"The Marriage of Jesus and Mary"

The Truth the Church has Hidden for 2000 years

The Marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

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The Bride of God in the Old Testament

Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah all describe Israel, The Chosen People, as The Bride of Yahweh/Jehovah. These prophets paint God as a Divine Husband, at times angry and jealous, at times loving and joyous. The Israelites were surrounded with images of a Divine Husband and Wife from the "heathen" cultures around them. The Goddess "Asherah (sometimes called Ashtoreth, Astarte, or Anat) and her Divine Consort, Baal, appear multiple times throughout the Old Testament as the Israelite prophets seek to eradicate their influence -- not very successfully, judging from their own accounts. The word 'Heathen' and the word 'Heretic' may not be as such because we find that Yahweh/Jehovah is a false god.

Why the grail has mistakenly been made to represent a cup; The "chalice" is an ancient symbol for the sacred feminine and the ancient goddesses are often associated with the "Vesica Piscis"--the () shape identified in the Greek New Testament gematria with "h Magdalhnh," the epithet given to the Mary whom early Christians identified with "the tower/stronghold" in the prophetic book of Micah.
Margaret Starbird, Magdalene’s Lost Legacy

The Sacred Marriage & The Ancient Goddesses

As we discussed on Passage-God's Wife, Heiros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage, was an ancient ceremony in which a king must wed the Goddess symbolically through a priestess. Thus the King gained power to rule the land, and the fertility of the land was ensured.

Through participating in the ritual, the king agreed to sacrifice his life for his people. Sometimes the king's life was called for, and he was ritually sacrificed. In some of the oldest surviving literature, written on clay tablets in Sumeria, the rite of Heiros Gamos is described. The rite includes mourning the dead king, recalling images of the Pieta, shown here. Mary Magdalene is associated with this rite as well.

THE NAG HAMMADI CODICES found near Qumran (like the Dead Sea scrolls), ancient centre of the Essenes, were a reflection of Platonism and Eastern dualism religion, Zoroastrianism. They have brought additional Gospels to the fore including that of Mary Magdalene - her true importance is said to have been excluded from the Bible by Peter (and the Roman Catholic Church) who denied Christ and detested women, especially educated ones, seeing them as the gateway to the Devil, even denying they had souls.

The Nag Hammidi writings prove there was a different story to be told than what the bible tells us. A major portion of these writings, because they are Gnostic, (pre-christian) completely contradict what is written and what is taught by church fathers of today.

While searching for information on the Sicambrian Franks, we found this web site. When Solomon died, the ten tribes separated. Later in 721 B.C they went into Assyria (Iraq) and Media (Iran), except for the tribe of Dan which went into Ethiopia, Danmark, Scotland, and Ireland. (The Roman Emperor who defeated the Bar Kochba rebellion 1n 132-136A.D, also tried to conquer the Jews in Scotland.) A review from an actual bloodline descendent of Jesus. The genealogy continues from the records of the Demarest Museum in Demarest, New Jersey, USA. The History of the Des Marets Family

From the above site; Joseph (2nd Joseph of Arimathea) King Arviagus of Silurian granted this son land in Glastonbury, at a time when Roman imperialism was on the rise and this led to many unions between the Druids, the Celts, and the Messianic line. Colchester was then called Camulod (Camulodunum) and is presumed to be the possible Camelot of later legends. Research indicates the British Isles have always been home to Jesus grandparents and parents, and they owned extensive properties in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and well into Egypt and the Holy Land. This son was well known as a wealthy metal trader in the tradition of his ancestors, like Old Testament Tubal-cain and Hiram Abiff. History records the stoning to death (figurative? Or literal?) of this son in AD 62 in Glastonbury, where he is buried.

Divine Highness

The accounts of Joseph of Arimathea and young Jesus in south western Britain focus on three separate occasions. The first relates to a time when Joseph and Jesus voyaged to Marazion in Cornwall. The second recounts a time when they were at the Mendip village of Priddy in Somerset. Thirdly is the account of young Jesus dedicating the Ealde Chirch of Glastonbury to his mother in AD 64. Clearly, this could not have related to Jesus Christ and his mother Mary, but more likely to a younger Jesus and his mother, Mary Magdalene, as referred to by St Bridget.

Along with these traditions, another family member also makes his appearance in the annals — a foster-son of Joseph by the name of Josephes. He appears in an interpolation of William of Malmesbury’s De Antiquitate, which states that Josephes came to Britain with the noble knight Joseph of Arimathea. He also occurs in the Cronica sive Antiquitates Glastoniensis Ecclesiae by the monk John of Glastonbury, c1343. This work expands the role of young Josephes, explaining that he had been baptized by St Philip in Gaul, and that he became the chief of the Arimathea disciples in Glastonia.

To whatever extent these traditions might he true, they set a scene for two possible nephews of Joseph of Arimathea, the elder named Jesus and the younger named Josephes. The inference is that they were the sons of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. What we need to ascertain, however, is who precisely was Joseph of Arimathea. He was actually Jesus' brother James. James was indeed in Glastonbury in 35 AD. He returned after being stoned in Jerusalem in 62 AD.

Joseph makes his first and only New Testament appearance at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. He negotiated with the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, to have Jesus’ body removed from the cross before the Sabbath. Afterwards Joseph (James) had entombed the body of Jesus in accordance with Jewish custom, but had then treated him with herbs and medicines, and allowed him to go free. James had been arrested for this but had escaped from prison. A work called Le Conte del Graal by Chretien de Troys explains that Joseph was exiled from the holy land with the golden Grail that contained the blood of Jesus. (Mary Madgalene)
The Grail Enigma Laurence Gardner

On our 'Death of the disciples' series, we discussed how the Jerusalem church had split. Members of the Hasmonaean priestly family who led the revolt proclaimed themselves hereditary kings and high priests despite the fact that they were not the ancient high priestly linage. This caused outrage amongst the true priesthood, who set up their own community at Qumran at the lowest place on the surface of the earth in an attempt to maintain the purity of their own traditions. The Qumran community was originally a difficult alliance of Zadokite and Enochian priests formed in the aftermath of a shared disillusion with the Maccabean authority in Jerusalem. One clear implication is that a previously unidentified Enochian group also continued in it's pure form, as well as the hybrid form centered on Qumran.

Judas of Galilee, usually credited with founding the Zealots at the dawn of the Christain era, is also a 'zealot for the law' - and is attended by a high priest called Zadok. In the 'Acts of the apostles' 21:20, the Nazareans in Jerusalem - the so-called 'early Christians' are again described quite precisely, as being 'zealots for the law'. This group was a dynastic fundamentalist priesthood associated with the principal of a Davidic Messiah and extended from the second century B.C. through the period covered by the Gospels and the 'Acts of the Apostles'.

