Cincinnati Lodge No. 3

Free & Accepted Masons

History Continued

Marietta, Cincinnati, Warren, Worthington, Zanesville and Chillicothe. These Lodges were widely separated and travel between the settlements was chiefly on horseback. It was probably at the legislative sessions at Chillicothe that discussion relative to the formation of a Grand Lodge of Ohio first took place.

Following the discussions, the initiative was taken by Erie Lodge No. 47 of Warren. At a meeting held March 11, 1807, a committee was appointed to correspond with the other Lodges then in the State. On July 6, 1807, Bro. Rufus Putnam laid before American Union Lodge a letter received from Erie Lodge requesting the assistance of American Union Lodge in forming a Grand Lodge of Ohio. Similar letters were received by the other Lodges then in the State and as a result of this correspondence representatives met a Chillicothe on January 4, 1808, in a Grand Convention. Brothers Ichabod Nye and William Skinner were chosen by ballot and represented the Lodge at the Chillicothe conference.