Matt #694 Officers Bylaws

MATT LODGE # 694 F. & A. M.

Chapter 1

Section I

This Lodge shall be known as MATT LODGE # 694 F. & A. M. working under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia.

Section II

The warrant of this Lodge is a charter granted October 26,1949, and A. L. 5949 by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia, to whose constitutional rules and edicts the most implicit respect and obedience shall be paid by its members.

Section III

The jurisdiction of this Lodge shall be as stated in the Masonic Manual and Code of Georgia.

Section IV

The regular communication shall be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month, except the month of December, when only one regular communication shall be held, which shall be the 2nd Monday night. The hours of meetings shall be at 7:30 o'clock PM year round.

Section V

The order of business at every meeting shall be as follows: subject, however, to be temporarily changed or dispensed with, by vote of two-thirds of the members presents.

  1. Reading and confirming minutes of the last regular and all intervening communications.
  2. Receptions of Petitions.
  3. Second reading of Petitions and balloting.
  4. Reports of Special Committees in writing.
  5. Reports of Standing Committees in writing.
  6. Applications for relief.
  7. Reading communications.
  8. Unfinished business.
  9. New business.
  10. Business for the good of the Order.
  11. Work and lectures.
  12. Closing.

Section VI

All business of this Lodge must originate at regular meetings, except the burial of the dead; and no appropriation of the funds shall be made at any other than regular meetings; but degrees may be conferred at the called meetings or at festival meetings, provided the candidates have been duly elected at a regular meeting.

Section VII

There may be two festival meetings in each year, on the anniversaries of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, respectfully, either for the Election and Installation of officers, or for social reunion, at such time as the Lodge may designate.

Section VIII

Called meetings may be held at any time, at the descretion of the Worshipful Master, due and reasonable notice of the time and purpose thereof being previously given.

Section IX

No meeting of this Lodge, either stated, called, or festival shall be held unless the Charter or Warrant is present, and fully displayed in view of the members present.

Chapter II

Section I

The members of this Lodge are all who have been initiated herein or elected to membership, not having been Dimitted or excluded, and are governed by these by-laws.

Section II

The duties of the members are those prescribed in the Masonic Manual and Code: to uphold the by-laws, rules and edicts of the Lodge in spirit as well as in letter; to uphold its lawful interest and extend the honor of its name before the Masonic world.

Section III

Every member shall be bound to attend the due summons of the Master for called meetings, health and business permitting, and shall not retire without the permission of the Master before the same is closed.

Chapter III

Section I

The officers of the Lodge are:

  1. The Worshipful Master
  2. The Senior Warden
  3. The Junior Warden
  4. The Treasurer
  5. The Secretary
  6. The Chaplain
  7. The Senior Deacon
  8. The Junior Deacon
  9. The Stewards
  10. The Tyler

Section II

The Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected by ballot at the regular communication preceding St. John the Evangelist's Day (December 27) each year and the brother having the majority vote of the members present, for each office, shall be declared duly elected.

Section III

The installation of officers shall take place at the regular communication at which they are elected, before any other business takes place, or as soon after the election as practicable; except that public installation may be held at a meeting called for that purpose, and in either event shall be as prescribed in the Masonic Manual and Code.

Section IV

In addition to the duties which appertain to every individual Mason, the duties of the several officers of this Lodge shall be those set forth in the Masonic Manual and Code.

Section V

Every Master Mason, a member of the Lodge, in good standing shall be entitled to vote, and no others; a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to be a choice, and no member shall expose his vote, but the same shall be privately deposited.

Chapter IV

Section I

All Petitions for initiation and membership shall lie over until the next regular meeting after the one at which they are presented. If the applicant be rejected, his fee shall be returned to him; and if, upon election, he shall fail to avail himself thereof for 12 months, his fee shall not be returned; nor shall he be received without a new ballot.

Section II

All ballots for initiation and membership shall be unanimous. If there is one negative ballot, before declaring the result, The Master must order a new ballot to be taken, no further ballot shall be allowed. A candidate for initiation, or an application for restoration once rejected shall not be at liberty to apply again until the expiration of twelve calendar months from the time of rejection. 

