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In recent months, we have added a great deal of information for members and people that are interested in becoming Masons.  If you would like to have copies of these promotional materials sent to you, please send an e-mail to JerusalemLodge99@aol.com.  The following materials are available:

TryFreemasonry.com DVD (New addition from Founders Day)

Who Are the Masons? (Pamphlet)

A Response to Critics of Freemasonry (Pamphlet)

Facts About Freemasonry (Pamphlet)

Jerusalem Times (Lodge Newsletter)

Additionally, use web resources such as www.indianamasons.org and www.tryfreemasonry.com to gather important information.

If you need a petition, please feel free to see any Lodge officer or send an e-mail to JerusalemLodge99@aol.com.  If you don't want to wait, please feel free to download it here (you must have Adobe to view):
