Masonic Emblem

Other Masonic Links


The Grand Lodge of Georgia

The Official Domain and Home Page of The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of Georgia.

DMOZ Open Directory Project

DMOZ Open Directory Project Links to over 4,000+ English language Masonic Craft or Blue Lodge web sites worldwide.

The Commission on Information for Recognition

Organized by The Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America. Collects and disseminates information on Grand Lodges relative to their Legitimacy of Origin; Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction; and Adherence to the Ancient Landmarks.

A Page About Freemasonry

This site provides a wealth of information about freemasonry.  It is easy to navigate and it provides many useful links to other information sources.

Masonic Dictionary

This site provides an online reference organized alphabetically, like a dictionary. Contains word definitions, articles and downloads.

Masonic Information by Paul Bessel

Paul Bessel has captured and cataloged a great deal of information pertaining to Freemasonry.  There are lists, links, facts, clip art, etc., that you will probably find interesting and helpful.

Masonic Presidents  

Hosted by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, this tour consists of a series of photographed portraits and the (facsimile) signature of each Masonic President of the United States, along with a brief record of his Masonic career. 

Masonic Renewal Committee of North America, Inc.

The Masonic Renewal Committee is sanctioned by the Annual Conference of Grand Masters to develop Programs and Products to assist the Symbolic and Grand Lodges undertake Masonic Renewal throughout North America.

Freemasonry Revealed

By Reynold S. Davenport, this narrative deals only with the bare essentials of Masonic history, concerning itself primarily with providing a simple and factual account of the fraternity as it has revealed itself to a member of some twenty years' standing. It is the author's hope that this account will dispel some of the existing confusion and that it will prove interesting and revealing to Masons and non-Masons alike.

Anti-Masonry: Points of View

Examines objections of, and those objecting to, the world's oldest & largest fraternity. Also provides a good overview of Freemasonry to share with the curious. Includes answers to religious objections and claims that Freemasonry is a religion or religious substitute.

The Masonic Information Center.

The Masonic Information Center is a division of The Masonic Service Association. The Center was founded in 1993 by a grant from John J. Robinson, well-known author, speaker, and Mason. Its purpose is to provide information on Freemasonry to Masons and non-Masons alike and to respond to critics of Freemasonry. The Center is directed by a Steering Committee of distinguished Masons geographically representative of the Craft throughout the United States and Canada.

The Shriners of North America

The Shriners of North America is an international fraternity of approximately 500,000 members throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada and Panama.

The Shrine's official philanthropy is Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of 22 hospitals that provide expert, no-cost orthopaedic and burn care to children under 18.

Masonic Hitch Covers

If your car or truck has a trailer hitch, then you owe it to yourself to check out these custom hitch covers. Each hitch cover is signed and numbered by its creator, Norman Allen. provides free Masonic web hosting along with many other supporting resources.  (They provide the hosting service for this web site.)