Chapter V

Section I

The fees for the degrees, including the Benevolent Fund of the Grand Lodge of Georgia and George Washington Masonic Memorial Fund, shall be $45.00, payable $35.00 with the petition, $5.00 before the degree of Fellowcraft, and $5.00 before the degree of Master Mason is conferred.
The fees for dues shall be $30.00 per annum, due and payable on January 1 of each year, beginning January 1, 1993, Newly raised members shall pay dues only for the remaining quarters of the year in which raised.

A member over 70 years of age who has been a contributing member for 20 or more years is an emeritus member and not liable for dues.

The fee for membership by affiliation shall be $5.00, to accompany the petition. New members coming in by affiliation shall not be chargeable for dues in that year where proof is shown that dues for that year were paid.

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to read the names of all members who are one year in arrears in the payment of their dues at the regular meeting night in August of each year. Any member who is more than one year in arrears in payment of dues may be suspended by a vote of two thirds of the members present at any regular communication, after being notified by the secretary at least 30 days before suspension.

Section II

The virtue of practical Charity is recognized by this Lodge as one of the principles of our order. The Standing Committee of Charity shall have power, at any time, to draw on the treasury, through its chairman, for any sum not exceeding $50.00, at the discretion of the Committee, to be bestowed on a distressed worthy brother, his wife, widow or orphan children, or any other distressed worthy applicant.

Chapter VI

Section I

There shall be two standing committees of the Lodge; first, Committee of Finance, second, Committee on Charity.

Section II

The Committee on Charity shall consist of the Worshipful Master and the Wardens.

Section III

The Committee on Finance shall be appointed by the Worshipful Master on the day of his installation or on the regular meeting that proceeds the anniversary of St. John the Baptist. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to ask for the appointment of this committee on one of the days mentioned. The Committee shall examine and audit the records and accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer and report in writing to the Lodge at the first meeting of the Lodge in December of each year.

Section IV

All committees except the Committee on Charity shall be appointed by the Worshipful Master and shall consist of three Masons, when not otherwise directed as to number. All reports of Committees shall be in writing unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge.

Chapter VII

Section I

An offence in Masonry is an act which contravenes these by-laws, the Constitution and the edicts of the Grand Lodge, the unwritten laws of Freemasonry, law of the land, or the law of God.

Section II

Unmasonic Conduct consists in the non-payment of dues, having ability to do so; divulging the transactions of the Lodge to anyone but a Freemason or a member of the Lodge, involving the secrecy of the ballot box; rude and indecorious behavior in the Lodge; contumacy in refusing obedience to the Lodge summons and all acts incompatible with the duties and obligations of Freemasonry.

Section III

The Senior Warden shall report all matters of offence or unmasonic conduct occurring while the Lodge is at labor; the Junior Warden such as may occur when the Lodge is not at work but may use a discretion whether to report occurrences or to make the subject of private council and admonition. All such reports shall be in writing and in form of Charges and Specifications.

Section IV

All trials shall be held: Pursuant to the Manual and Code of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia.

Chapter VIII

Section I

Applications for advancement may be entertained at any time, and as often as the candidate may think he is prepared and has made suitable proficiency; they shall be voted on, however, as in the case of initiation, the ballot shall be unanimous.

Section II

The Treasurer, Secretary and Tyler shall be exempt from dues. The Secretary shall be reimbursed by the Lodge for any fees (including postage) incurred in the performance of his duties as Secretary.

Section III

No one shall ever inspect the ballot but the Master and Wardens, and no brother shall be permitted to make known to another or to the Lodge, what manner of vote he has or will cast.

Section IV

In the event MATT LODGE NO. 694 should go defunct, the Trustee Board shall have charge of the Lodge property. To insure that it be used for community use, under the supervision, until such time as a new charter may be granted. In no event should this property be sold or leased, as it is the wishes of the Lodge that future generations may someday use this property for another Chartered Masonic Lodge.

The Trustee Board shall consist of the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden at the time the charter is surrendered. Each trustee shall serve until death, unless be becomes incompetent to fill the position. A trustee may request in writing to be removed from the board. In either event, the remaining trustees shall appoint a Master Mason in good standing from the jurisdiction as his replacement.

It will be the duty of these trustees to comply with Section 34-106 of the Masonic Code.

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