The Lies of Paul and the Falsified Church of Rome , page 3

The Lies of Paul and The Falsified Church of Rome, page 3

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Complete contridiction to Jesus' words.. XI. RECEPTION OF CONVERTS

"Converts to the Faith, before being received, should be well instructed in Catholic doctrine. The right to reconcile heretics belongs to the bishops, but is usually delegated to all priests having charge of souls.
In England a special licence is required for each reconciliation, except in case of children under fourteen or of dying persons, and this licence is only granted when the priest can give a written assurance that the candidate is sufficiently instructed and otherwise prepared, and that there is some reasonable guarantee of his perseverance. The order of proceeding in a reconciliation is: first, abjuration of heresy or profession of faith; second, conditional baptism (this is given only when the heretical baptism is doubtful); third, sacramental confession and conditional absolution."

They use this as justification to kill heretics.."Christ said: "Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matt., x, 34). "The history of heresy verifies this prediction and shows, moreover, that the greater number of the victims of the sword is on the side of the faithful adherents of the one Church founded by Christ".

Please notice that the Essene Christian's prohibition against slavery was only the first "great ethic of Jesus Christ" to be betrayed by Paul. Paul systematically altered many of the teachings of Jesus, replacing them with his own false gospel. Which brings us face-to-face with the fourth assertion made by Larson and Schonfeld: PAUL, ALTHOUGH HE NEVER MET JESUS, IGNORED THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE APOSTLES WHO HAD BEEN PERSONALLY TRAINED BY JESUS, REPLACING THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS AND THE APOSTLES WITH HIS OWN VERY DIFFERENT TEACHINGS. He then had them hunted down and killed. see Death of The Disciples

When Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves he was following the laws of the Essenes and Jesus;
"When Jesus said: 'whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even to them', he, in effect, challenged the slave owner to extend freedom to others if he would himself be free....

"The Nazarenes, also called Ebionites, the sect who represented the first Christian congregation at Jerusalem under James, the Lord's brother, abided by the strict ascetic rules of their Essene brethren. They held it to be contrary to the plan of God for anyone to enslave another....

"The Essenes were the only sect in their part of the world who opposed the custom of slavery. They seem to have been the first people on earth to condemn slavery."

Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of the Essenes, wrote:
"Least of all were any slaves to be found among them, for they saw in slavery a violation of the law of nature which made all people free."

Jesus, the Essene Messiah and founder of the religion Paul claimed to represent, declared: "The Spirit of God is upon me. God has sent me to help the brokenhearted, TO PROCLAIM LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVES!"

"In the teachings of Christ, religion is completely present tense: Jesus is the prototype and our task is to imitate him, become a disciple. But then through Paul came a basic alteration. Paul draws attention away from imitating Christ and fixes attention on the death of Christ The Atoner. What Martin Luther, in his reformation, failed to realize is that even before Catholicism, Christianity had become degenerate at the hands of Paul. Paul made Christianity the religion of Paul, not of Christ. Paul threw the Christianity of Christ away, completely turning it upside down, making it just the opposite of the original proclamation of Christ."

The nonsence concocted by Romans

Mary was pure, being conceived 'immaculantly' so some say, and so then was Jesus, but immaculant could mean 'by artificial insemination' and this was practiced in the Qumran community. Only by this method were children considered 'Holi', or 'Children of God'.. Another paragraph from the Nag Hammidi writings below makes this clear.

FACT: The Holy Spirit did not impregnate Mary. But Jesus 'the man', was considered 'pure' at this stage, and 'a child of God', but not devine. Then why did the Magi travel to Jerusalem to see the new messiah? The birth was predicted. It was planned and carried out by God's people. Every phase of Jesus' life was in God's devine plan. Only the Essenes and the people of Qumran knew of this plan. However the people of Qumran and the Egyptian priesthood, the 'white brotherhood', shared the truth. see Pythagoras This information shows the priests also knew of his coming. This was the shared knowledge of the Shepherd Kings who lived in Egypt long before Jesus' birth.

This brings us back to the real truth about what Jesus was teaching, but then this was deleted from the KJB. One reference we find is that of Solomon who susposedly 'turns from God' to worship a Goddess named Astarte. The Laws of Moses and the secret teachings from Egypt included the worship of a goddess. see Goddess Worship
Judiasm had pagan origins which included the worship of a goddess. This goddess was called Isis. The Jews had converted to foreign religions during the Greek and Roman dominations. This pagan worship goes far in explaining the true motivies and mission of Jesus. As we have stated, Jesus was educated in the mystery schools of Egypt. We believe he was trying to reintroduce goddess ( holy mother ) worship as had been followed by Solomon, King David and the other 'Sons of Light'.
Christ was indeed the 'Son of the Goddess' or Son of the Widow we now know was Sophia. There is a text called the Levitikon, which was a key text in the Johannite movement. In it, Jesus is an Osiran initiate who realizes that the original religion of Moses and the tribes of Isreal was that of Egypt and that the Jews had forgotten that there was also a goddess. But the Romans had their 'goddess', she was Mary, mother of Jesus.

