I accept life unconditionally. Life holds so much-so much to be so happy about always. Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can be felt only if you don't set conditions. -Artur Rubinstein


A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. -William James


No one can be wrong with man and right with God. -Harry Emerson Fosdick


To know the job you must do it, to know the sport you must play it, to know the person you must live their life. -WRF


Good habits are not made on birthdays, nor Christian character at the new year. The workshop of character is everyday life. The uneventful and commonplace hour is where the battle is lost or won. -Maltbie D. Babcock


The secret of success is consistency of purpose. -Benjamin Disraeli


Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job that he starts. -Coleman Cox


The finest quality of our characters do not come from trying but from the mysterious and yet most effective capacity to be inspired. -Harry Emerson Fosdick


You should remember that through another may have more money, beauty, and brains than you, yet when it comes to the rare spiritual values such as charity, self-sacrifice, honor, nobility of heart, you have an equal chance with everyone to be the most beloved and honored of all people. -Archibald Rutledge


Death, is what happens to a person while he is making other plans. -Author Unknown


Better to keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. -George Bernard Shaw


Masonic ideas are the precious jewels of Speculative Masons; the should be kept bright and sparkling for all the brethren to see and to admire. As such, they should be the special care of Masonic leaders particularly those who teach and interpret the philosophy of Freemasonry. -Conrad Hahn


If it is to be, it's up to me. -Author Unknown


The tragedy of the world is that men have given first class loyalty to second class causes and these causes have betrayed them. -Lynn Harold Hough


Nowhere does one become more convinced of the strong hold which Freemasonry takes upon the minds and lives of those aging workers in the Craft who have attained its highest honors and of their firm belief in the power of its teachings to purify the soul of men and raise them to a new dignity and to greater heights of spirituality and practical morality. -H. W. Coil


Let us be of cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. -Amy Lowell


What Jesus Christ would say to us if he should speak to us in audible voice now would be something like this: Be a person. Be a real person. Stand on your own feet. Do not be pushed about by passing fads. Live by an inward light. Be true to an inward loyalty. If skepticism divides the church, vulgarity discolors social living, the profit motive makes industry often cruel, and nationalism blockades the way to peace, do not yes, yes the situation. Have a conscience of your own and when in private life the clamor of public customs grows very loud, do you grow quiet, quiet enough to hear the bear and catch the rhythm of that inward drum. -Harry Emerson Fosdick


Babies are bits of star dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth, for she has held a star. -Larry Barretto


Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. -Robert Louis Stevenson


Most people are willing to take the Sermon on the Mount as a flag to sail under, but few will use it as a rudder by which to steer. -Oliver Wendell Holmes



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