which an organism retains characteristics of an earlier form of development, often embryonic.) ...("The First Chimpanzee", John Gribbin/Jeremy Cherfas, 2nd ed 2002). The photo is also a link to the Wikipedia encyclopedia.

The evolution of man from apes is nothing more than fiction because they will not admit that the 'creators' were smarter than us and used DNA to create the 'slaves' and us! Even Darwin himself was unhappy about the soulless nature of his theory and he strove to find the answer one way or another. The Anunnaki creation theory is the only one that fits.

In the twentieth century, scientists made some crucial discoveries of ancient hominid remains, such as Java Man and Peking Man. These near-humans, however, were too "young" compared to much of the previously accepted evidence for humans or near-humans. The new evidence seemed stronger, so the mainstream shifted: the oldest eoliths were now disparaged as mere naturally-broken rocks, the geological evidence challenged, and old-fashioned ad hominem attacks launched against their discoverers. Through subsequent controversies and adjustments, the old views were forgotten, and we arrive at the currently accepted view that humans evolved in Africa, and that tool-making began no more than 3 million years ago.

Newly discovered evidence; Scientists have found the oldest beads used for ornamental and decorative purposes by humans. These beads date back approximately 100,000 years, 25,000 years earlier than any previous discovery.

The results of the study were reported in today's issue of the journal 'Science.' Scientists from University College London and the National Center for Scientific Research in Talence, France wrote the report.

The beads were made of mollusk shells that were discovered years ago in Israel and Algeria. These beads are similar to those found in the Blombos Cave in South Africa. The Blombos cave dated back 75,000 years.

Shortly after the discovery of the Blombos Cave, scientists tried to locate similar pieces in other museums worldwide. They located the pieces discovered in the 1930s and 1940s at archaeological sites in Skuhl, Israel, and in Oued Djebbana, Algeria.

Amazingly, the beads were nearly identical. They were made from the same species, Nassarius gibbosulus, a scavenging marine snail that lives in shallow waters. They also had similar perforated holes.

The Algerian beads had sediment in them dating back 90,000 years while those found in Israel had 100,000 year old sediment. from Elite TV, a sub link from Graham Hancock's web page.

The anomalies in Forbidden Archaeology don't all come from dusty Victorian journals. One interesting discovery was made by the venerable Louis Leakey himself. Convinced that humans inhabited the Americas for far longer than generally thought, he began excavating the Calico site in California in 1964. Many stone tools were found, dated by standard methods as roughly 200,000 years old. Still, conventional opinion continues to hold that humans crossed into the Americas from Siberia only about 35,000 years ago.

Not content with anomalies, the authors also challenge currently accepted evidence. For example, they quote others who claim that the Java Man and Lucy fossils are not as near-human as generally believed, and interpret them as hominids that coexisted with humans of modern form. from
Forbidden Archeology

The conclusion; The 'slaves' were found only in South Africa and in the area we identified as the Garden of Eden, in Iraq..
The article continues; All present Australopithecus fossils were found in the south region of Africa. The reason why this species is named Australopithecus, meaning "South African ape" is because these animals have very similar characteristics to the apes living in our day. Male Australopithecus are between 1-1.20 meter tall. The height of female Australopithecus is only the half of the male's just like contemporary apes.

The first fossils which were alleged to belong to this species were found in a coal mine in 1924 in South African Taung region. The first fossil defined as Australopithecus consisted of the face and mandibulars of a young ape and a 410 cc. cranial capacity. The discoverers of the fossil took it to professor Dr. Raymond Dart, a professor of anatomy, from Witwater University.

On the first step of this imaginary evolution diagram is a hypothetical "common ancestor" which has not yet been discovered. According to this story, the primitive man diverted from this common ancestor 7 million years ago through evolution and gradually developed into a bipedal man by time who well adopted to walking skills in about 3-4 million years. These creatures named "Australopithecus" (South African monkey) evolved into "Homo habilis" who were able to use tools; and Homo habilis were replaced by "Homo erectus" which were upright walking men from the beginning of the year of 1.8 million. Homo erectus were respectively followed by "Homo sapiens archaic" which is not much different from today's man, "Homo sapiens neanderthalis", "Cro-magnon man" and the modern human being named "Homo sapiens sapiens".