The Romans called Jesus 'a doer of evil'. In Roman law this ment that Jesus was a sorcerer. The Jewish Talmud itself states unequivocally that Jesus spent his early manhood in Egypt and that he learned magic there. The view of contempory Jews was that Jesus committed a crime by trying to introduce pagan ideas and pagan gods into the Jewish lands.
Justin Martyr, writing in c.160 CE reports a discussion with a Jew, Trypho, who calls Jesus a 'Galilean magician'. The Platonic philosopher Celsus, writing about 175 CE, states that, although Jesus grew up in Galilee, he worked for a time as a hired labourer in Egypt, where he learned the techniaues of magic.

After Jesus so-called death, James' words were twisted and given to be the saying of Pilatus, 'our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it.' 'I am innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it.' Matthew 27: 24-25 has Pilate washing his hands, which was not a Roman custom. This practice was exclusively a Qumranian/Essene practice. The Gentiles stole and used this description to blame the killing on the Jews , that they killed their Christ. The Jews didn't believe in him so why would they care..

Etymology and Use of the Word Golgotha

The gospels say that the place of the crucifixtion was known as the "place of the skull". This supports the fact that the crucifixtion took place in a graveyard. It is Paul that promulgated the offensive idea that at Golgotha Jesus had delibertly acted as a vicarious form of human "paschal lamb" and had 'died for us'. This is the first time that the concept of redemptive human sacrifice had been introduced into a religion springing from Judaic roots.
Rex Deus - Marilyn Hopkins, Graham Simmons and Tim Wallace Murphy, 2000.

The word Calvary (Lat. Calvaria) means "a skull". Calvaria and the Gr. Kranion are equivalents for the original Golgotha. The ingenious conjecture that Golgotha may be a contraction for Gol Goatha and may accordingly have signified "mount of execution", and been related to Goatha in Jer., xxi, 39, has found scarcely any supporters. The diminutive monticulus (little mount) was coupled with the name A.D. 333 by the "Pilgrim of Bordeaux".

Towards the beginning of the fifth century Rufinus spoke of "the rock of Golgotha". Since the sixth century the usage has been to designate Calvary as a mountain. The Gospel styles it merely a "place", (Matt. xxvii, 33; Mark xv, 22; Luke, xxiii, 33; John, xix, 17).

Origin of the Name

The following theories have been advanced:
Calvary may have been a place of public execution, and so named from the skulls strewn over it. The victims were perhaps abandoned to become a prey to birds and beasts, as Jezabel and Pharao's baker had been (IV K., ix, 35; Gen., xl, 19, 22).
Its name may have been derived from a cemetery that may have stood near. There is no reason for believing that Joseph's tomb, in which the body of Christ was laid, was an isolated one, especially since it was located in the district later on described by Josephus as containing the monument of the high-priest John. This hypothesis has the further advantage of explaining the thinness of the population in this quarter at so late a period as that of the siege of Jerusalem (Jos., Bell. jud., V, vi, 2). Moreover, each of the rival Calvaries of to-day is near a group of ancient Jewish tombs.
The name may have been occasioned by the physical contour of the place. St. Luke (loc. cit.) seems to this by saying it was the place called "a skull" (kranion). Moreover, Golgotha (from a Hebrew root meaning "to roll"), which borrows its signification from the rounded or rolling form of the skull, might also have been applied to a skull-shaped hillock.

There was a tradition current among the Jews that the skull of Adam, after having been confided by Noah to his son Shem, and by the latter to Melchisedech, was finally deposited at the place called, for that reason, Golgotha. The Talmudists and the Fathers of the Church were aware of this tradition, and it survives in the skulls and bones placed at the foot of the crucifix. The Evangelists are not opposed to it, inasmuch as they speak of one and not of many skulls. (Luke, Mark, John, loc. cit.)..from. . The Catholic Encyclopedia So with this explaination, we should understand the significance of the Templars use of the skull and crossed bones.

The exact location of the graveyard lay outside the southern entrance to the Qumran complex. Despite the crucifixtion being portrayed as a public event in fact onlookers were obliged to watch from a distance.

Contrary to belief, Jesus was not placed in the middle cross but on the western one of the three. This is most clearly indicated in the pesher. Simon was placed in the centre, being the position of the priest. Judas being his second was placed on the east and Jesus being the King of the Jews was placed on the west. Simon dragged the cross, Jesus wore the crown of thorns. Maybe they drug the 'cross' because there were only two old 'trees' in the graveyard.

When Jesus, Simon and Thaddaeus were brought before Pilate only the case against Jesus was dubious. The case against Thaddaeus and Simon was open and shut. Pilate however found it difficult to prove a case against Jesus. Pilate asked the jewish elders " What accusation bring ye against this man? ". He received no satisfactory answer. The trial against Jesus continued but Pilate could find no wrong. Antipas arrived and did a deal with Pilate for the release of Jesus. Pilate opened the door to a choice for the jewish elders with the notion that it might be a passover dispension.
The Jewish elders were offered a choice, "Jesus or Barabbas" . The Jewish elders chose to crucify Jesus? Hardley!
At this point the Roman soldiers placed a crown of thorns on the head of Jesus and wrapped a purple robe around him.

The main subject of these executions was in fact Simon. The method the three were strung up by was designed to slow the circulation and damage the internal organs. Here is a link to the Nag Hammidi Library in Berlin that takes you to a shocker of a statement made by Jesus himself ( un-recorded in the King James version and most others ) to prove this is true.

