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As Worshipfull Master of Loge De Eendragt I would like to welcome you on this website.
   Freemasonry is a contemporary movement, rooted in a ancient tradition. Independent of any political or religious organisation, the freemason is concious of his own social responsibility. The strive of every freemason is to, permanently work on himself. That is to participate in the working of a lodge, which provides a member with a unique opportunity to learn more about himself and encourages him to live in such a way that he will always be in search of becoming a better man, not better than someone else but better than he himself would otherwise be and therefore an exemplary member of society.
Loge De Eendragt is a lodge that clings strongly to the ancient tradition and style of freemasonry but adopted in todays practice. We strongly cling to uphold the purity of the ancient tradition and style of freemasonry.
Our Lodge meets weekly on wednesday night. Either for a special ritual or ceremonial meeting, but also for interesting discussionmeetings where a brother will advance a thesis which will be discussed by his brethren.
Next to this the Lodge maintains a close bond of frienship with Lodge Romney Marsh in England. There is a anual meeting with our friends from abroad.
On this website you'll find information about or lodge, especially on our lodge history. We would like to provide you with some generl information on freemasonry. If this would interest you to learn more about freemasonry and especially our lodge, than I would like to refer you to our contactpage,
M:. W:.

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