Here is the core of this story. The basic goal of the theory of evolution is actually to impose this theory on people as if it were true by using all kinds of methods. During this course, psychological methods are also employed in addition to the "scientific" ones. Giving attractive names to the skull fossils found, arranging these one after the other in an array and delineating them in diagrams, are the most apparent methods used for psychological persuasion purposes. The "scientific" atmosphere created with the effect of these Latin names is enough to convince the "ordinary man" that these imaginary species created on paper really existed.

The theory of evolution is based on the hypothesis that the contemporary man of today has evolved from its primate (ape) ancestors splitting off from them 4-10 million years ago. Although no consensus has been reached by the evolutionary researchers, the generally accepted list of imaginary ancestors of today's man are as follows:
-Australopithecus or "South African ape"
-Homo habilis or "tool using man"
-Homo erectus or "upright walking man"
-Archaic homo sapiens or "old modern man"
-Homo sapiens sapiens or "modern man"

According to the evolutionists the first ancestors of man called Australopithecus, were creatures which had some humanlike but mostly apelike characteristics. Some species of the Australopithecus have allegedly become extinct and the others have developed into the Homo (human) series. According to the evolutionists, the Australopithecus series had mainly apelike characteristics and the Homo series had common characteristics with the man of our day. Especially Homo erectus and its subsequents were almost identical with the contemporary man.

The scheme on the evolution of man which is sought to be kept alive, is actually based on extremely subjective interpretations, distortions and even forgeries of the evolutionists. In short, evolution of man is only a deception just like all the other thesis of the theory of evolution…
see Debunking the evolution theory

God created Man, just not the way it is described in Genesis!

Another complete explaination which coincides with this is offered on our Enuma Elish series.

Ancient cities - Man made structures

February 16, 2002 - Sunken City Off India Coast - How old is it? - 7500 B.C.? - 10 000 B.C.? - 50 000 B.C.?

Surat, India - A month ago in mid-January, marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). Not only are there sonar shapes with 90-degree angles, the Indian Minister of Science and Technology ordered that the site be dredged. What was found has surprised archaeologists around the world and was the subject of a private meeting two weeks ago attended by the Indian Minister in charge of investigating the underwater site about thirty miles off the coast from Surat.

An American who traveled to that private meeting was Michael Cremo, researcher in the history of archaeology for the Bhakti Vedanta Institute in India and author of the book Forbidden Archaeology. I talked with him today in India about the dredging operation, what the ocean engineers found and the implications of first carbon dating of artifacts at more than 9,000 years.

Their comment; "Even if we don't know what the cultural background of the people is, if it does happen to be a city that is 9500 years old, it is older than the Sumerian civilization by several thousand years. It is older than the Egyptian, older than the Chinese. So it would radically affect our whole picture of the development of urban civilization on this planet." We disagree with this - it is much older.

The most archaic Sanskrit (Devanagari) is that of the Vedas, multiple books written in thousands of hymns and verses arranged in song cycles. The Vedas say that "God-men" brought Sanskrit to Earth men as a language of musical tones.

Is there a possibility that there could have been some sort of non-human co-habitation on the continent of India let's say 50,000 years ago that could explain all of the Vedas?

In Kashmir, the valley of Kashmir, it appears it was many years ago a lake. Now, there is an ancient Sanskrit manuscript that tells of a lake that existed in that area, so that account is there in some ancient writings. Now, according to modern geological reporting, about 40,000 years ago Kashmir was indeed a lake in the valley of Kashmir in northern India. It was covered by a huge lake and it was blocked on the southern end by a little range of mountains. And at a certain point, something happened and it broke open and the lake drained out. That happened about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. So, it is interesting that you've got this ancient historical record that talks about this lake. And if it is to be taken literally, then it means that somebody must have seen this lake as it existed 50,000 years ago and wrote about it."

