What's New on the Site?

   We have upgraded the site to a "frames" based platform.  We decided to do this upgrade to ease the problems of non-frame "page" based browsing.  By using frames, all pages of the site are accessible from just one navigation location.  The NAVIGATOR bar at the left allows access to all site pages and has target return latches that will bring you to back to the same link you clicked out on.  This way you do not have to re-scroll through pages to get to the transfer links.  We sincerely hope this upgrade improves your web surfing experience.  Sign the Guestbook and let us know what you think.   Criticism is ALWAYS welcome within the 13th Southern District.  That's how we all learn and grow.

    We have also added a new page that lists ALL Degree work scheduled for the District.  We will update this page and send a Broadcast message to the Ill@Masons list server, as and when, new work is scheduled.  We hope that any and all traveling Brothers will stop in and participate.  We would welcome you.

    Bookmark and check back to this page, and the District work page often.  We have several more upgrades to incorporate and launch over the next several months.............Like all Masonic endeavours....this is a work in progress.

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This Em@son WebRing site is operated by: J.W. Hartung

This Masonic website is supported by: mastermason.com    

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Created by: Bro. J. W. Hartung
Copyright © 1998 by [District 13s, AF&AM Illinois]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08 Jun 2023 15:23:46 -0500.