Welcome to the Cape Cod & Islands Masonic Web Site

The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts 
Roger W. Pageau


 R. W. James A. Gilrein II
D. D. G. M. 21st Masonic District


R. W.  James Morse
D. D. G. M. 20th Masonic District


R. E. Michael R. Petrosino.
D. D. G. H. P. 8th Capitular District


We All went to the Rededication of the Pilgrim Monument and had a great Day !!
If you missed it click on the cornerstone to see what you Missed.

Wor. Paul E. Sweetser is being Congratulated by R. W. James A Gilrein II.
after he was presented with the:
Joseph Warren Medal from Grand Lodge



Wherever you may chance to be--wherever you may roam,
Far away in foreign lands, or just at home, home, sweet home
it always gives you pleasure, it makes your heart strings hum,
Just to hear the words of cheer---"I see you've traveled some."

When you get the Brother's greeting, as he takes you by the hand,
it thrills you with a feeling, which you just can't understand;
You feel that bond of Brotherhood, that tie that's sure to come,
When you hear him say, in a friendly way---"I see you've traveled some."

And you are a stranger, in strange lands all alone
If fate has left you stranded, dead broke and far from home;
Oh, it's a grand and glorious feeling, it thrills you, makes you numb,
When he says with a grip of fellowship---"I see you've traveled some."

And when your final summons comes, to take that last long trip,
Adorned with lambskin apron white, and gems of fellowship;
The Tyler at the golden gate, with square and rule and plumb,
Will size you up and say, walk in---"I see you've traveled some."

May the New Year, Bring Joy, Health And Happiness To All.
May the Blessings of GOD our Father abide with you.


I wish there were words, I could make rhyme,
To sooth the hearts and open the mind.

Of non-mason men, in their everyday life,
To see a small glimmer of Masonic light.

It would take just a spark and a welcome right hand,
To make a good fellow a much better man.

To answer his questions and calm his fears,
of things he's heard over the years.

There are no cults in our lodges of blue,
We believe in God - he believes in us, too.

Education is the way to open men's eyes,
So they can see through all the viscous lies.

Created by those with not enough good,
To wear a white apron and stand where we stood.

To lead them from darkness as we traveled on night,
And instill in their heart the desire for more light.

To walk in the shoes of Hiram Abiff,
And feel the compassion of a brother's strong grip.

Each time we approach the alter to pray,
Memories flood back of that special day.

When the earth was a void and dark all around,
There were no birds, no beautiful sounds.

Slowly there came steps from the east,
The heavens opened up, light was unleashed.

Shafts of light streak through the sky,
As the Master approached my brothers stood by.

A triangular form stationed in place,
Light from the East to shine on my face.

By my right hand, he bade me arise,
Words from the master were true and wise.

Ever so eager to never lose sight,
Always in search of Masonic light.

Ascending the stairs by three, five and seven,
Lighting my way to the gates of heaven.

Ben R. Steen Copyright 2002

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