It was Simon that was killed not Jesus. The second Treatise of the Great Seth .. Excerpt..."I did not succumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflicted at all. Those who were there punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted in the face of what happened to me at their hands. I was about to succumb to fear, and I according to their sight and thought, in order that they may never find any word to speak about them. For my death, which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death.For their Ennoias did not see me, for they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they condemn themselves. Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father,( Master ) who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. I was another upon Whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height over all the wealth of the archons and the offspring of their error, of their empty glory. And I was laughing at their ignorance".

The above work will be denied by Jews, Musslems, Christians, and Buddists. Nothing we can say will make any difference until God reveals the truth.

Publisher's Weekly For the lay reader, this crystalline, well-documented work offers substantive evidence that for more than 40 years a small coterie of Catholic scholars established a stranglehold on access to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in the Qumran caves east of Jerusalem in 1947. Baigent and Leigh ( Holy Blood, Holy Grail ) claim that the elite group had direct links to official Vatican propaganda offices, that at least two among them were outspoken anti-Semites, and that they suppressed material that connects early Christianity to the Qumran community as well as to the zealous defenders of the fortress of Masada. Drawing on the findings of independent Dead Sea Scrolls scholar Robert Eisenman of California State University, the authors advance startling theories that should change the way we view ancient Judaism and nascent Christianity. They argue that the Essenes, Zealots and Nazorenes or early Christians in first-century Palestine weren't different Jewish sects but were, rather, various sobriquets for members of a broad messianic nationalistic movement dedicated to upholding the Law of Moses and determined to violently overthrow the Roman occupiers. The authors also amass evidence that the Habakkuk Commentary and other Dead Sea Scrolls refer to the same events as those recounted in Acts, in Josephus and in the works of early Christian historians; that Paul was sent forth by the hierarchy in Jerusalem for the express purpose of recruiting an army, and by preaching a new religion, he was depoliticizing and emasculating the militant movement; and that Paul might have been a Roman agent or informer.
Baigent and Leigh demonstrate the perfidies of clandestine, cliquish scholarship.
(Cliquish; A narrow exclusive circle or group of persons, one held together by a presumed identity of interest)
But Jesus belonged to such a group.

We have seen this proof elsewhere as with schollers such as Ogden, G.R.S. Mead, Philo, Kersten, Origen and others. Robert Eisenman, chairman of the Department of Religious studies of the Califorinia State University was able to obtain photographs of the scrolls. From his review came the same conclusion. Paul was indeed a Roman operative much like our C.I.A. of today. Paid to infiltrate the Essene community and get as much information as he could. Enough to bring down the freedom fighters at their very core.

If you have never really known who Jesus/Christ was, now you should. He began as a mere mortal Man ( as Jesus was ) but was incarnated with a Holy, All Powerfull Spirit which resided in flesh to resemble man and to be seen as one. Before the Baptism, before the 'initiation into the brotherhood', Jesus was a Mortal man. The mortal man was allowed to live and carry on the seed of the 'word', while the Spirit , the 'incarnated Christ', the Logos, the Son, returned to whence it came... to GOD, it's Father. Read Isaiah 53:10 . ."he will see his offspring and prolong his days and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisified, by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, Therefore I will give him a portion amoung the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong,"...there is more to this story on
Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Truth

This is the history of a change in actual, ancient Christianity

Onto such a stage in the middle decades of the first century, into what one scholar has called "a seething mass of sects and salvation cults, "stepped the false apostles of a new movement". In Galatians 1:16 Paul says: "God chose to reveal his Son in me, and through me to preach him to the Gentiles." Paul claims he is the instrument of God's revelation. He preaches about the Son, the newly-disclosed means of salvation offered to Jew and Gentile alike.
In order to accomplish this, he must eliminate the True followers and he does this very well in the book of Acts.

The Epistle of James is written in the name of a servant of Jesus called James (or Jacobus). However, in Christian mythology there were two apostles named James and Jesus also had a brother named James. It is not clear which James is intended and there is no agreement among Christians themselves. It quotes sayings from the Second Source but unlike Matthew and Luke it does not attribute these sayings to Jesus but presents them as sayings of James. It contains an important argument against the doctrine of "salvation through faith" expounded in the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. We can thus conclude that it was written during the first half of the second century C.E., after Romans but before the time that Matthew and Luke were accepted by all Christians. Thus regardless of which James is intended, the Epistle of James is pseudepigraphic. It says almost nothing about Jesus and there is no evidence that the author had any historical sources for him.

The secret Gospel of Mark, Changed by Clement see.. Morton Smith's Discovery of a Lost Letter
It identified itself as a letter by Clement of the Stromateis, i.e., Clement of Alexandria, the second-century church father well-known for his neo-platonic applications of Christian belief. Clement writes "to Theodore," congratulating him for success in his disputes with the Carpocratians, an heterodoxical sect about which little is known. Apparently in their conflict with Theodore, the Carpocratians appealed to Mark's gospel.

Clement responds by recounting a new story about the Gospel. After Peter's death, Mark brought his original gospel to Alexandria and wrote a "more spiritual gospel for the use of those who were being perfected." Clement says this text is kept by the Alexandrian church for use only in the initiation into "the great mysteries."