This priesthood was at war with the Romans. It was also at war with the "Herodian" Sadducees who were the puppets of Rome and in control of the Jerusalem Temple.. The Zodak priesthood is variously called Zealot, Essene, Zadokite and a number of other things - including, by their enemies, 'outlaws', and 'brigand'. They are described by Eisenman as 'violently apocalyptic' which is the same description used for John the Baptist.

Within the confines of the Qumran community the structure of the priesthood was passed down from King David. The Priesthood consisted of a Zadok Priest and a King. Every leader from Aaron and Moses was 'installed' into these offices. With the 'anointing' of the King, this structure continued for thousands of years. Because of Jesus' parentage, Joseph in the line of David, the kingly line from Judah and his mother in the line of Aaron, the priestly line, he became the first Priest - King. Only with this anointment preformed by a priestess which began in ancient Mesopotamian Sumer, could a man of Kingly decent actually become the King. With Jesus' Messianic anointment preformed by his wife Mary Magdalene, he became a King. James had been installed as the Zodak Priest after John's death.

This 15th century painting by Gerard David shows Jesus at the head of the table which would be the proper place for a bridegroom. The woman to his right with the red hair and crown is probably Mary Magdalene.

the wedding at Cana In more recent times we have the Da Vinci Code, Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Magdalene Legacy and the Jesus Papers that tell a similiar story. But this story didn't begin with these books. It has been circulating for hundreds of years and it began when Mary was said to have traveled by boat to a distant land. The story is told of the miracoulous arrival on the coast of Gaul in a rudderless boat which carried a very strange crew. On board were Mary Magdalene, her sister Martha and her brother Lazarus, accompained by an 'Egyptian', 'dark' child.

Christians intercede this with; "She was a slave girl!" We don't think so. 'Dark' alluded to wisdom or the wisdom of Sophia who is the wife of God in the Nag Hammidi scrolls. Isis was portrayed as black also, a sign of her great wisdom.

Jesus named her "Tamar" (Palm tree). The name Sarah denotes "Princess". So she was called 'Tamar the Sarah'. Tamar was the original matriarch of the Royal House of Judah (Genesis 37-38) and the name of King David's sister (2 Samuel 13:1). "Sarah is the 'dark' child they hid in Egypt. She is also known as Sara Kali, the black queen, venerated by all the gypsies in Europe." We discuss the children in more detail on the next page.

Many surpressed texts have been found. These texts were written by monks who didn't care about church dogma, but ascribed to historical events. Then we have bishops and Popes who, as you will see, tried to surpress original gospel and all historical records and hide it from the public.

While studying in respect of Mary Magdalene’s remains are those of the Dominican Order of the Friars Preachers. From 1295, one of their primary constitutional objectives was the basil­ica project at St Maxirnus Ia Sainte-Baume, as instigated by Pope Boni­face VIII. Mary was designated as the patron saint of the Order, which was also responsible for the convent of the Sisters of Saint Magdalen in Germany. Boniface VIII was against King Philip and sided with the Templars, tried to protect them and probably knew their secret. He was the last Pope to do so.

On 21 June 1306 secret policy discussions between Philip IV and his closest advisers culminated in a decision (also kept secret) to arrest and expel all the Jews from the kingdom of France. Orchestrating arrangements extremely subtly over the next month (with word of their plans not leaking out at all), the crown achieved a stunning surprise attack, the rounding up, seizure, and formal arrest of approximately one hundred thousand human beings--men, women, and children--in a single day (in una die), Friday, 22 July 1306, in a kingdom of about ten million people distributed, within its medieval borders, over nearly two hundred thousand square miles.

The last Jews to leave the kingdom did so in October. But at whatever date they were expelled, they left under the same condition, "on pain of death." Also, many suffered indignities and even death from "exhaustion and suffering" as they traveled into exile. No evidence survives that either sick people or women in advanced pregnancy were allowed to postpone their journeys. Some border princes refused to let them settle in their lands--in a sense, they reexpelled them.

Templar history records Grand Master Jaques De Molay's arrest on October 12, 1307.

It is fairly common in modern academic theological works for the Dominicans to take the blame for many of the atrocities of the Catholic Inquisitions. In recent times, (along with the Franciscans in particular) they have provided a convenient scapegoat for the popes, cardinals and bishops who were truly responsible for the hideous persecutions. From the earliest monastic days of Saints Cassian, Martin, Benedict, Columba and Patrick, there had been a continuing rivalry -- often an enmity - between the monks and the orthodox clergy. As John Cassian had said, ‘Monks should at all costs avoid bishops’.

The monastic regime was harsh and rigorous, as against the lavish lifestyles of the episcopal clerics. The monks were disciplined in the extreme and this was apparent in their undertakings, which included the collating and writing of historical records. Whether the churchmen liked it or not, the monks recorded events as far as they were able, and were not moved by politically motivated propaganda or ecclesiastical dogma. It was for this reason that Henry VIII Tudor dissolved and destroyed the monasteries in England. His ambition was to rid his realm of monastic libraries and artwork in an attempt to suppress historical education in favour of his self-styled notions and concepts. It was precisely the same tactic which had been employed by Emperoi Theodosius in AD 391, when he authorized Bishop Theophilus to sac and burn the ancient Library of Alexandria.

In contrast, the monks had endeavoured to compile and relate historical facts, and they generally understood the differences between history and dogmatic delusion. It was the Benedictine scholar, Cress and the Celtic monk, Gildas, who had written about early apostol visits to Britain, France and Spain. It was the Benedictine Ab Rabanus who had recorded Mary Magdalene’s flight to France, and it was the Dominican friar Père Lacordaire who published the Baume records of the Friars Preachers. While the Church bishops ~ busy denouncing Mary as a harlot and veiling her legacy, they were upholding her virtue and championing her corner.
The Magdalene Legacy - Laurence Gardiner

Going back 100 hundred years....

In the secret Gospel of Mark not included in the Gospels, we find Lazarus being 'raised'. St. Clement of Alexanderia (150-251 AD) wrote to his colleague Theodore and included this little known text. Clements letter discussed an unorthadox group called the Carpocrations, who were inspired by the teachings of Martha and Salome (that is Helena-Salome, the wife of Simon Lazarus, possibly Jesus' sister Salome). It decreed that some of the origional content of Mark was to be surpressed because it did not conform with orthodox requirement. Part of the surpressed text detailed Lazarus calling Jesus before the stone was rolled back. This makes it quite clear that he was not physically dead and that Jesus' act of 'raising' was not a supernatural miracle in the way it is protrayed in the gospel.

This text was discovered in the Tower Library of the monastery at Mar Saba, near Qumran by Morton Smith in 1958. It was included in the transcribed works of the first century works of St Ignatius of Antioch.

The 'other surpressed' part, relates to the behavior of Mary Magdalene in the context of this event. John 11:20-29 describes; "Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him; but Mary sat still in the house... (Martha) called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly and came unto him."

