
This is a demonstration of a basic Lodge web site built with the CMSimple content management system (CMS).

I had no prior knowledge of CMSimple before starting and these are my observations of the process.

  1. It is a very small package -- quick to download and quick to deploy.
  2. It does not require a database.
  3. The documentation is well written.
  4. It works as advertised.
  5. It is free!

In less than 4 hours, I built what you see here.

Note: I'm an old guy and I went deliberately slow -- reading the documentation, trying a concept, checking out the support forum, etc..  Now, having done that, I could do it all over again in less than an hour.  I really took much longer than necessary.

CMSimple has its limitations, but once you get the design/layout the way you want it, ANYONE can maintain the content.  For example, anyone could change the Officers at the end of the year, or add/delete events and news items to keep them current.  It is this type of content maintenance that CMSimple makes, well, simple.

I am impressed.