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Travelling Gavel at 588

On Thursday 24th October 2019 the Lodge visited Lodge Camelon 1456 headed by Right Worshipful Master Brother Barry Hamilton.

On that evening the new Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Camelon Brother Iain Clark was conferring his first Degree as Right Worshipful Master a Master Mason Degree and the Brethren were not disappointed after a very fine working of the Degree.

At the conclusion of the meeting the Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Camelon No 1456 Brother Iain Clark passed over the Travelling Gavel to our Right Worshipful Master.

So if anyone wants it the next meeting of Lodge Callendar will be an Regular Meeting on Monday 4th November 2019 and will be 2nd Degree. This will also be the Annual Visitation of Provincial Grand Lodge.

Pictured below is the two Right Worshipful Masters exchanging the Gavel and the Brethren present in the deputation.

1456 - 588 TG