No reason is ventured for Mary’s hesitant behaviour but, apart from that, the passage seems straightforward enough - Martha left the house, but Mary stayed indoors until summoned by Jesus. The incident was described in much greater detail, however, in the suppressed portion of Mark. It explains that Mary did indeed come out of the house with Martha on the first occasion, but was then chastised by the disciples and sent back indoors to await Jesus’ instruction.

The fact is that, as Jesus’ wife, Mary was bound by a strict code bridal practice. She was not permitted to leave the house and greet her husband until she had received his express consent to do so. Johns account leaves Mary in her rightful place without explanation but the more detailed Mark text was expressly withheld because it made the marital reality too apparent. In Clement’s own words, it exposed the Truth rather than conveying the alternative ‘truth according to the faith’.
The rest of this story is on Christ's Mission

More connecting proof lays in the place of Martha's remains. The church is called the Collegiate Church of St. Martha in Tarascon. According to the will of St Caesaris of Arles, (470-542 AD) the church's name was originaly called St Mary of the Boat. Still today the vespers of the church include the words, "Come, thou bride of Christ, receive the crown which the Lord hath prepared for thee for ever. In respect of Martha, it is added in the lesson; "This is one of those wise virgins, whom the Lord found watching, for when she took her lamp, she took oil with her...And at midnight there was a cry made, behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. And when the Lord came, she went in with him to the marriage."
The Magdalene Legacy - Laurence Gardiner

Clues to the 'Wedding'

The Magdalene, or as she is described, the sister of Lazarus or Mary of Bethany, is the most important of all the women in the gospel.. She is the figure in the 'anointing of Jesus' which is strictly a wifely duty, before he rides to the gates of Jerusalem on the donkey. She is there at the cross. She was the first one to visit the tomb. In most of the paintings, she is wearing black. She is above all others even in her arrival at the tomb after the rock is rolled away. She is the first person to see Jesus after he is risen. She asks, " Where have they taken My Lord?" There is a reason for this. 'My Lord' means 'My Husband'.

The key to Mary Magdalene's status is in the original Greek word from which these translations were made. A 'consort' is, in dictionary terms, 'a royal spouce'; one who holds title in common', and the word used in the Gospel of Philip in this regard is koinonos 'Consort'. This word is absolutely explicit in meaning; it has positive conjugal connotations and relates expressly to a wedded partner.

How would Mary Magdalene have the right to claim Jesus' body as in John 20:15, if she were not his next of kin? The same applies to the 'anointing' at the burial which was a wifely duty.

The Marriage is not hidden, it is just not explained.
The first stage, the anointing in Luke, was the legal commitment to wedlock. The second stage, the anointing in Matthew, Mark and John, was the cementing of the contract of marriage. And in Jesus and Mary's case, the second anointing at Bethany was of express significance. Here the Grail story begins, because, as explained in books of Jewish law at the time and by Flavius Josephus in The Antiquities of the Jews, the second phase of this marriage ceremony was never conducted until the wife was three months pregnant.

The first anointing (Luke) took place in September in AD 30. The second anointing (John) occured immediately after Lazarus was 'raised' in March 33 AD. Then there was the wedding at Cana in June. This delay is because Mary did not conceive until December 32 AD.

Dynastic heirs such as Jesus were expressly required to perpetuate their lines. Marriage was essential, but the law had to protect them against marriage to women who proved barren or kept miscarrying, and this protection was provided by the three-month-pregnancy rule. Miscarriages would not often happen after that term, and once they got through that period it was considered safe enough to complete the marriage contract. When anointing her husband at this stage, the Messianic bride, in accordance with custom, was said to be anointing him for burial, but not a literal burial. This is confirmed in the Gospels.

The bride would from that day carry a vial of spikenard around her neck, for the rest of her husband's life; she would use it again on his spiritual entombment. Many paintings show Mary holding an alabaster jar. It was for this very purpose that Mary Magdalene would have gone to the tomb, as she did on the Sabbath after what has been called the crucifixion. There was no crucifixion and this was not his death! It was a ritual burial because Jesus caused an insurrection and he became excommunicated by Jewish law. This insurrection is clearly described by Josephus in his 'Wars of the Jews'.

Subsequent to the second Bethany anointing, the Gospels relate that Jesus said: "Wheresoever this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." In his famous rendering of the event, the Renaissance artist Fra Angelico actually depicted Jesus placing a crown on the head of Mary Magdalene. But despite the fact that Fra Angelico was a learned 15th-century Dominican friar, did the Christian Church authorities honour Mary Magdalene and speak of this act as a memorial of her? No; they did not. They completely ignored Jesus' own directive and denounced Mary as a whore. To the esoteric Church and the Knights Templars, however, Mary Magdalene was always regarded as a saint. She is still revered as such by many today, but the interesting part about this sainthood, when we think about Grail lore, is that Mary is listed as the patron saint of winegrowers, the guardian of the vine-the guardian of the Holy Grail, the guardian of the sacred bloodline... more see The Hidden History of Jesus

The rest on the flight into Egypt Mary Magdalene was head Sister of the Nazarite Order ( the equivalent of senior Bishop ) and was entitled to wear black. In parallel with the early reverence for Mary Magdalene, a cult known as that of the Black Madonna emanated from Ferrieres in AD 44. Amoung the many Black Madonna representations that still exist, one of the finest statues is displayed at Vervieres, Liege; she is totally black with a golden crown of royalty. In contrast to the black Madonna image, it was also common for Mary Magdalene to be portrayed wearing a red cloak, often over a green dress (representing fertility).

The red is intended ( like the scarlet of the hierodulai ) to signify Mary's high clerical rank. However the concept of red-caped women of religious rank infuriated the Vatican hierarchy and, despite the Church's seperate veneration of Jesus's mother, it was determined that she should not be diginified with the same privilege. In 1649, the bishops went so far as to issue a decree that all images of Jesus's mother should depict her wearing blue and white only. This had the effect that Jesus's mother Mary, although exalted by the Church was, nevertheless, denied any ecclesiastical recognition within the establishment. The painting by Gerard David 1510, is a defiance of the blue and white only regulation concerning Mary, showing a glimpse of cardinal red and the grapes of the Grail vine held in the baby's hands. Many paintings thought to be Jesus's Mother Mary are actually Mary Magdalene and her and Jesus's first child.

Mary Magdalene was accompanied to Egypt by a fellow migrant named Helena-Salome, believed to be Jesus' sister. Helena was also a high ranking priestess and allowed to wear the red robe of the heirodulai( Greek; sacred woman )Such high ranking females were greatly feared by Peter, for the likes of Helena were a constant threat to his own position. Likewise, the Roman church did not recognize such cardinal status in women and they were classified as whores and sorceresses. Thus, the once venerated image of the hierodulai was transformed and ( via medievel French into English ) they became 'harlots', to be disparaging referred to as 'scarlet women'.

