
This is a demonstration of a basic Lodge web site built with the CMSimple content management system (CMS).

I had no prior knowledge of CMSimple before starting and these are my observations of the process.

  1. It is a very small package -- quick to download and quick to deploy.
  2. The documentation is well written.
  3. It works as advertised.

In less than 4 hours, I built what you see here.

Note: I'm an old guy and I went deliberately slow -- reading the documentation, trying a concept, checking out the support forum, etc..  Now, having done that, I could do it all over again in less than an hour.  I really took much longer than necessary.

CMSimple has its limitations, but once you get the design/layout the way you want it, ANYONE can maintain the content.  For example, anyone could change the Officers at the end of the year, or add/delete events and news items to keep them current.  It is this type of content maintenance that CMSimple makes, well, simple.

I am impressed.


About the Lodge

"myCMSimpleLodge" is a ficticious lodge for demonstration purposes only.

Using the menu on your left, or the submenu items below, you may select Lodge Officers or Lodge History to learn more about myCMSimpleLodge.

Lodge Officers

Tom Jump (tjump@mm.com)
Worshipful Master

Bob Wingfield (dobandsarah@aol.com)
Senior Warden

Tug O'Brien
Junior Warden

Lodge History

The original Lodge occupied the 2nd floor over the school house.  The building was constructed by the Masons and served the community for many years.


News & Events

Lodge Work Day -- Saturday, July 24, 2010

The following activities are planned:

  1. General yardwork around the building;
  2. Cleaning the Bar-B-Q smoker in preparation for the Fall Bar-B-Q;
  3. Thorough cleaning of the floors -- mop & wax kitchen area, vacuum throughout; and
  4. Repair sign.

The more volunteers, the less time it will take.  Please plan to participate.

Stated Meeting -- Thursday, August 5, 2010

Brother Newbe to stand his proficiency.


Several files and graphic images are available for download.  Select the category that is of interest to you, and then select the file.


Shriner's Childrens Hospitals

Click here to download a copy of the Money magazine article rating the Shriner's Childrens Hospitals as a #1 rated health care charity.


White Papers

Bee Hive

Click here to download a white paper that explores the significance of the Bee Hive in Masonry.

Letter G

Click here to download a white paper that explores the significance of the Letter G in Masonry.

Graphic Images

Click here to download this image.

Useful Links

The following are links that may be of some use to you.