The first objects unearthed from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were small stone seals inscribed with elegant depictions of animals, including a unicorn-like figure in upper left, and marked with Indus script writing which still baffles scholars. These seals are dated back to 2500 B. C. Mysterious white rings made of brick dot the landscape where Harappan people lived, but archaeologists do not know the function. One guess is platforms for spreading and drying of grains. Source: North Park University, Chicago, Illinois. Book: Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson

Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The recently discovered bridge currently named as Adam's Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long. Between India & Sri Lanka
source - see
Bridge and Neolithic

The bridge's unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the a primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago and the bridge's age is also almost equivalent.


Discovered and excavated by Kathleen Kenyon in her Trench I, the Neolithic tower was built and destroyed in Pre-Pottery Neolithic A, which Kenyon dated to 8000-7000 B.C. The 8m diameter tower stands 8m tall and was connected on the inside of a 4m thick wall.

On the basis of this discovery, archaeologists have claimed that Jericho is the "oldest city in the world." Clearly such monumental construction reflects social organization and central authority, but there are good reasons to question both its dating to the 8th millennium B.C. and its function as a defensive fortification.

Jericho, which they claim is the world's first city, was built in the Stone Age sometime between 11,000 and 10,000 years ago. The wild grasses its inhabitants gathered were later domesticated. That is, they were genetically engineered via selective breeding to produce ever fatter seeds. We know the results today as wheat and barley. How did they know how to genetically engineer plants?

Howard Bloom; The most prominent literary record of Jericho's existence appears in The Old Testament. In its pages Joshua's priests blow seven trumpets on seven days to bring the walls of the city down. By the time this could have taken place, Jericho was an old city, a very old one. During its previous 7,000 years, its walls had crumbled many a time. Some collapses had been caused by earthquake. Others had apparently been the result of military assault. Little do those who read of Jericho in the Bible suspect that the real importance of the place lays not in its appearance in a holy book, but in its status as the world's first metropolis and in its role, as Global Brain shows, as a catalyst which would change the nature of human identity. see Jericho and see Neolithic War

Back to the archaeological record

The early history of man in Iran goes back well beyond the Neolithic (8.000 - 5.500 BC) period, it begins to get more interesting around 10,000 BC, when people began to domesticate animals and plant wheat and barley. The number of settled communities increased, particularly in the eastern Zagros mountains, and handmade painted pottery appears. Throughout the prehistoric period, from the middle of the sixth millennium BC to about 3000 BC, painted pottery is a characteristic feature of many sites in Iran.

Catalhoyuk in Central Turkey is the most advanced among all, but Cayonu in the Eastern turkey goes back to around 7,250-6,750 BC. which makes it the oldest Neolithic village in Tukey. The layout of Cayonu gives a square in the center of the town with some rectangular shaped monumental buildings and houses around it. Most of the buildings have the lower parts built out of stones and upper parts out of mud bricks. Apparently the people of this town knew the farming techniques and grew wheat, because many farming tools have been found at the site to prove this fact. Besides the farming, the domesticated various animals such as sheep and goats were also available in their towns. It is believed that the Dog was the first domestic animal of this period. Also, the figurines of a female deity found at the site are a clear evidence that the religion came to be an important event in their lives. Later, this female deity came to be known as the Mother Goddess of Anatolia, and has been worshipped for milleniums under the name " Cybele ".

Another site in the Western Turkey, called Hacilar has built a well advanced civilization following the above town Cayonu. This town has been dated back to 7,040 BC. The excavations made here have revealed that this town had produced agricultural produce such as wheat, barley and lentils. Also the remains of animals such as goat, sheep, dog and cow have been uncovered at the site.

When we look at scientists who are credited with the most important ideas of our time we find mainly Greeks, Europeans, Americans listed. Yet western history seems to have been arbitrarily begun during the Greek era. In fact, when we extend the boundaries of history to view the longer span of history we find some amazing developments predating "modern" history originating in India more than 5,000 years ago.

The ancient thinkers of India were not only scientists and mathematicians, but also deeply religious, esteemed saints of their time. While it may surprise some to think of religious sages as mundane scientists, the Indian view is that religion (universal) and science are but two sides of the same coin - in short… semantics. Whether one calls a natural phenomena wind or the wind god - Vayu - one is speaking of the same thing.

Yet it seems that having a spiritual foundation not only brought out important discoveries still in use today, but these discoveries also were helpful without causing harm or destruction.