The heirodulai(as represented by Inanna) was the most holy aspect of bridal ritual. Inanna, the goddess of light and fire, was later identified with Diana of the nine Fires (an-na being an Akkadian word meaning 'fire stone'). Her symbol, as shown on coins of the era, was the Rosi-crucis- The Dew Cup - a cross within a circle, the original emblem of the Holy Grail. This same symbol is located behind the head of "Jesus Christ" on the Vatican 100 Lire gold coin:

Vatican 100 Lire gold coin Following the revolt of Judea in the first century, and the sacking of Jerusalem by General Titus in 70 AD, the Roman overlords were reputed to have destroyed all records concerning the Davidic legacy of Jesus' family. The destruction was far from complete, however, and revelant documents were retained by the Messianic heirs, who brought the heritage from the holy land to Western Europe. The Books of Abdias Historia Certaminis Apostolici amounted 10 volumes of first hand Apostolic history. Like so many other texts, these were rejected by the Council of Carthage in 397 AD for their inclusion in the official cannon. It tells of the labours and deaths of the Apostles. Their comment in this; "for not a few of the writings that he used were originally Gnostic compositions, and abounded in speeches and prayers destined to spread that heresy." Heresy? - Hardley!

In his Ecclesiatical History Eusebius of Caesarea confirmed the writings of Africanus that the Messianic heirs were called the Desposyni - ancient Greek for "Heirs of or belonging to the Lord or Master." It was a hallowed style reserved exclusively for those in the same family descent as Jesus. The term Desposyni was apparently confirmed to Jesus' immediate relatives and heirs, as one might these days determine the hub of a dynastic royal family.

From the earliest days of the orthadox christian movement, all venerations of the female principal were regarded as heretics. Long before the time of Roman Emperor Constantine, church fathers such as Quintus Tertullian (who followed the opinions of Peter and Paul) set the scene against female involvement, stating;
"It is not permitted for a woman to speek in church, nor is it permitted for her to baptise, nor to offer the eucharist, nor to claim for herself a share in any masculine function - least of all in priestly office". This was a 'church doctrine', not a doctrine of Jesus.
The church called an unmarried woman a 'sinner', but almah means she was undergoing celibacy assessment in betrothal. The bishops decided that a sinful woman must be a whore and Mary was branded as such thereafter. Red became the color of a 'harlot' because the church ( Peter and Paul ) hated Mary Magdalene.

More Proof - Rosslyn; Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail Tim Wallace-Murphy, Marilyn Hopkins,
More and more proof seems to be surfacing that there is a different story to tell about the life of the man called Jesus. Historians and scholars are finding old manuscripts in many corners of the world that tell us Jesus lived a normal life, had a family and did not die on the cross. If the stories are connected, they all lead to the same conclusion. A new religion and a blind faith doctrine was invented to control the masses that is based on all the old pagan cults formed before the history of Babylon was written. Rome is responsible for this.
However this is not saying Jesus was a fake and did not heal the sick, and ask God to preform miracles, he did indeed. Sacred Magic was used and this is even described by Enoch and used repeatedly by Moses and Solomon. We found that the Temple Priests accused Jesus of having 'occult' knowledge theretofore only used by the priests in the temple at Jerusalem. They hated him for this.

Christ is the 'Son', not Jesus the man. This is the reason he taught the masses. Trying to make humans understand that there is a soul in all of us and it is seperate from the body in which it resides. That is why we say there is another story as to what he actually taught aside from the parables that were misinterupted. As we said Lazerus was 'raised from the dead', but not literally. The 'blind were made to see', but again not literally ect.
Jesus is called 'the bridegroom' in many places in the scriptures, now you know why?.

The Disciple that Jesus Loved

Here we review what Jesus said about marriage and his love for Mary Magdalene. Jesus had a "beloved disciple" was it Mary?

First from the writings of Peter and Thomas, in the Nag Hammadi codices we find contradictions that prove Peter hated women. In particular Mary Magdalene. One of them is this; Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."
Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Peter says, "As for the Wisdom who is called 'the barren', she is the mother of the angles. And the Companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalen.
"But Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on the mouth". The word 'mouth' is a substituted word but considering that it offended the disciples, it must have been the mouth. In the continuation of the text below He again uses the word 'mouth' with words that describe conceiving and giving birth. This continuation of the text is never discussed by theologians because it does reveal a sexual relationship.
"The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval. They said to him," why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered , "Why do I not love you like her?" When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."

Is it the mouth? Here might be the answer to the question. It is the rest of the text.

The heavenly man has many more sons than the earthly man. If the sons of Adam are many, although they die, how much more the sons of the perfect man, they who do not die but are always begotten. The father makes a son, and the son has not the power to make a son. For he who has been begotten has not the power to beget, but the son gets brothers for himself, not sons. All who are begotten in the world are begotten in a natural way, and the others are nourished from the place whence they have been born. It is from being promised to the heavenly place that man receives nourishment. [...] him from the mouth. And had the word gone out from that place, it would be nourished from the mouth and it would become perfect. For it is by a kiss that the perfect conceive and give birth. For this reason we also kiss one another. We receive conception from the grace which is in one another.

In John's Gospel 3:29, John quotes his relationship with Jesus; "He who hath the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him, rejoices exceedingly at the voice of the bridegroom. This my joy therefore is made full." In this text John the Baptist names his cousin Jesus as the surrogate Bridegroom of Israel. Not only is He now a bridegroom, he can take his rightfull position as King as well.

The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

Book of the Pistis Sophia The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ.
After he 'rose from the dead', his twelve disciples and seven women continued to be his followers, and went to Galilee onto the mountain called "Divination and Joy". And he taught them there for eleven more years.

CHAPTER 17. Now when he had said these things to his disciples, he said to them : "He who has ears to hear, let him hear".
Now it happened when Mariam heard these words as the Saviour was saying them, she stared for one hour into the air and said : "My Lord, command me that I speak openly".
Jesus, the compassionate, answered and said to Mariam : "Mariam, thou blessed one, whom I will complete in all the mysteries of the height, speak openly, thou art she whose heart is more directed to the Kingdom of Heaven than all thy brothers".

CHAPTER 24. It happened now when Jesus finished speaking these words to his disciples, Maria, the beautiful in her speech, came forward. The blessed one prostrated herself at the feet of Jesus and said : "My Lord, suffer me that I speak in thy presence, and be not angry with me because I trouble thee many times, questioning thee". The Saviour answered compassionately, he said to Maria: "Speak the discourse which thou dost wish, and I will reveal it to thee openly" "Maria answered and said to Jesus; "My Lord, in what manner would the souls be delayed outside or in what form will they be quickly purified?"

CHAPTER 25. However Jesus answered and said to Maria : "Excellent, Maria; Thou dost ask well with an excellent question and thou dost seek everything with certainty and with accuracy. Now indeed I will not conceal anything from you from this hour, but I will reveal everything to you with certainty and openly. Hear now, Maria, and give ear, all you disciples."

