What Is Masonry

             Freemasonry is a fraternity of men bound together by vows of morality in public and private life, who believe in God and the constitutional rights of members to free choice of Religion and political persuasion.

             Masonry strives to make good men better- to teach its members to be " Better than themselves " It accepts only men of high moral character.

             The fraternity of Freemasonry endorses free public education, encourages self- improvement, promotes Patriotism and respect for the Constitution, sanctions equal rights underlaw, practices Goodwill towards all men, and contributes generously to philanthropies.

             Masonry is a benevolent and educational Society. Its basic tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth

             Through the improvement and strengthening of the character of the individual, Freemasonry seeks to improve the community.

              Masonry is not a benefit society, or a charitable institution. It assist members by mant means through times of hardship, but it is not an insurance society with sickness, death, disabillity, or old age benefits.

             Masonry is not a secret society. It is a well-known, nation wide fraternity whose members proudly declare their membership. Masons meet in buildings plainly identified as Masonic Temples, and public announcements of their meetings are published in daily and community publications. There is no attempt to hide the names of community leaders who are Masons.

             Masons often consider Masonic-Ritual as having been the most moving experience of their lives. Employing the tools of the Stone Mason as symbols of basic moral truths, Masonic-Ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality

             Masons take part in an active social life that includes their families and friends.

             Besides national philanthropic activity, such as scholarships and medical research, Masons maintain many types of local charitable projects.

             Masonry with its dedication to education, morality, brotherly love, non-sectarianism in Religion and politics and equal rights is a steadying influence that balances and consolidates the social, religious, and political life of America.

              If you are a male, age 21 or older, and wish to become a member of  Eagle Lake Lodge # 366    A. F. & A. M.   you can contact the Lodge Secretary