From west to east we journey
In search of the ancient word
Although the way be thorny
Our free will and full accord.

Great Architect of Heaven
Thy temple we build with hands
The labor of Thy Brethren
Fulfill of Thy wondrous plans.

O Hail Grand Lodge of Masons
Most Worshipful is Thy reign
O'er the four horizons
Thy mandate is sovereign.

O Hail Grand Lodge of Masons
Most Worshipful is Thy grace
Our working tools and aprons
Are signs of Thy warm embrace.

O Hail Grand Lodge of Masons
Most Worshipful is Thy state
All men of God and reasons
Will knock at Thy pearly gate.

O Hail Grand Lodge of Masons
Most Worshipful is Thy name
Like jewels and truth emlazons
in history's Book of Fame
O Hail, O Hail !!!


Download GLP Hymn MP3 here!
