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October 28, 2002

Happy Halloween!


A huge thank you to those of you who came out to our Second Annual Halloween Party at Henry Lodge in Fairfax. An even bigger thank you to those who came and helped set-up and clean up. We could not have done it without you!

After the party the girls went back to the Hampton's house and had a slumber party. Little did they know that they were being kidnapped in the morning and being taken to breakfast . . . Sorry ladies, we had to do it!


This WEDNESDAY, the Sojourners will be having their meeting, as we have been asked to serve at the dinner. I need 2 volunteers to come help out. Dad James and I will be attending if anyone needs a ride there and back. Let me know ASAP if you can/would like to attend. This is a GREAT money maker for the Bethel.

This Sunday is our regular meeting at 6 p.m. Please arrive no later than 5:15 to help set up the Bethel room. Everyone should arrive in a dress/skirt. Pants, jeans, shorts, etc. are not permitted and should not be worn to a Bethel meeting.

Please bring your Pageant money to this meeting. Anyone not turning in their pageant money on that date WILL NOT ATTEND. (See below)

COMING SOON . . . . .

  • Nov. 9 - Ghost Walk of Old Towne Alexandria (7:30 p.m.)/Slumber Party at the Heim's

IN TUNE WITH 22 . . . .

Don't forget to give Mom Mona your ticket stubs/programs to get credit!! You could be the winner of the cool musical prize at the end of term . . . .

PAGEANT . . . .

Pageant will take place in Williamsburg on Nov. 30. We will be leaving from Springfield, VA early in the day (time to be determined later.) Rooms are $62 each, plus tax. If 4 girls stay in one room, the total will be $17 (to include tax.) Pageant tickets are $5 each. Girls should bring their money to Mom Melanie ($22 total - makes checks payable to Melanie Schoonmaker) at the Nov. 3 meeting. If your money is NOT turned in on this day, you will not be attending pageant this year. Let your line officer know this week if you will/won't be attending pageant. This will give me an idea of who I should expect money from.


"Our responsibilities to God and all mankind should inspire us to noble deeds."

Have a great week!

~*~Mom Melanie~*~

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Revised: [JWS]
101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22301
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