Why DeMolay?


DeMolay is the premier youth organization dedicated to teaching young men to be better persons and leaders while still having a fun time. Under the advisorship of adults; leadership skills, civic awareness, responsibility, and character development are learned through a variety of self directed, real world applications and activities. DeMolay builds confidence; teaches responsibility, cooperation and community service; and fosters trust, respect, fellowship, patriotism, reverence, and sharing.

DeMolay teaches the lesson of Fidelity. 
In a confusing and often troubled world, a DeMolay learns he can count on good friends to help and guide him as he grows. He learns that friendship is a treasure and that good friends don't encourage you to do bad things. The bonds of brotherhood made through DeMolay are strong and extend well into his adult years.

DeMolay teaches no religious creed. 
A young man's beliefs are his own. DeMolay does, however, encourage reverence for scared things and each year Chapters have a Devotional Day at a local Church or Synagogue thereby encouraging members to mature with a strong foundation in the tenets of morality and virtue.

DeMolay is not a substitute for family.
In fact, DeMolay actively encourages the bonds of family. It welcomes parental participation at all levels and it encourages parents to become involved with all of its activities. Parents are free to attend meetings to see for themselves just what DeMolay is all about.

DeMolay Advisors are called "Dad" in recognition of the special trust placed in them as they work with these young men. Both male and female parents are welcomed at all activities and are encouraged to become a part of the Chapter's adult leadership if they wish.

DeMolay has a ceremony to honor our Mothers. Anyone who has ever witnessed a Flower Talk cannot help be moved by the ideals and thoughts of this presentation, particularly when made by a young man in his teens. It is a truly inspiring presentation.

DeMolay is an 'experience'.
Unlike other organizations where members come and go and whose events are controlled by adults, DeMolays learn to take responsibility for planning and executing whatever events they wish. They are supported by a group of 'Advisors' who provide input and mature oversight so that things won't go awry but they encourage these young men to learn and grow into adulthood through leadership experiences and training. DeMolay is truly unique amongst organizations for young men.

DeMolay has 'rituals'. 
Like most clubs, there are ceremonies of initiation but they are totally without any type of hazing whatsoever and are designed to impress upon the mind of the candidate the precepts of DeMolay:

Filial Love - Love of parents 
Reverence - for sacred things 
Courtesy - to all and not just our friends and family 
Comradeship - the true friendship that comes from a fraternal bond 
Fidelity - to his ideals, principles, and friends 
Cleanness - in thought, word, and deed 
Patriotism - with a recognition that our countries are build on strong principles worth defending. 
It is our goal that No DeMolay shall fail as a Leader or as a Man!

No DeMolay Shall Fail as a Citizen and as a Man.

For over 80 years, this has been a guiding principle upon which the Order of DeMolay has been built. Every activity - every event - every interaction is designed with this concept in mind! DeMolay supports good behavior and personal growth.

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