Around 800 BCE Sage Bharadwaj, was both the father of modern medicine, teaching Ayurveda, and also the developer of aviation technology. He wrote the Yantra Sarvasva, which covers astonishing discoveries in aviation and space sciences, and flying machines - well before Leonardo DaVinchi's time. Some of his flying machines were reported to fly around the earth, from the earth to other planets, and between universes. His designs and descriptions have left a huge impression on modern-day aviation engineers. He also discussed how to make these flying machines invisible by using sun and wind force. There are much more fascinating insights discovered by sage Bharadwaj.

Sage Kanad (circa 600 BCE) is recognized as the founder of atomic theory, and classified all the objects of creation into nine elements (earth, water, light or fire, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul). He stated that every object in creation is made of atoms that in turn connect with each other to form molecules nearly 2,500 years before John Dalton. Further, Kanad described the dimension and motion of atoms, and the chemical reaction with one another. The eminent historian, T.N. Colebrook said, "Compared to scientists of Europe, Kanad and other Indian scientists were the global masters in this field."

Sage Aryabhatt (b. 476 CE) wrote texts on astronomy and mathematics. He formulated the process of calculating the motion of planets and the time of eclipses. Aryabhatt was the first to proclaim the earth was round, rotating on an axis, orbiting the sun and suspended in space. This was around 1,000 years before Copernicus. He was a geometry genius credited with calculating pi to four decimal places, developing the trigonomic sine table and the area of a triangle. Perhaps his most important contribution was the concept of the zero. Details are found in Shulva sutra. Other sages of mathematics include Baudhayana, Katyayana, and Apastamba.

Algebra, arithmetic and geometry, planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, and mathematical techniques. The force of gravity.

In the field of mathematics, Bhaskaracharya II (1114 - 1183 CE) contributed to the fields of algebra, arithmetic and geometry. Two of his most well known books are Lilavati and Bijaganita, which are translated in several languages of the world. In his book, Siddhant Shiromani, he expounds on planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, and mathematical techniques. Another of his books, Surya Siddhant discusses the force of gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac Newton. Sage Sridharacharya developed the quadratic equation around 991 CE.

Due to their intense spiritual life, they developed such power of discrimination (vivek). Spirituality gives helpful direction and science brings speed. With a core of spirituality, modern scientists' discoveries can quickly bring only helpful ideas to help humanity. While Einstein is credited with the idea that one can travel faster than the speed of light, it was written about centuries before in the ancient Vedic literature. Perhaps it was Einstein's association with the famed Indian physicist, Bose that led to his introduction to the views about the speed of light. Through deep meditation and reading the ancient Vedic texts, who knows what our modern-day scientists will discover?

Around 2700 years ago, as early as 700 BCE there existed a giant University at Takshashila, located in the northwest region of India.
Not only Indians but also students from as far as Babylonia, Greece, Syria, Arabia and China came to study.
68 different streams of knowledge were on the syllabus. Experienced masters taught a wide range of subjects.
Vedas, Language, Grammar, Philosophy, Medicine, Surgery, Archery, Politics, Warfare, Astronomy, Accounts, commerce, Futurology, Documentation, Occult, Music, Dance, The art of discovering hidden treasures, etc.
The minimum entrance age was 16 and there were 10,500 students.
The panel of Masters included renowned names like Kautilya, Panini, Jivak and Vishnu Sharma. source see Amazing Science

Where it all started

“This civilization called Egyptian in our period developed for a long time in its early cradle . . . This cycle of civilization, the longest in history, presumably lasted 10,000 years. This is a reasonable compromise between the long chronology (based on data provided by Manetho -the last student of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Anu at Alexandria before it was invaded by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE-- which places the beginning at 17,000 BCE) and the short chronology [3100 BCE] of the moderns - for the latter are obliged to admit that by 4245 BCE the Egyptians had already invented the calendar (which necessarily requires the passages of thousands of years).”