However, Carpocrates the heretic, by means of magical stealth, obtained a copy and adapted it to his own ends. Because this version of the "secret" or "mystery" gospel had been polluted with "shameless lies," Clement urges Theodore to deny its Markan authorship even under oath. "Not all true things are to be said to all men," he advises.

Some say Jesus and the disciples would have nothing to do with the 'Gentiles'. That is why they lived apart from them. That is why Jesus himself considered the gentiles "UNCLEAN" and heathen. But Jesus did invite some into the 'brotherhood'. So here you must ask yourself, why did Paul or the church create this lie? Paul NEVER KNEW JESUS.

FACT: Jesus was not a Christian, and he did not intend for a 'new' religion to be started on his behalf. He and the disciples were members of the 'Zadok Brotherhood', a secret society that most religious orders of today now deny. This order is from the same line of decendents of Aaron and David and Moses. It is the continuance of a bloodline of Priests and Kings that has Malchizedek, Solomon, Abraham, Enoch, Seth and Adam in it's ranks.

He was the Master Teacher and after John the Baptist's death, and he became the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. This is written in the Book of Matthew.

Scholers say He practiced what is called Pharisaic ( rabbinic ) Judaism, but Jesus excepted the Faith of Mary Magdalene, who practiced the Gnostic religion. If you have been to the Jesus pages, you saw that the Essenes viewed the teachings of Enoch with very high regard and favored the Original laws of Moses as opposed to any others . Paul sided with the Gentiles and was later accused of trying to change the 'Laws of Moses'.

The fact that Jesus was a 'Master', came from the royal bloodline, belonged to this order, this highly secret society, is quoted in Scripture. It is also in scripture Luke 3:3, that Joseph is a 'son' in the royal bloodline of King David, which takes him back to Enoch and therefore to Adam. Jesus' mother Mary is also from a priestly bloodline with direct descent from Aaron. This is also true of the Mother of John the baptist. His mother Elizabeth is from the same royal blood line of Aaron.

Jesus makes it very clear that, "The secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them", meaning no one but the disciples had a clue as to the relevance of the 'secret knowledge' they all shared.

Even c. 170 CE, Lucian of Samosata in his play The Passing of Peregrinus, gives an explanation to his audience as to who the Christians and "their crucified sophist" are, explaining how they believe they are immortal,
and call themselves 'brothers', etc. This comes from Gnostic beliefs.

The so-called Christians and fundamentalists of today will deny this but ask any one of them to explain what historians, theologists and Jewish scholars have uncovered so far, and they will say it can't be true because it isn't in the bible. They call anyone who does not believe what the bible says, 'Devil Worshipers'. When will they 'WAKE UP? What theologians have uncovered, disputes written scripture and the actual authors of it. Even the writings of Flavius Josephus are now questionable because Christian writers got ahold of the works and inserted their own ideas.

The buzzword was "salvation". And for the growing number who believed it could not be achieved in the world, it became salvation from the world. Redeeming the individual grew into a 'Hellenistic' industry.

Paul was a Hellenist but also a Roman Citizen. He used his close association with the Roman Army to his own advantage.

37-62?: Paul of Tarsus: Roman citizen?, tentmaker?, King James Scripture includes the genuine letters of Paul, written in the 50's AD; letters written later under his name: Colossians, Ephesians, 2 Thessalonians, the three Pastorals (1 & 2 Timothy & Titus); other New Testament epistles: James, Hebrews, Jude, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John; Revelation.
Also included are non-canonical writings: 1 Clement, the Didache ( later called The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles ), the letters of Ignatius, and the Epistle of Barnabas. The dates of many of these documents ( all originally written in Greek ) are difficult to fix and are here only approximate.
Every Christian would agree that these are essential elements of the Gospel story, along with the portrayal of Jesus as an ethical teacher, as a worker of miracles, an apocalyptic preacher of the coming Kingdom of God. And yet when we step outside those Gospels into the much more rarefied atmosphere of the first century epistles, we encounter a huge puzzle.

This strange silence on the Gospel of Jesus which pervades almost a century of Christian correspondence cries out for explanation. It cannot be dismissed as some inconsequential quirk, or by the blithe observation made by New Testament scholarship that early Christian writers "show no interest" in the earthly life of Jesus.
Something is going on here. In this first article in a series of three,( link above ) we are going to take a close look at this "Conspiracy of Silence" to which Paul and every other Christian writer of the first century seems to be a party.

Paul, in AD 40 went to Jerusalem (1st trip?) to meet Peter & James. When Paul wrote about the Christ, he made us believe the deity differs from divinity as essence differs from quality or attribute. Thus the deity referred to here, which dwelt in Jesus bodily, is described as 'the spirit of God'. It was that essence emanating from God which enabled the Christ to become one with God. While the other Elohim possessed this spirit, the issue that Paul appears to be making is that Christ has the authority and the fullness of the qualities of the deity and delegated attributes of the Father. This renders other entities irrelevant in the control of the elect. Christ is the head of all rule and authority (Col. 2:10). God is the object of prayer. Christ and the elders act by delegation. Thus the issue was one of control and authority.

