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Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia

Province of New Zealand

Webpage Links

Mark Stavish's website on alchemy NEW
SRIA East Anglia (UK) website for students
SRIA Aussie
SRIC (SocRos in Canada)
SRIA (One of the many American versions)
Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
S.R.I.A. Province of Cheshire & North Wales
MSRICF (another American version)
SRICF (another American version)
The Golden Dawn (One of the many versions)
The Golden Dawn (Another one)
Aussie Alchemical (lab) Society (some books here)
Melchior's (Rosicrucian) Orders link page
Something curious to read to pass the time (alchemy)
Triad Publishing (They sell a good study course on lab alchemy)
A small Occult library
Esoteric Archives (very good etext resource)
The Alchemy Website (best resource on the net for alchemy)
Ages of Alchemy site (a bit messy but a few interesting tid-bits)
Some curious AMORC stuff (pic's etc)
More online texts




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visitors since feb2004