CHAPTER 36. It happened now, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, he said : "Do you understand in what manner I am speaking with you?" Peter leapt forward, he said to Jesus : "My Lord, we are not able to suffer this woman who takes the opportunity from us, and does not allow anyone of us to speak, but she speaks many times." Jesus answered, he said to his disciples : "Let him in whom the power of his Spirit has welled up so that he understands what I say, come forward and speak.

What Jesus taught that the church does not.

"In the legend of the mature Issa (Jesus) returned to Jerusalem to speak eloquently about the relationship between men and women. Hearken to what I say to you: Respect woman; for in her we see the mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation is to come through her. She is the fount of everything good and beautiful, as she is also the germ of life and death. Upon her man depends in all his existence, for she is his moral and natural support in his labors. In pain and suffering she brings you forth; in the sweat of her brow she watches over your growth, and until her death you cause her greatest anxieties. Bless and adore her, for she is your only friend and support on earth.

Respect her; defend her. In so doing you will gain for yourself her love; you will find favor before God, and for her sake many sins will be remitted to you. Love your wives and respect them, for they will be the mothers of tommorrow and later the grandmothers of the whole nation.

Be submissive to the wife, her love enobles man, softens his hardened heart, tames the wild beast in him and changes it to a lamb. Wife and mother are the priceless treasures which God has given to you. They are the most beautiful ornaments of the universe, and from them will be born all who will inhabit the world.

Even as the Lord of Hosts separated the light from the darkness and the dry land from the waters, so does woman possess the divine gift of calling forth out of man's evil nature all the good that is in him. Therefore I say unto you, after God, to woman must belong your best thoughts, for she is the divine temple where you will most easily obtain perfect happiness. Draw from this temple your moral force. There you will forget your sorrows and your failures, and recover the love necessary to aid your fellow-man. Suffer her not to be humiliated, for by humiliating her you humiliate yourselves, and lose the sentiment of love, without which nothing can exist here on earth.

Protect your wife, that she may protect you-you and all your household. All that you do for your mothers, your wives, for a widow, or for any other woman in distress, you will do for your God.
"So, I can't say whether it was from the Indian sources that he got this, or if it was his own inner intuition, but in any case there is an esoteric link between Jesus and Indian principles." source - see Djagguernat

Jesus says, in the Gospel of Philip, in the Nag Hammidi; "Great is the mystery of marriage! For without it, the world would not exist. Now the existence of the world [...], and the existence of [...] marriage. Think of the [...] relationship, for it possesses [...] power. Its image consists of a defilement".

We are fairly sure the important words here were delibertly edited out.

A bridal chamber is not for the animals, nor is it for the slaves, nor for defiled women; but it is for free men and virgins.

Whereas in this world the union is one of husband with wife - a case of strength complemented by weakness(?) - in the Aeon (eternal realm), the form of the union is different, although we refer to them by the same names. There are other names, however; they are superior to every other name that is named and are stronger than the strong. For where there is a show of strength, there those who excel in strength appear. These are not separate things, but both of them are this one single thing. This is the one which will not be able to rise above the heart of flesh.

Surely what a man accomplishes depends on his abilities. For this reason, we refer to one`s accomplishments as "abilities" . Among his accomplishments are his children. They originate in a moment of ease. Thus his abilities determine what he may accomplish, but this ease is clearly evident in the children. You will find that this applies directly to the image. Here is the man made after the image accomplishing things with his physical strength, but producing his children with ease.

If the woman had not separated from the man, she should not die with the man. His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this, Christ came to repair the separation, which was from the beginning, and again unite the two, and to give life to those who died as a result of the separation, and unite them. But the woman is united to her husband in the bridal chamber. Indeed, those who have united in the bridal chamber will no longer be separated. Thus Eve separated from Adam because it was not in the bridal chamber that she united with him.

No one can know when the husband and the wife have intercourse with one another, except the two of them. Indeed, marriage in the world is a mystery for those who have taken a wife. If there is a hidden quality to the marriage of defilement, how much more is the undefiled marriage a true mystery! It is not fleshly, but pure. It belongs not to desire, but to the will. It belongs not to the darkness or the night, but to the day and the light.

If a marriage is open to the public, it has become prostitution, and the bride plays the harlot not only when she is impregnated by another man, but even if she slips out of her bedroom and is seen. Let her show herself only to her father and her mother, and to the friend of the bridegroom and the sons of the bridegroom. These are permitted to enter every day into the bridal chamber. But let the others yearn just to listen to her voice and to enjoy her ointment, and let them feed from the crumbs that fall from the table, like the dogs. Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one shall be able to see the bridegroom with the bride unless he become such a one.

Indeed, one must utter a mystery. The Father of everything united with the virgin who came down, and a fire shone for him on that day. He appeared in the great bridal chamber. Therefore his body came into being on that very day. It left the bridal chamber as one who came into being from the bridegroom and the bride. So Jesus established everything in it through these. It is fitting for each of the disciples to enter into his rest. see all the above in The Gospel of Philip

The disciples mentioned in the Nag Hammidi CODICES are; Philip, Peter, Matthew, Andrew, James, Jesus' mother Mary and Mary Magdalen (Miriam) who not only asks the most questions but is given authority over Peter because she alone understands all of what the savior says. The other reason Mary has higher authority is that she is a Priestess. She was called a Harlot simply because she wasn't of the Jewish faith. She was always a Gnostic.

On Jesus page 3 we explained that Mary, Jesus' mother married Joseph's brother Cleophas, with full confirmation from the Catholic encyclopedia about Jesus' brothers. Mary Jacob Cleophas ( The Magdalene Legacy - chapter 11, page 174) and see Death of the disciples When he, Joseph died, Cleophas became responsible for the children and Mary and she gives birth to five other children. Jude, Jose, Jacob or James, (James the less) Simeon and three sisters, Salome, Joanna and Mary. see Matthew 13:55. Luke 2.7 and Matthew 1:25, which describes Jesus as Mary's first born son. Matthew 13:56 and Mark 6:3 indicate that Jesus had sisters.Grail Eginma page 101. These three are also the names in the Gospel of Philip and a work called The Protevangelion of James.

We also mentioned , there was a 'twin brother' of Jesus named Thomas. see.. Jesus' Family Tree
Thomas the twin brother of Jesus wrote these sayings .. The Gospel of Thomas Another important figure is Jesus's uncle. He is Joseph of Arimathea.

As we said, Jesus' step-brothers were Jude, Jose, James and Simeon and there were thee sisters. They all became disciples or were members of the Holy Twelve. As the followers are mentioned in KJB scripture there are always 3 women. These are important women, otherwise they would not have been mentioned at all. These include his mother Mary and his wife Mary, and Martha, Mary Magdalene's sister.

