Morristown Lodge #231 F&AM


Adopted 12/2/2016


WM: (Raps)

"Brother Senior Deacon."


SD: (Stands, gives due guard)

 "Worshipful Master"

WM: "You will prepare and present the ballot box for inspection and verification."

The Senior Deacon obtains the ballot box and presents it to the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden who inspect the ballot box making sure that the ballot drawer is empty and that there are both white balls and black balls in the ballot box. The Senior Deacon approaches the Altar and faces the east.

WM: "Brethren, we are about to vote on the petition(s) of _______________ for (the three degrees of Freemasonry, affiliation, restoration, etc.) ………… Who has (have all) received a favorable report from the investigating committee.

Does any Brother wish to have a portion or all of  the petition reread?

(Does any Brother wish to have a portion or all of any of the petitions reread?)                                                    

If not, Brother Senior Deacon, you will spread the ballot"

The Senior Deacon presents the ballot box in the following order: Worshipful Master, Chaplain, Treasurer, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secretary, all members on the south side of the lodge room, Junior Deacon, all members on the north side of the lodge room.  The Senior Deacon then carries the ballot box to the west side of the Altar.

A member then relieves the Tiler allowing him to enter the lodge room and cast his vote.  The Tiler then exits the lodge room and the relieving Brother re-enters.  The Senior Deacon carries the ballot box to the north pedestal and cast his vote and then returns to the altar with the ballot box.

WM: “Brother Senior Deacon, have all voted ?”

SD: (Places ballot box on floor or knee pad.  Gives due guard)

 “Worshipful Master, all have voted who are entitled to vote.”

WM: “Brother Senior Deacon, you will present the ballot for inspection.”

The Senior Deacon carries the ballot box to the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, and Junior Warden and returns to the west side of the altar with the ballot box.   NOTE: If only one black ball is found the Worshipful Master has the authority to destroy the ballot and order a re-vote.

WM: (Raps)

“Brother Senior Warden.”


SW: (Stands, gives due guard)

 “Worshipful Master”

WM:    How find you the ballot ?”

SW:    “Clear (or cloudy) in the west.”

WM: (Raps) – “Brother Junior Warden.”

JW: (Stands, gives due guard)    “Worshipful Master”

WM: (Raps)

“Brother Junior Warden.”


JW: (Stands, gives due guard)

 “Worshipful Master”

WM:    How find you the ballot ?”

JW:    “Clear (or cloudy) in the south.”

WM:    And clear (or cloudy) in the east.   Thank you be seated.   Brother Senior Deacon, you will present the ballot to the east for destruction.”

The Senior Deacon carries the ballot box to the east.  The Worshipful Master removes all marbles from the voting tray and returns them to the box.

WM:    Thank you Brother Senior Deacon, you may be seated.”

WM:    Brethren, you have elected (Mr. A.B., Brother A.B.) (to receive the three degrees, for affiliation, restoration).  Brother Secretary, you will make record in the minutes and notify the aforementioned of the voting results.”

(Or…WM:    Brethren, you have voted to reject the petition of (Mr. A.B., Brother A.B.) (to receive the three degrees, for affiliation, restoration).  Brother Secretary, you will make record in the minutes and notify the aforementioned of the voting results.”)



1. The Master may approve a collective ballot if there is more than one candidate for the three degrees of Freemasonry, affiliation, restoration, etc.

2.  In the event of one or more black balls appearing when a collective ballot is taken, each petitioner will be voted on individually.

3. In the event of one black ball appearing on an individual ballot, the ballot shall be immediately retaken.   This process can be repeated multiple times.   If a black ball continues to appear, the applicant shall be declared rejected.

4. Masters are required to see that the ballot box is so presented that each officer and member shall cast his ballot unobserved by others, so the secrecy of the ballot shall be inviolably preserved. It is the duty of every member present to vote, and the Master must oblige him to do so.

5. Since it is the obligation of every brother of the Lodge to vote, the Master should invite the Tiler in and have a visiting brother take his place so that the Tiler may cast his vote.