Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 19:24:08 -0500
Subject: Geo. Washington PM Award Organization

Dear Webmaster & Brother:

Congratulations! In response to your application for our awards, the Website Designer of Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites has visited "Urdaneta Lodge No. 302, Free and Accepted Masons", and your site has been selected to receive our Geo. Washington Past Master Award!

You have an outstanding masonic website that meets our award criteria! Please pick up our award graphic (washaward.gif) at the following page:
Then copy your award onto your own website server. While you are there please look over our criteria and feel free to beam with pride!

Again, Congratulations, and thank you for adding a great site to the web!

Pars cantandi pars saltandi Et in bracas pars bullandi (Sung to the tune of the Westminster Chimes)

Bro J. R. Martin
Member, The Philalethes Society
Member, Texas Lodge of Research AF&AM
Member, Webmaster IGMW
Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites Designer
The Music of Freemasonry