But in other literature we find 7 women so Salome, his sister must have been with him too and possibly another sister, Anna. Then we found yet another sister, Mary. A woman called Helena was a friend of Mary Magdalene but this would be Jesus' sister Salome also called Helena-Salome described as a priestess of the Order of Ephesus. In another chapter of The Magdalene Legacy (11) he says Helena-Salome is the wife of Lazerus called Simon the Zelotes. A woman named Mary was a sister of Lazarus. Lazarus-Simeon is the 'Beloved Disciple'. Grail Enigma page 49

If that is true then the 'marriages' must have been prearranged as this was a Jewish custom in this time period.

Because of this; Much debate surrounds the subject that Jesus' bloodlines might have been carried on. The debate stems from what was written in the scrolls found under the temple by the Templars and it was in the writings on the walls under the temple. The Poor Knights of Christ, the Templars, found these writings in 1110 - 1116AD. But did they already Know this? Were the bloodlines carried on in the Merovingian Dynasty?

The Marriage of JESUS and MARY

Being the heir to the Davidic line Jesus was obliged to marry by law. This was also a requirement of the Torah and the 'law' of the State. Its 613 strictures were binding on all Jews in Israel and the Diaspora. Jesus was also required to have at least two sons. Marriage was an important step in the progress of the heir from initiation to full community membership in the kingly line. Mary was from the Royal Hasmonean House of Israel. ( A descendent of Moses or Aaron ) Jesus being of the Royal Line of David and a High Priest was obligated to marry and carry on the bloodline. The Marriage of the Royal Couple was a double claim to the Kingship of Israel. The Hasmonean family (Magdalene) line was amoung the original 24 priests of the Jerusalem Temple. The clergy of the pauline/christian doctrine has hid this from us for 2000 years.

Although he didn't say one way or the other, Irenaeus' Doctrine of Recapitulation supports the notion of a married Savior. With a style similar to the Druids, Irenaeus, another 2nd Century leader, taught that Jesus Christ symbolically entered every critical stage of human existence and sanctified it. Since family life, including sexuality, is central to our lives, it seems logically consistent with the mission of a Savior to redeem and sanctify this aspect of our experience, as well.

Jewish customs of Jesus' day required married Rabbis. Unmarried men were considered a curse to Jewish society. Jesus would not have had much credibility as a leader had He not been married. Although Jesus was a non-conformist and had many conflicts with Jewish tradition, His parents, Joseph and Mary, were not. The Bible says that they were careful to perfectly obey the laws of their people. It also says that Jesus was "subject unto them". Since Jewish culture practiced arranged marriages and early marriage, as well (a Jewish boy was marriageable at age 16), it is reasonable to assume that Jesus' parents would have performed their parental duties faithfully and arranged a bride for the young Jesus. There are 18 silent years in His life (12 - 30). The Gospel of John tells us that there were many other things which Jesus did which have not been recorded.

This point is important because it shifts the weight of presumption. Given the cultural milieu in which Jesus lived and the supporting Biblical evidence, the burden of proof lies with those who do not believe Jesus was married. They must show why Jesus and His parents would have been derelict in their civic responsibilities and not contracted a marriage.
2. According to Josephus, descendants of the House of David felt a moral obligation to perpetuate their line, never knowing which one among their descendants would be the chosen Messiah. Jesus may or may not have known who He was, but regardless, He lived as a normal person until called by the ministry of John the Baptist.

At the Resurrection, when Mary meets Jesus in the Garden, there is a degree of intimacy (see the Aramaic here) which one would expect between lovers, not friends.
The Greek word for "woman" and "wife" is the same. Translators must rely upon the context in deciding how to translate it. Sometimes, the translation is arbitrary. When Mary is referred to as a "woman" who followed Jesus, it can just as easily be translated as "wife".
The story of Mary with the alabaster jar anointing the feet of Jesus is cited by some scholars as the most direct witness to their marriage. It is in all four Gospels and was a story in which Jesus gave express command that it be preserved. This ceremony was an ancient one among many royal houses in the ancient world, which sealed the marital union between the king and his priestess spouse. We find it mentioned briefly in the Song of Solomon. Although we may not understand its significance, Jesus and Mary knew exactly what they were doing. To be the valid Messiah, He had to be anointed first by the Bride. They were by-passing the corrupt Jewish establishment. see
Was Jesus Married ?

To qualify for any of these titles (Savior, Divine, Son of God ect.) the lier Paul would have us believe Jesus did not conform to the laws of Moses that said, that he must obey the commandments of the one true God, and to go forth and multiply', and for him to do this, he must be married.

Margaret Starbird was horrified when she read this so-called blasphemous statement in Holy Blood, Holy Grail So she went insearch of proof to the contrary. Her inquiries and research led her right back to the same conclusion. With this she wrote The Woman with the Alabaster Jar , Which as you recall, is the story of the woman who pored perfume on the Lord's feet. It was Mary. It concluded with this; 'The wedding at Cana of Jesus and Mary'. The Muslim scholar Professor Fida Hassnain found the same answer and put it in his book A Search for the Historical Jesus.

This is story we know of, when Jesus turns water into wine is his own wedding feast. He orders the servents to distribute the wine. Under Jewish custom the only person with the authority to give orders is the bridegroom or his mother. His Mother Mary is in attendence and sayeth to him, "we have no wine". The woman standing behind Jesus is probably his mother.

We found this at CHAP. XVII.--OF THE CALLING OF THE APOSTLES AS THEY WERE FISHING. 38. For [it is noticeable that] again in Cana of Galilee, after He had turned the water into wine, this same John tells us how His disciples believed on Him. The narrative of that miracle proceeds thus: "And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. And both Jesus was called and His disciples to the marriage." Now, surely, if it was on this occasion that they believed on Him, as the evangelist tells us a little further on, they were not yet His disciples at the time when they were called to the marriage. This, however, is a mode of speech of the same kind with what is intended when we say that the Apostle Paul was born in Tarsus of Cilicia; for certainly he was not an apostle at that period.
( Further proof that Paul was not a disciple.)

We again refer to the 'third day'. Lazerus was raised on the 'third day', but John's Gospel says something else. Lazerus and Martha lived in Bethany. Was the name of the town changed too? There is no explaination of why the wedding is in the town of Cana.

According to Gnostic tradition, this marriage represents the mystical marriage. Water becoming wine is an archaic symbol representing the ecstatic intoxication of spiritual transformation. The creators of the Jesus story borrowed this motif from Pagan mythology, in which the Godman Dionysus turns water into wine at his own marriage to Ariadne. In the Christian version of this tale Jesus is not portrayed as the bridegroom. However, in the New Testament Jesus refers to himself, and is repeatedly referred to by others, as 'the bridegroom'. Right at the beginning of the Gospel of John, for instance, John the Baptist hails Jesus as 'the bridegroom'.

