Please know :  that the Grand Council of the Order Of The Gran Oriente Espaņol has authorized illustrious Brother Jose Rizal, Master Mason, to the effect that he can represent us before the Freemasonry of the Grand Orient of France and before the honorable Lodges of Germany. This representation is granted to illustrious Brother Rizal for him to greet in our name all the Masonic powers that have relations with the Gran Oriente Espaņol, and also to present to the Glorious Orient and the Grand Lodges, which do not have a guarantor of amity or equal representative of our Grand Council, the sincere guaranty of our fraternal sentiments toward the Grand Masters, high dignitaries, and members of their respective Masonic jurisdictions.

We pray that our brethren be good enough in fraternally receiving our Brother Rizal, and that they accept our heartfelt greetings and best wishes for the prosperity and greatness of the Masonic Family.

The Great Architect of the Universe wishes that this visit of our Brother Rizal to the Valleys of Germany and France be a new fraternal pledge and that it serve to establish for all time the relations of peace and solidarity among Masonic powers that he is going to visit (those whose treaties of amity with us have not yet been signed) and the Gran Oriente Fspaņol.

Given in Madrid on the 3rd day of January, 1891.

Grand Secretary General

Grand Master
Grand President of the Council of the Order



(Reprinted from "The Cable Tow", Vol 73. No.5)

r Jo