P.O. BOX 143, Converse, IN 46919

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Last updated: January 10th, 2005
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Converse Lodge #601 Meets on the third Tuesday of every month, except July and August.
Dinner at 6:30, Meeting at 7:30
All Master Masons are welcome!

Next Meeting: January 18th

Dinner at 6:30, Lodge 7:30

Click on the Link

Masonic Links
Guest Book
Famous Masons
 What is a Mason?
Special Event: Battle of 1812
Tidings from the East
Past Masters of Converse #601
History of Converse Lodge #601
Masonic Quiz 
Current Members of Converse #601 with Email
King Solomon's Yacht Club
Current Officers
Current Members of Converse #601

Take a Masonic Quiz

Are you a member of Converse Lodge #601? If you are, email us and
put your email in our address book. We will keep you posted of all updates to the
website, current events and newsletters!!!
Email with your name:

6005 A.L. Officers:

Jon Clark, WM
Steve Shrock, PM, SW
Richard Stoops, PM, JW
Kenny Howell, Senior Deacon
Tom Bates, Junior Deacon
  Steven Dooley, PM, Treasurer
Gary Sherritze, PM, Secretary
John G. Franklin, PM, Chaplain
 Mike Schemenauer, Senior Steward
Bradley Stoops, PM, Junior Steward

Charles Newell, Tyler


Comments? Suggestions? Email Me!

Last updated: January 10th