In like manner are we told here that the disciples of Christ were invited to the marriage, by which we are to understand, not that they were already disciples, but only that they were to be His disciples. For, at the time when this narrative was prepared and committed to writing, they were the disciples of Christ in fact; and that is the reason why the evangelist, as the historian of past times, has thus spoken of them.
Was this sentence rewritten? And both Jesus was called and His disciples to the marriage." Was it originally, "And Jesus called the disciples to His marriage?" The sentence was definately rewritten because the formation of the sentence is terrible putting the verb 'was called' ahead of the noun 'marriage'. The word 'both' doesn't make any sence or belong here; 'and both Jesus was called' then the word 'and' was added.

The Cana wedding, out of four Gospels, is described only in John. If it was so important to the Church as a miracle, why is it not in the other three Gospels? It does not say (as is so often said from pulpits): "They ran out of wine." It doesn't say that. It says: "When they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus said, 'They have no wine.'" The Gospel tells us that the person in charge was the ruler of the feast. This specifically defines it not as a wedding ceremony as such, but a pre-wedding betrothal feast. The wine taken at betrothal feasts was only available to priests and celibate Jews, not to married men, novices or any others who were regarded as being unsanctified. They were allowed only water-a purification ritual, as stated in John. When the time came for this ritual, Mary, clearly not happy about the discrimination and directing Jesus' attention to the unsanctified guests, said: "They have no wine." Having not yet been anointed to Messiah status, Jesus responded: "Mine hour is not yet come." At this, Mary forced the issue and Jesus then flouted convention, abandoning water altogether. Wine for everyone!

The ruler of the feast made no comment whatsoever about any miracle; he simply expressed his amazement that the wine had turned up at that stage of the proceedings. It's been suggested often that the wedding at Cana was Jesus' own wedding ceremony because he and his mother displayed a right of command that would not be associated with ordinary guests. However, this feast can be dated to the summer of AD 30, in the month equivalent to June. First weddings were always held in the month of Atonement (September), and betrothal feasts were held three months before that. In this instance, we find that the first marital anointing of Jesus by Mary Magdalene was at the Atonement of AD 30, three months after the Cana ceremony which appears to have been their own betrothal feast. The Gospels tell a story that although not always in agreement from Gospel to Gospel is actually followable outside the Bible.

More proof; The Essenes, who, unlike the great majority of them, lived in "honourable marriage," observing their rules and customs in all other matters, such as abstinence from blood sacrifices, flesh eating, etc. Some consider it most probable, therefore, that at this period Iesus married, according to the usual custom of the Iews, and in his case especially, that he might have full experience of human life, and thus be a perfect Example for all, knowing the joys and sorrows of all,-and that it was just before his further travels preparatory to his entrance into the Ministry that he lost by death the wedded partner of his youth. He was " in all things like as we are, yet without sin". see..The Childhood And Youth Of Iesus the Christ.
However This partner did not die. They were seperated for 7 years because she gave birth to a son.

The very idea that Jesus as a sexual being is so antipathetic to most modern christians that, as we have seen, Martin Scorsese's fantasy sequence of Jesus and Mary in bed provoked a mass howl of horror. Christians everywhere denounced it as sensationalism, sacrilege and blasphemy. But the real reason for this outrage was nothing less than the underlying atavistic fear and hatred of women. Traditionally they were seen as basically unclean and their physical proximity as polluting to the body, mind and spirit of naturally good pure men; surely the Son of God could never have put himself in such mortal danger. The horror felt at the idea of Jesus, of all men, being the sexual partner of any woman is multiplied a thousandfold when his lover is named Mary Magdalen - a known prostitute.
The Templar Revelation , Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince
We also find a defination of the word 'companion' that implies 'comrad' or friend but in the original Greek the word actually means 'consort' or sexual partner. and see Jesus and the Essenes

At no point did Jesus ever advocate celibacy. On the contrary, in the Gospel of Matthew he declares," Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female..For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be one flesh?"( 19:4-5) According to Judaic custom marriage was mandatory. Except in certain Essene communities celibacy was vigorously condemned. During the late first century one Jewish writer even compared deliberate celibacy with murder.

According to Gnostic Scriptures, there are five sacred rites: baptism, chrism, wedding feast, ransom, and the bridal chamber. The term “wedding feast” is what Christian Gnostics call the eucharist of bread and wine, while the term “bridal chamber” connotes the mystery of hieros gamos (the sacred marriage).

To the Gnostic Christian, the belief that Mary Magdalene was the wife and divine consort of Jesus does not diminish him as the Christ-bearer. Rather, this Gnostic view includes her as Christ-bearer also, so that in the sacred marriage of Jesus and Magdalene we have an image of Christed manhood and Christed womanhood – supernal or Messianic consciousness embodied in male and female form. To speak of the enlightenment and liberation of all human beings, but to reject the idea of an enlightened woman does not seem to make much sense. How would Christ-consciousness be different whether embodied by a man or a woman? Why would women be isolated from it? These are certainly questions Sophians would ask, and questions that are integral to the Sophian view of the Gospel.

Is this remarkable stained glass window portraying Jesus and Mary Magdalene holding hands? The woman appears to be pregnant which is highlighted by her girdle being painted around her lower abdomen rather than around her waist. It has been claimed that a son of Jesus and Mary Magdalen was born on the holy Isle of Iona and, curiously, this stained glass window is to be found just eighteen miles away in Kilmore Church, Dervaig, on the Scottish Isle of Mull.
Jesus in Scotland and the Gospel of the Grail by Barry Dunford

Messianic marriages were always conducted in two stages. The first stage, the anointing in Luke, was the legal commitment to wedlock. The second stage, the anointing in Matthew, Mark and John, was the cementing of the contract. And in Jesus and Mary's case, the second anointing at Bethany was of express significance. Here the Grail story begins, because, as explained in books of Jewish law at the time and by Flavius Josephus in The Antiquities of the Jews, the second part of this marriage ceremony was never conducted until the wife was three months pregnant.

The rules of dynastic wedlock were a complicated matter. A lengthy period of courtship was followed by a first marriage in September. After this a physical relationship was allowed in December. The second marriage was solemized in March following conception, at which time the bride would be three months pregnant. If the first child was a girl, no contact was allowed for 3 years. If it was a son, the no contact rule lasted for 6 years. This might explain the paragraph below. Mary became a 'widow' during this seperation, which was missinteruperted by the church. see The Sacred Marriage in Gnosticism

However, the betrothal communion took place in June 6, A.D. 30.

The accounts of Jesus' activities right up to the time of the Crucifixion can be found in various records of the era. In the official annals of Imperial Rome, the trial by Pilate and the Crucifixion are mentioned. We can determine precisely from this chronological diary of the Roman governors that the Crucifixion took place at the March Passover of AD 30. The Bethany second marriage anointing was in the week prior to that. We know that at that stage Mary Magdalene had to have been three months pregnant, by law-which means she should have given birth in September of AD 33. This was the second child.