The thought processes involved appear to be aimed at negating secondary entities and confining the process to one of control through Christ. All prayer was to be to God the Father in Christ's name. Though there are powers influencing mankind there is but one Mediator between God and man. Never in the Bible is prayer sanctioned to anyone other than God who is the Father. The propitiation of the elders may have developed its own cosmology. However, what is clear is that some traditions of the Pharisees regarding the law had penetrated the Church in this process. The theory of the elemental spirits of the universe further complicates the issue. Church Fathers say anything refering to God in 'nature' is 'satantic'. That nature is not God. Everything that is not God therefore is Pagan and 'occult'.

But was the Son of God a recent historical man? Has he been revealed to the world through his own life and ministry? No, neither Paul nor any other early Christian letter writer ever presents us with such an idea.

We must realize that "Jesus" (Yeshua) is a Hebrew name meaning Saviour. At the beginning of Christianity it refers not to the name of a human individual but (like the term Logos) to a concept: a divine, spiritual figure who is the mediator of God's salvation. "Christ", the Greek translation of the Hebrew "Messiah", is also a concept, meaning the 'Anointed One of God'.

His name may have been Youdah ben Chlopas, allegedly from Kerioth, or the one called Jesus ben Levi. Cleophas Matthias is the brother of Joseph... see Death of the Disciples

The Code; There is a word in Hebrew which goes Yod He Shin Vau He and is sometimes pronounced "Yeheshuha".
This is allegedly where the name Jesus (or Joshua, or Jesse) comes from and is probably a traditional title bestowed upon the High Priest/Governor.

("King"?) of the Jews - in other words, their "Pope" as would be described by Romans. In English it is spelled IHShVH - which is IHVH(Sh) - Jehova (Sh...) - and thus Jehovah and Jesus are the same. Since IHVH is usually pronounced "Yah-Veh" and not "Yah-He-Veh-He", why gild the lily with IHShVH? Thus, Jesus is the 'Word' of God. There's nothing exotic about that. Where the original IHShVH comes from is quite remarkable. And very exotic. Thus the 'Logos', the incarnate word, is real, the name and his actual 'savior' mission is construed by the Romans who wanted to control it..

Much of the following is excerpts from various sources including the Nag Hammidi Library in Berlin and the teachings of the Gnostics. The main URL links are below and on the second part of this series, 'The False Church'. These works and undoubtedly others were delibertly left out of the King James Bible, and possibly other holy books as well so you would never discover their secret and their lies that have prevailed for 2000 years.

...from the Apocalypse of Peter Jesus speeking to Peter,
"For many will accept our teaching in the beginning. And they will turn from them again by the will of the Father of their error, because they have done what he wanted....
And he will reveal them in his judgment, i.e the servants of the 'Word'. But those who became mingled with these shall become their prisoners, since they are without perception. And they praise the men of propagation of falsehood, those who will come after you. And they will cleave to the name of a dead man, ( Paul and Hermas who is the brother of Pius, Bishop of Rome ) thinking that they will become pure. But they will become greatly defiled and they will fall into a name of error, and into the hand of an evil, cunning man and a manifold dogma, and they will be ruled without law." "For some of them will blaspheme the truth and proclaim evil teaching."

( This passage refers to those who lie, falsely proclaiming what they call, the evil teaching of 'the brotherhood', the Masons. Those of you who are 'enlightened' will see the revelance of this statement, keeping in mind it was written 2000 years ago. He saw this coming. )

2 Thes 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

The Saviour said, "They neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but shall be as the angels in heaven? "1 And the angels, say they, have neither flesh, nor do they eat, nor have sexual intercourse; therefore there shall be no resurrection of the flesh.

Let us beware of creating a darkness at noonday for ourselves by gazing, so to say, direct at the sun . . . , as though we could hope to attain adequate vision and perception of Wisdom with mortal eyes. It will be the safer course to turn our gaze on an image of the object of our quest.
– The Athenian Stranger, PLATO

The words of Jesus, Philip, Thomas and James prove the lies and the slavery.

Jesus' words in Matthew 15:7, "You Hypocrites, Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you; These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men".

from the Gospel of Philip #13. The authorities° desire to deceive humankind, because they perceived him being in a kinship to the truly good. So they took the word 'good', they applied it to the ungood so that thru words they might deceive and bind him within the ungood.* And subsequently whenever grace is enacted to them, they are to be withdrawn from the ungood and be appointed in the good--as these are know. For they desired to take the free person and keep him as a slave to themselves become [ masters ] over him. For where there is humankind, there is [ slavery ].
( Isa 5:20; ) *thus Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The First Circle:
( 'A prisoner ... who has risen to that stage of development where the bad begins to appear the good' )

"Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus" -- Thomas Jefferson

More proof Paul corrupted the 'Jesus' teachings from..

