*** NEW HOLLAND LODGE No. 392***

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New Holland Lodge No. 392

Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio

Constituted October 16, 1867

"SUPER" Eighth Masonic District

Grand Lodge of Ohio

History of Freemasonry

Webster defines Freemasonry as,"...the craft or labor of a Freemason; the principles, institution, or practices of Freemasons - called also Masonry..." Mackey, in his Jurisprudence of Freemasonry has this to say about Freemasonry, "...that he who desires to become a Freemason, must first be qualified by a faithful observance of all those principles of morality and virtue which practically exhibit themselves in doing unto others as he would that they, in like circumstances, should do unto him..."

Freemasonry has been called a "secret society." However, I offer to you that it is a society with secrets. Such other organizations which fit this categorization are, organized religion, political parties, i.e., Democrats, Republican and Libertarian; Congress, and we could go on forever. Freemasonry has been called a religion. It is not a religion; however, a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being is necessary. Masonry is religion's handmaiden. Taking good moral men and making them better men in society, in their communities, their churches and their families and their employment. In Freemasonry, men are encouraged to be freethinkers, to determine their own paths.

Two established governing principles in a man's life are not allowed to be discussed in Lodge, that is a Mason's religion and his political views. On these subjects Masons are encouraged to seek their own path and it is not up to the Fraternity to recommend either course or pursuit.


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Created by Jeff Garringer. Copyright © 1997. Revised April 15, 2004 .

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