Happy Birthday Brothers !




 Lindsey Arita                     6/28/33

George Bonnett                  6/29/50

Neil Buthorne                     6/29/17

Daniel Chang                      6/26/35

William Crichton                 6/30/23

Robert Ferguson                6/9/37

James McCandless             6/13/45

Klaus Perl                          6/2/39

Wayne Rippee                   6/16/12

William Schroeder             6/11/15

Mark Shafer                      6/27/29

Lewis Shontell                   6/26/39

Calvin Wong                     6/23/44

Ed Wow                           6/17/22

Howard Tarleton               6/1/31


  Masonic Birthdays

William Alvey                    6/24/80

Frank Barros                    6/9/64

Neil Buthorne                   6/26/56

Stan Chapman                  6/17/52

Olen Cook                       6/15/43

Lester Emmick                 6/28/62

Robert Ferguson              6/29/82

John Hoxie                       6/27/72

Arnold Spitz                     6/27/53

Tadao Taketa                   6/29/71

Raymond Tanaka              6/27/99

Howard Tarleton               6/17/58

Richard Togerson              6/25/55


"Salus Populi Suprema Lax"


The Well Being of the Order is the First Great Law