And what was the doctrine of salvation of these early, pre-Pauline Christians? They believed that SALVATION IS DEPENDENT UPON FOLLOWING THE SAVING TEACHINGS OF YAHSHUA (Jesus). In a profound contrast with the theology of Paul -- which became orthodox Christianity ("Paulianity") -- the literature of the Essene Nazarene Ebionites NEVER TAUGHT SALVATION VIA BELIEF IN THE SACRIFICIAL DEATH OF JESUS ON THE CROSS. The Pauline doctrine which asserts that you can only be saved by believing that Jesus died for your sins, is called ATONEMENT. The Essene Nazarene Ebionites had a very different doctrine of Atonement; it was AT-ONE-MENT.
They believed that to be AT-ONE with God (the goal of religion) one must follow THE SAVING TEACHINGS OF YAHSHUA, not simply believe in his sacrificial death. The Essene Nazarene Ebionites based their doctrine of salvation on the actual instructions they personally received from Yahshua before his crucifixion. Unlike Paul, who NEVER EVEN MET JESUS, the leaders of the Essene Nazarene Ebionites were PERSONALLY TRAINED AND INITIATED BY THEIR SPIRITUAL MASTER, YAHSHUA.
In The Essene New Testament, Jesus tells his disciples that blood sacrifice cannot bring salvation:

Jesus was teaching his disciples in the outer court of the Temple and one of them said unto him, "Master, it is said by the priests that without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Can blood offerings take away sin?" Jesus answered, "No blood offering of beast or bird or man can take away sin. For how can the conscience be purged from sin by the shedding of innocent blood? Nay, it will increase the condemnation.... For sins against the Law of God there can be no remission, except by repentance and amendment."

So, Jesus made quite clear that no blood sacrifice -- not even his own -- can provide salvation for your sins; rather, you must quit sinning (repent) and follow his SAVING TEACHINGS. And that was the doctrine of salvation of the Essene Nazarene Ebionites.

It should be noted that while the Essene Nazarene Christians did not believe in the remission of sins via Jesus' sacrificial death, THEY DID BELIEVE JESUS PERFORMED A POWERFUL WORK ON THE CROSS. Here's the catch, He spent eleven more years teaching the remaining disciples but they didn't stay in Israel.

About two decades after the crucifixion of Jesus, we meet Paul. Essene Nazarene Christianity was still true to the teachings of Jesus, being led by James, the brother of Jesus.
Paul, an agent of the Jewish puppet-government installed by imperial Rome, then made his first appearance, leading a bloody assault on the Essene Christians in the Temple at Jerusalem. That vicious attack in which many Essene-Christians were murdered by Paul and his henchmen -- an historical fact you won't find in your "Pauline" Christian Bible -- is described by the Apostle Peter in an ancient Essene Christian manuscript titled, THE CLEMENTINE HOMILIES AND RECOGNITIONS; we read:
"... the high priest of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem had often sent priests to ask us that we might discourse with one another concerning Jesus: when it seemed a fit opportunity, and it pleased all of our church, we accepted the invitation and went up to the temple. It was crowded with people who had come to listen, many Jews and many of our own brethren. First the high priest told people that they should listen patiently and quietly. ... Then, he began exalting with many praises the rite of animal sacrifice for the remission of sins and found fault with the baptism given by our Jesus to replace animal sacrifice....

"To him our James began to show, by abundant proof that Jesus is the Christ, and that in Him are fulfilled all the prophecies which related to His humble advent. For, James showed that two advents of Him are foretold: one in humiliation, which He has now accomplished; the other in glory, which is yet to be accomplished....

"And when James had plainly taught the people concerning these things, he added this also, that unless a man be baptized in water, in the name of the threefold blessedness, as the True Prophet taught, he can neither receive remission of sins nor enter the kingdom of heaven: and he declared that this is the prescription of the unbegotten God.... And when James had spoken some more things about baptism, through seven successive days he persuaded all the people and even the high priest that they should hasten straightaway to receive baptism....

"And when matters were at that point that they would all come and be baptized, Paul and his men entered the temple: and Paul cried out: 'Oh men of Israel, why are you so easily influenced by these miserable men?' He began to excite the people and raise a tumult... and drive all into confusion with shouting, and to undo what had been done by James. Paul rebuked the priests for having listened to James, and, like a madman, began to excite the priests and people to murder James and the brethren, saying 'Do not hesitate; grab them and pull them to pieces.' Paul then, seizing a strong brand from the altar, set the example of smiting. Then others also, seeing him, joined in the beating. Much blood was shed. Although James and the brethren were more numerous and more powerful they rather suffered themselves to be killed by an inferior force, than to kill others. Paul attacked James and threw him headlong from the top of the steps; and supposing him to be dead left him."

Fortunately, James, the Brother of Jesus and leader of the Essene Christians, was revived by Essene healers. He and the other survivors of Paul's attack left Jerusalem and went to an Essene commune to heal. Paul continued to persecute Essene Christians, going from city to city with secret police agents, arresting and killing many.

A study of all the source material makes clear that Paul did more than simply state his own opinion: he DELIBERATELY and SYSTEMATICALLY replaced the original teachings of Jesus and the "old apostles" with his own very different teachings, not only on vegetarianism but also women's rights, slavery and more.

"Paul declares that... the Elect may even eat meat sacrificed to idols.... Whereas Jesus honored women and found in them His most devoted followers, Paul never tires of proclaiming their inferiority. He declares that, man is the head of the woman and she must always submit to his will.... Whereas the Essenes proclaimed equality among the Brethren [the Essenes were the first people on earth to condemn and forbid the practice of slavery], Paul repeatedly declares that Christian slaves must be obedient to their Christian masters."
see the above link for more.

The Blasphemy of The Church of Rome

It is widely held that Peter was the first Pope ( by Romans ) and thru his authority the political structure became unchallanged. The heirs to the church were bishops and priests who used the 'literal resurrection' as their base of incontestable power and rule. As we have seen, there was no literal resurrection, except for the 'initiates'. They imagined themselves to be greater than the apostles and even told the people that the apostles were influenced by the Jews, therefore not as wise as they.

