Eagle Lodge # 19 AF&AM

Hillsborough, North Carolina


September 2003

Dear Brother,


We hope you have had a good summer. Our newsletter staff went from labor to refreshment in August but we are back with lots of news and important dates for your calendar.


The most important date is Sept. 9 at 7:30 p.m.  We will have a first degree and we invite you to join us as we welcome a new brother into the craft.


Our brother Chad Coleman is heading a project in association with the county literacy council to encourage members of Eagle Lodge to become adult literacy tutors. By helping one person one night per week, we can change lives and spread the light of literacy. Training sessions for tutors will be held in the lodge on Saturday, Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (lunch provided); and Sept. 15 and 17 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. each evening. This is an important service that we can provide to the community. Please contact Chad at 967-4771 or hiramguild@nc.rr.com for more information.


On Aug. 26 we were honored to present a 50-year award to WB John Mason Roberts and 25-year awards to brothers Artis Gregory, Rodney Mangum and Jerry Seago. That represents a combined membership of 125 years! Congratulations to these brothers for this significant achievement.


Ladies Night in July was a hit, with a large turnout of brothers and several widows of Master Masons. We had a delicious barbecue chicken dinner prepared by Mitch Lloyd and Jake Neville. Ernest Dollar, director of the Orange County Historical Museum, was the guest speaker.


Eagle Lodge collected 32 pints at our Aug. 16 blood drive, bringing our grand total for the year to 56 pints! Thanks to all of the brothers and to the Rainbow Girls who came out to assist – and donate.


Food Lion has agreed to include the NC Scottish Rite Foundation in its Community Sharing Project. For each purchase using your Food Lion MVP card, a portion will be donated to the Rite’s language clinics. For more information see the fund-raising section of Food Lion’s website (www.foodlion.com). The foundation’s listing is under Wilmington, N.C.


Have you visited our website lately? New photos and other items have been added over the summer. Click on www.mastermason.com/eagle19. When you visit you can vote for our site as your favorite Masonic website.


Next stated communications: Sept. 9 and 23. Meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. We want to see you. If you need a ride to the lodge, please call any of us.



WM        Bob Patten                            644-7359 SD           Kevin Medlin                        383-7066

SW         Speed Hallman                      732-2682 JD           Larry Aydlett                        304-5163

JW          Scott Tutor                            563-9218 Sec          Jeff Borcik                             245-3782