More Proof; from The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
The Childhood And Youth Of Iesus the Christ. Lection 6 - 13. AND in the eighteenth year of his age, Jesus was espoused unto Miriam,( Mary Magdalen ?) a virgin of the tribe of Judah with whom he lived seven years, and she died, for God took her, that he might go on to the higher things which he had to do, and to suffer for the sons and daughters of men...Again - She did not die, they were seperated for 7 years.

Mary Magdalen was of the tribe of Benjamin, who had a bloodline claim to the land around the city of Jerusalem. This was given to them by Moses as he divided the lands amoung the twelve tribes. We find that Saul, David, and Solomon all held this claim of kingship and ownership of land. If Jesus was married before 30 AD, it is possible that he had a daughter by this wife who we know was Mary Magdalene.

The marriages were kept secret because of the danger to the women and the children. An heir of the Davidic line was a threat to the Sadducees who controlled the corrupt Jerusalem Temple.

Another of the reasons there is no mention of the marriage in the new testament is that the catholic church deliberately removed it by church decree...because they said it was sinful to have sex before marriage in this context which they apparently didn't understand, wasn't the case at all. They made it appear that Mary Magdalen wasn't married and had no role at all with the disciples.

And we can't forget that according to the church a 'divine' savior wasn't a man therefore he couldn't have a wife!

Mary was called a virgin, almah according to Jewish Law even though she was married. Then they contend that Jesus was too Holi and was considered to be God, therefore he was not human and could not be a husband, father and lead a normal life. That's why they leave this out and that's part of the reason Priests are not allowed to marry. The other reason is that they, in earlier times were said to be married to the Holi Spirit who we know is female. They could not commit adultrey so no marriage to another woman is allowed. Catholic Priests are single, celibate. Ha! The Christ of Faith was married to the Church (hence the term, Holy Mother Church). The Priests made sure they were Higher in authorty than God. With this kind of authority they could change the rules at will.

Marriage was permitted; And as we said, we found evidence that Jude, Peter and Simon were married.

From the writings of Josephus; "Moreover, there is another order of Essens, who agree with the rest as to their way of living, and customs, and laws, but differ from them in the point of marriage, as thinking that by not marrying they cut off the principal part of human life, which is the prospect of succession ; nay, rather, that if all men should be of the same opinion, the whole race of mankind would fail. However, they try their spouses for three years; and if they find that they have their natural purgations thrice, as trials that they are likely to be fruitful, they then actually marry them. But they do not use to accompany with their wives when they are with child, as a demonstration that they do not marry out of regard to pleasure, but for the sake of posterity"...from Josephus' Essenes and the Community Rule
This is backed up by references in "Jesus and the the Essenes"

More proof

The anointing of Jesus was a sacred rite. Preformed only by the wife of a bloodline king. This is referenced as David is also anointed by his wife when he becomes king of Israel. This anointing is mentioned with particular signifiance in the four gospels. The signifiance is an ancient custom practiced in Egypt, Babylon, Rome and other eastern countries. Only the Priestess of the Goddess Astarte ( Isis ) is allowed this rite. She must be the king's wife and she and only she has the power to make him a king. We explained this on Passage, page 1. ( God's Wife ) The anointing is also erotic in nature. This is why Jesus allowed it. He understood the ritual and the meaning of it. The disciples were unaware of the signifiance of this rite and they protested the expence of the spikenard and it's 'wasted use'. If it was expensive only a weathy family could afford it. The family of a priestess.

As Margaret Starbird explains in her book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar.. The anointing was done prior to a ritual sacrificial death and rebirth of the king. The same exact story of the rebirth of Osiris in Horus as he becomes the 'Living God' or Son who is then King.

The Song of Songs in the bible, which some say was written by Solomon, is the key to understanding this ritual and rite. It was originally composed as part of the Sumerian fertility rites of Dumuzi and Inanna, whose myth had been current in the ancient Near East for several thousand years. Love poetry inscribed on recently deciphered cuneiform tablets describe Dumuzi as a 'shepherd' and a 'faithful son', epithets which were later applied to Jesus. The king was considered a 'chosen son' by virtue of the fact that the deity had 'formed' him in his mother's womb. He was anointed for this role, which included his ritual death and burial: it was the duty of the king to be united with the Goddess, Mother Earth ( Inanna ). After the marriage, Dunuzi was ritually tortured, killed, and buried, ensuring regeneration of the crops and herds.

In some rites the tortured king was entombed and then 'resurrected' after a brief period, normally three days. The poetry from the liturgy includes the lamentation of Inanna over the death of Dumuzi, the goddesse's search for the missing god, and an expression of joy at his return. This portion of the pervailing Bridegroom myth of the pagan cults is reenacted in the Gospel of John when Mary Magdalen encounters the risen Jesus near the tomb on Passover. The rite of the royal priestess confering kingship on her consort, was an ancient practice. The marriage of the representative of the Goddess was essential for such status. In this instance the anointing of Jesus was the anointing of the bloodline king that was heir to the Davidic throne of Jerusalem. Luke 7: 36 - 48.
Margaret Starbird, The Woman with The Alabaster Jar

The word 'Messiah' comes from the Hebrew verb to 'anoint', which itself is derived from the Egyptian word messeh, the 'holy crocodile'. It was with the fat of the messeh that the Pharaoh's sister-brides anointed their husbands on marriage. The Egyptian custom sprang from kingly practice in old Mesopotamia.
- Sir Laurence Gardner, "The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail ( from a lecture given at the Ranch, Yelm, Washington, 30 April 1997 )

The High Priest, in particular, was termed the 'Anointed ( Mashiah ) of God'. Then again "Anointed" meant 'Christ' in Greek. With the establishment of the monarchy, the same term was applied to the king: he was the Anointed of the 'Lord' because he was installed in the high office by receiving the sacrament of anointment.
- Raphael Patai, The Messiah Texts

On Jesus and Mary Magdalene We explain the status of Mary Magdalen. She was a priestess and a bloodline descendent of Aaron, of the tribe of Benjamin, legal bloodline heir to the throne of Jerusalem.

As we mentioned on Jesus page 1, this, with the sacred marriage, was a double claim to the throne and it proposed a definative threat to the ruling priests of the Jerusalem Temple.

When you take into account that the Jesus of biblical history was said to be born in Bethlehem, but it is repeatedly mentioned that he IS a Nazarine, and not that he came from Nazarath, you have a whole new set of rules. When you have 'set in you mind' rules that imply only the 'bible' story is the truth' and you find some thing that contradicts only one thing you thought was true, that tells you there are other contradictions, maybe even outright lies.
Click the gif of the rose to the left to be transported to a paper on the origin of the rose cross. and see this one (right), link also attached.
This colorless symbol, except for the rose, makes it easier to study the markings on the cross. Remember that this symbol is two Rose Crosses united into one. The small Rosey Cross in the center-- representative of man, the microcosm--is in turn, the center point of a larger rose residing at the heart of the large cross--symbolic of the macrocosm. The Rose From The Hermetic Cross

Continued on The Children of Jesus and Mary

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