The Min Pallate Consequently, on earth at the Spring Equinox of 10,500 BC the ground plan position of the Sphinx Rock Sculpture pointed directly east across the Nile River to the helically rising Constellation Leo on the eastern horizon. The First (“Great “ of Khufu) Pyramid, the Second (Khefra) Pyramid and Third (Menkare) Pyramid on the ground reflected their analogous celestial positions in the Orion (Ori-Anu) Constellation as its Belt Stars of Al Nitak, Al Nilam and Mintaka respectively. Further explainations come from Uriel's Machine by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.

For this reason we find that all the great ancient civilizations, having this basic knowledge, centered their activities around a structure which embodied this knowledge, in as perfect a degree as they were capable of assessing. There was always a structure—a building, a temple, a pyramid, a complex sculpture or some such object—that captured this knowledge and served as a point of focus for the collective energies and a point of reception of the cosmic dynamic which needed to be synthetically absorbed into the Earth’s atmosphere—a ‘model of the universe,’ as they are sometimes called. These were microcosmic replicas of the beyond in relation to the Earth; above all, they held the key to the civilization’s being in Time.

More than a particular structure with its corresponding features, e.g. a pyramid with is shafts connecting the so-called King and Queen’s chambers to certain stars at certain times by pointing directly to them; a complex of such structures mirroring an entire constellation— particularly, the constellation of Orion on the lands of Egypt. For the ancient Egyptians, the construction was so accurate that the size of the various pyramids corresponded in relation with the intensity of the brightness of the individual stars in Orion. And more, the pyramids in this structural layout, corresponded in relation to the Nile as Orion was related to the stream of stars forming the Milky Way Galaxy. The entire country was a consecrated expression of sacred space.

…the Ancient Egyptians correlated the Nile with the ‘celestial river’ i.e., the Milky Way, and this was known even by the Greeks. From the time of Homer, the Nile was associated with the mythical sky river called either Okeanos or Eridanus. The Hellenic historian, A.B. Cook, was of the opinion that Eridanus (which today is a faint constellation formed by a strong of stars joining Rigel to Alchermor) was ‘at the outset none other than the Milky Way,’ and that in pre-Greek times, Okeanos ‘simply meant the Galaxy’ i.e. the Milky Way. more...see Sacred Space

We have found more evidence that Khufu did not build the great pyramid.
see.. The Inventory Stella

The Nile River flows south to north just east of the Giza Limestone Rock Plateau on earth analogous to the celestial Milky Way spanning the length of our galaxy just east of the Orion Constellation in the sky along a south to north course. This connects with the words of Thoth seen on Passage of Secrets 2. this info came from.. Questionable Facts

Note; The above page hosts a controversial theory. We do not agree that Anu or any other biblical hero was black as referenced by the godly figure on the previous page who had blond hair, blue eyes and light skin. The Sumerian texts report that the Egyptian people were light skined with straight black hair as we have seen in numberous Egyptian motifs. As the people became mixed they sported black wigs to carry on a sign of the pure blood race. Not all dark skined people are 'black'. We continue this debate on.. Bogus Masons

Moreover, esoterically, at the Vernal (spring) Equinox of 10,500 BC, marking the beginning of the Astonomical Age of Leo the DJESAH Pyramid (Giza Egypt/Kemit) Plateau Complex located just west of the Nile River on a limestone rock plateau at the earth’s 30 degree North Latitudinal Line; had the ground plan position of the Sphinx Rock Sculpture and the 3 Pyraminds facing exactly due east. Together they mimicked on the ground the celestial position of the unique convergence of the Constellation Leo (rising helically due east above the horizon) with the Constellation of Orion (Ori-Anu, aligned due south on the dissecting north-south Meridian Line) in the sky over the Anu Djesah Pyramid (Giza Egypt/Kemit) Plateau Complex. Consequently, in the sky at the spring equinox of 10,500 BC, the celestial position of the Constellation Leo helically rose exactly east of the Milky Way on the Eliptical Path of the Sun and converged with the Constellation Orion (Ori-Anu) lying just west of the Milky Way exactly on the north-south Meridian line at 9 degrees 20' ’latitude south in the sky over the Anu Djesah Pyramid(Giza Egypt/Kemit) Plateau Complex.