We have long known that many early followers of Christ were condemned by other Christians as heretics, but nearly all we knew about them came from what their opponents who wrote attacking them. Fifty years later Hippolytus, a teacher in Rome, wrote another massive Refutation of All Heresies to "expose and refute the wicked blasphemy of the heretics."
This campaign against heresy involved an involuntary admission of its persuasive power; yet the bishops prevailed. By the time of the Emperor Constantine's conversion, when Christianity became an officially approved religion in the fourth century, Christian bishops, previously victimized by the police, now commanded them. Possession of books denounced as heretical was made a criminal offense. Copies of such books were burned and destroyed. But in Upper Egypt, someone; possibly a monk from a nearby monastery of St. Pachomius, took the banned books and hid them from destruction-- in the jar where they remained buried for almost 1,600 years, ie. The Nag Hammadi Collection.

What Muhammad 'Alí discovered at Nag Hammadi, it soon became clear, were Coptic translations, made about 1,500 years ago, of still more ancient manuscripts. The originals themselves had been written in Greek, the language of the New Testament: as Doresse, Puech, and Quispel had recognized, part of one of them had been discovered by archeologists about fifty years earlier, when they found a few fragments of the original Greek version of the Gospel of Thomas. This text was smuggled out of Egypt.

"The majority of churches, among which the church of Rome took a leading role, rejected all other viewpoints as heresy. Deploring the diversity of the earlier movement, Bishop Irenaeus and his followers insisted that there could be only one church, and outside of that church, he declared, "there is no salvation."
Members of this church alone are orthodox ( literally, "straight-thinking" ) Christians. And, he claimed, this church must be catholic-- that is, universal. Whoever challenged that consensus, arguing instead for other forms of Christian teaching, was declared to be a heretic, and expelled. When the orthodox gained military support, sometime after the Emperor Constantine became Christian in the fourth century, the penalty for heresy escalated.

One of the most despicable facts We have come across ( other than the ordering of the torture of the Knights Templar ) is this.. 'The Treasury of Merits.' The church claimed that no one was perfect except Mary and Jesus, therefore the 'church' had been given an abundance of blessings and virtue by them and the Pope could 'draw' on this storehouse in incruments at his own descretion and inturn bestow it on the people. However , these rewards were 'SOLD'. The pope also sold units of time from the treasury, which were said to shorten the length of time one must spend in purgatory. These units could restore and cleanse away hundreds, even thousands of years in Hell.

The church claimed that the 'teachings' of church were more important than actual scripture and to doubt the teachings was equal to heresy which was punishable by tortue and death. Reading scripure was forbidden. ( They rewrote their version of bible in 1604 .) They also claimed that every priest had power over God, and that God had no choice but to obey the orders of the priest. The priest could 'call' Christ down from his throne and place him on the altar, there to be offered up again for the sins of man in the holy communion.

In the Apocalypse of Peter, the orthodox Church's claim to religious authority is undermined by an account of the risen Christ explaining to Peter that; "those who name themselves bishop and deacon and act as if they had received their authority from god are in reality waterless canals. Although they do not understand mystery they boast that the mystery of truth belongs to them alone.
"They have misinterpreted the apostle's teaching and have set up an imitation church in place of the true Christian brotherhood."

Ancient Christian Gospels (1990): What is put to the test is the 'early Catholic' or 'orthodox' tradition, which asserts the monopoly of the canonical gospel tradition.... Only dogmatic prejudice can assert that the canonical writings have an exclusive claim to apostolic origin and thus to historical priority.... The parables of the Gospel of Thomas are to be read as stories in their own right, not as artificial expressions of some hidden Gnostic truth. from.
.(The Gospels of Thomas, Philip and Truth) Ecumenical Coptic Project, Athens, 2001"

A Parting Shot - The Holy Ghost as a Mother [is] a concept well attested in the Jewish Christian Gospel tradition and quite understandable in a religion of Semitic language.... The Gospel of Thomas ... contains evidence of a Gospel tradition transmitted in a Jewish Christian milieu.... [It] is not gnostic at all. The adherents of the gnostic interpretation ... must explain how the author could possibly say that the buried corpse could rise again.

Isn't there a prophesy that declares "the bibles will be burned"?? Notice I said Bible , not the Koran, Kabbalah or the Jewish/Hebrew works. This is unfortunate, but because their truth has been invented, lied about and 'hidden' by Romans, and carried on through Christianity it may happen.
Recently the Pope apologized for some of the things (1994), there are more to come. His 'turn around' from standard Catholic beliefs is astounding. ( see false church ) The 'controllers' are about to be exposed. What did Nostrodomus predict to happen when the present Pope Dies?

This is likely to happen anyway as God has said it would. There will be peace and harmony but at a terrible price. All that remain will be the sum of 144,000. The anticrist is likely to stur things up and we have to be wise enough not to be taken in by his lies. see The Anti-Christ

Canon law does not specifically forbid Catholics to become Freemasons. The ban rests on the RCC hierarchy's interpretation of the Masonic movement. They claim that it is "plotting against the church". We have every reason to ask for evidence of such plotting. But this is not really available. It has been searched high and low for it in Catholic sources without success. Even the people who wrote this criticism seem to realize that it is insufficient.

