Each year for the last few years, the Texas Masonic District #108 has sponsered a contest where the Lodges in the District can enter their Entered Apprentice dregee team to compete against each other.

The team representing Morton Lodge #70 AF & AM of Richmond, Texas took first place in the 2004 contest.

The Hempstead Lodge #749 AF & AM Degree Team took second place in the contest. The team representing Hempstead Lodge included plural members Kelly Cox as Worshipful Master, "Bob" Podvin as Senior Warden, and "Corky" Daut as Junior Warden along with borrowed Waller Lodge Brothers "Jim" Brown as the Candidate, "Bob" Scarborough as Secretary, "Mike" Risley as Senior Deacon and Calvin Trapp as Master of Ceremonies.

The Waller Lodge #808 AF & AM Degree Team took third place in the contest. Waller Lodge's Degree Team included plural members "Bob" Podvin as Worshipful Master, Kelly Cox as Senior Warden, and "Corky" Daut as Junior Warden along with borrowed regular Waller Lodge Brothers "Jim" Brown as the Candidate, "Bob" Scarborough as Secretary, "Mike" Risley as Senior Deacon and Calvin Trapp as Master of Ceremonies.

The Brookshire Lodge #1066 AF & AM degree team was in fourth place.

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It Twice to Put it back to it's original Size!

1. John Daut Sr. - Calvin Trapp - Kelly - Cox - Jim Brown

2. Corky, trying out the Jr. Warden's chair to
compare it with his chair at Waller Lodge.

3. Kelly Cox - Ed Locklear - Bob Podvin - Jim Brown - Dorsel
White(Brookshire Lodge) - Mike Risley - Calvin Trapp

4. Mike Risley - Calvin Trapp - John Daut Sr. - "Wes"
Mersiovsky - "Bob" Scarborough

5. "Bob" Scarborough - "Corky" Daut - Calvin Trapp

6. The Morton team getting ready to do their part.

7. Kelly Cox - John Daut Sr. - "Bob" Podvin - "Wes" Mersiovsky
"Jim" Brown - "Mike" Risley - "Corky" Daut

8. The Morton Lodge team after winning first place.

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The Pine Island Webwright