Esoterically, prior to the Spring Equinox of 10,500 BC, from the Rule of the Gods on Earth (34,525 BCE) to the evaporation of the Nile valley lakes (4,600 BCE) . . . . the astronomer, architecture and temple engineering priests of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Anu, known in the Bible as the School of On, designed, surveyed and constructed the Djesah Pyamid Plateau Complex. It was the main instructional university campus based on the 42 Books of DJEHUTI, the “Moon God” and was the spirituality system initiation and training center of the Aten Ptah. The leaders and staff of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School of the ANU from TA-NETJER (“God’s Land”) were by definition priests who had attained spiritual deification and become ‘human gods’ called in the ancient documents of Egypt/Kemit as the aakhu-hammet or ‘Sun People’.

By 4241 BCE they had worked out the Sidereal Calendar and by 4100 BCE they were using the PER-UM-HERU (“Book of Coming Forth by Day”). The School of Anu trained amongst others Vizar Imhotep (2650 BCE), Pharaoh Amenemhet III (“Memnon” 1843 to 1797 BCE), Pharoah-Queen Hatshepsut (1484-1462 BCE), Pharaoh Thuthmoses III and IV, and his Prime Minister YU-SEFI or YU-SEP (Joseph of the Bible, 1500-1429 BCE. At the Temple of WA-SET built by Amenhotep III (1391 BCE), students Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti (1350-1340 BCE), Thales (600 BCE), Plato (400 BCE, studied 11 years), Socrates (15 years), Aristotle (11-13 years) Euclid (20 years), studied along with Pythagoras, Solon, Archemides, Euripides, Herodotus and 80,000 other students.

“Thoth, Thot, or Hermes as he was known to the Greeks is the last divine personage of the ancient pre-dynastic Anu. . . . To Thoth we may attribute writing, medicine, chemistry, law, rhetoric, the higher aspects of mathematics, astronomy and astrology, not to mention the early Egyptian understanding of the intricate dynamics of universal order.

Thoth or Thot was divine mind. He was known as the messenger of the gods . . . . The word ‘thought’ is derived from this deity’s name Thoth. Francis Barret said of Thoth, ‘If God ever appeared in man, he appeared in him.” Legend holds that Thoth was the grand architect of the Great Pyramid aided by a high priest named RA or Ra Ta, and Isis, as counselor and advisor. This is said to have taken place in the year 10,490 BCE. The fourth century philospher Iamblichus (330 CE), attributes to Thoth the writing of 1,100 books and Seleucus estimates no less than 20,000 of his works were done before the period of Menes. Eusebius saw but forty-two of these books in his time (360 CE). . . . Tradition declares that on the dead body of Thoth, at Hebron, was found by an initiate, the tablet known as the Smaragdine (the Emerald Tablet). . . . From this tablet evolved the key to comprehending the axioms of the universe and how they affect mankind; the book came to Be known as the KYBALION.’ (Kaballah?)
Wayne Chandler, Of Gods and Men: Egypt’s Old Kingdom, 1989

Some of the works of ancient pre-Masonry still exist in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and in the Pyramid Texts. There are yet other works inscribed on the walls of the pyramid of Unas, where the initiation ritual was conducted, that have not yet been deciphered due to the ancient coding used.
See an image of the Pyramid of Unas This pyramid contains 'the pyramid text', which researchers are still studying. Many more secret rituals are on it's walls and when we understand what they are, we will move on the the next level of ancient secret knowledge.

On our Atlantis series you will see a story that was believed to be myth, we think it is not. The writings of Plato and the teachings of Socrates confirm this. Science was the key to finding God. There was not a philosopher of any notoriety who did not hold to the doctrine of metempsychosis, as was traught by the Brahmans, Buddhists, and later by the Pythagoreans, in it's esoteric sence. Origen and Clement Alexandrinus, Synesius and Chalcidius, all believed in it; and the Gnostics, who are unhesitatingly proclaimed by history as a body of the most refined, learned, and enlightened men, were all believers in metempsychosis. Socrates entertained opinions are identical with those of Pythagoras; and both as a penalty of their divine philosophy, were put to a violent death by the church. Their theories thus have been proven to be correct. If we combine science with religion we make sence of both.

Continued on Forbidden 2. More on the 'US' in Genesis.

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"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" -- Albert Einstein