To augment their arguments and still convince people that Freemasonry is wrong, they have added a number of different reasons:

Even if the Masons did not plot against the church, it might be seriously wrong to join them for other reasons. The congregation presents as the reason for its judgment the fact that the principles of Masonry are "irreconcilable" with those of the church. The six-year study of Masonry by the German bishops and the study of American Masonry by Professor William Whalen (commissioned by the Pastoral Research and Practices Committee) both confirm that the principles and basic rituals of Masonry embody a naturalistic religion active participation in which is incompatible with Christian faith and practice.

Papal anti-Masonic writings examined Here is a brief summary of the condemnations issued by each pope, page done by Åke Eldberg. This page has been written by this priest who is also a Freemason, in response to some allegations and misunderstandings which are being propagated on the Internet, most especially on the "Ex-Masons for Jesus" web pages.

From the rule of Constantine, the Romanised Church destroyed everything which contained any evidence to the contrary of their own teachings including the burning of the library in Alexandria, Egypt. The real question then becomes, why did the church [ Romans occuping Egypt ] burn the records? You should see why by now!.

masonicinclusion What needs to happen, is if everyone could get along long enough, every religion could get together and 'pool' the information. The basics of Islamic, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddism and Christianity are the same. The differences are only in the teachers or prophets and a few other minor things that can be worked out. Every one has something positive to share with the other making everyone understand God and therefore each other. Jesus' mission was to show us the way back to God, and to teach us to LEARN and be wise. Souls are sent into the world to be knowledgeable about every aspect of earthly life. When they find the truth, they find the way back to God. Once you know the 'WAY' you become a brother or sister in Christ.

This is infact the basis of Masonry. Brotherly love and understanding shared among men of all creeds and religions all over the world. There was no resurrection in the sence and terms the Christian religion refers to it.
Jesus appeared to become more than a mortal man but he still died like everyone else. The Holy Spirit, sent by God to inhabit the body of Jesus ASSENDED back to Our Father in Heaven, he is a "Master" in Heaven and He lives in the hearts and souls of 'the true brotherhood of man'.

CONTINUE with page 2 The False Church

The Lies continue, this time by the very people who claim they "KNOW" Jesus and walk in his path. Lies of the fundamentalists who HATE MASONS. Now we know Why.

If you're searching for truth and knowledge, read something that was not written by practicing religion, something non-bias, non-dominational. Research by someone who is also looking for truth and will go to many lengths to find it. The works of the Nag Hammidi, The Dead sea Scrolls, the Pyramid texts, The secret texts of Enoch, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ect., that were written by the direct witnesses to God, Ra and the deciples of Christ who knew and spent all their time with the Masters. They are not fakes. They are not lies. They were written as actual fact based on what the writer actually saw and heard or knew to be true. Look for works by Plato, Hippolytus ( greek )Pythagoras, 530BC,ect., who were not looking to make a buck. All of the worlds great religions started in one place and branched out from there. These original works, some written before the Bible, hold the keys to the real truth. The truth before the 'controllers' took over.

We found this on a Masonic web site in France. It shows how Paul and the Romans corrupted the world into the belief that the body rises to heaven. We think we have proven that it does not.
"We Protestants disapprove of their failure to exact a firm belief in the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul, more I think because we are Christians than for any other reason.
We believe even more we teach the resurrection of the body through faith in the merits of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, though the Jews among us cannot agree with that, but it is there, and it cannot be found in the Anderson Constitutions, under which the Grand Lodge of France is working today. We are perhaps unconsciously, gradually blending our Christian faith with Freemasonry, while we believe or teach that the latter unites men of every Nation, sect and opinion and concilates friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance".

We will never be united with Islam or true Judiasm and it is likely the Muslems will do everything in their power to destroy us because of what the Romans demanded that Christians believe in 325 A.D. They said Jesus was God. They said Jesus wasn't married, wasn't human, had no real family. They said he literally rose from the dead, they said he rise to heaven in the flesh, they said you 'must have blind faith', they said ONLY THEY could forgive sins because they had direct contact with Christ, but they created the 'original sin' factor, and THEY created the 'Jesus died for us' lie.
The immortality of the soul has nothing to do with the body and that was the lesson Jesus was sent here to teach. Jesus will not take away sins. You do um' you pay for um'. But if God is really 'Love' are we to be punished?

We have another theory that will connect you with God. Once you realize you are part of God, the rest of this makes sence. Sophia recognized her father on passage page 1. Consciousness is a part of God. You think, you feel, you experience. This is the 'mystery'. The disciples may have seen Christ ascend, but it wasn't his body they saw. Find out more on the Shroud of Turin page.

Where did we get in information we refer to here and throughout this site? Read for yourself.
Beginning with The Hiram Key.

Uriel's Machine Rosslyn The Dead Sea Scrolls
Past Lives, Future Healing Life on the Other Side The Other Side and Back The Book of Hiram

The Disciples The Death of the Disciples
Pyramid of Gaza Jesus and the Essenes
The Real Jesus " Moses, The Master of Al-Chemy"
Solomon's Goddesses Site Map
Christ's Mission Christ's Mission, page 2
www.nostradamus Jesus Silenced
Did Josephus know Jesus The False Church
back to The Widow's Son The Initiate

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