Steven Hawkins

Lodge of Perfection



Our degrees are in addition to and are in no way "higher" than Blue Lodge degrees. Scottish Rite work amplifies and elaborates on the lessons of the Craft. It should never be forgotten that termination of a member's Symbolic Lodge standing automatically terminates his Scottish Rite membership, whether his rank be 140 or 33rd degree

There are four coordinate divisions in the Scottish Rite:

  1. Lodge of Perfection, 4th degree to 14th degree (Presiding officer - Thrice Potent Master)
  2. Chapter of Rose Croix, 15th thru 18th degree (Presiding officer - Most Wise Master)
  3. Council of Knights Kadash, 19th  thru 30th Degree (Presiding officer - Grand Commander)
  4. Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, 31st degree to 32nd degree (Presiding officer - Commander-in-Chief)

The Lodge of Perfection constitutes the "Ineffable Degrees" 

The Chapter of Rose Croix constitutes the "Historical & Philosophical Degrees"  

The Council of Knights Kadosh constitutes the "Traditional and Chivalric Degrees"  


Lodge of Perfection

4th degree Secret Master. The Fourth Degree emphasizes duty, fidelity, integrity, and the necessity for secrecy in all confidential relationships.

5th degree Perfect Master. This degree teaches that trustworthiness is more precious than life and is the foundation of Masonic honor. Also, we must pay due resect to the memory of a deceased worthy Brother.

6th degree Intimate Secretary. This degree teaches that devotion to one's friends and zealousness in per-forming one's duties are rewarding virtues.

7th degree Provost and Judge This degree teaches us to judge righteously, without respect to person, and that one law and one custom shall apply to all Let justice be impartial, tempered with deserved mercy.

8th degree Intendant of the Building. This degree teaches that each new honor is meant to be a step toward perfection in the moral code.

9th degree Master Elect of Nine The lessons taught in this degree are that we should be careful not to be too zealous in executing justice, even in a good cause, and that we should avoid injuring or harming any person by hasty or irresponsible action.

10th degree Master Elect of Fifteen The teachings of this degree are that ambition and jealousy can tempt men to evil deeds, that righteousness will eventually triumph over evil, and that evil doers will be punished

11th degree Sublime Master Elected This degree dwells on good citizenship. Evil doings should be punished. Honesty and respect for others should be rewarded. Be earnest, honest and sincere.

12th degree Grand Master Architect. This degree teaches that the Mason, as he learns to use the tools and instruments of his trade and skill, also learns to contemplate the many aspects of life and deal with them as a child of God, steadily advancing to those heights of experience which we call perfection.

13th degree Master of the Ninth Arch This degree teaches that difficulties and dangers, however great, should not deter the true and faithful brother from progressing onward to perfection. It teaches the great truth that the finest things in life come only as the result of constant and often painful effort

14th degree Grand Elect Mason In the Scottish Rite, this degree is the summit of Ancient Craft Masonry. As the crowning degree of the Lodge of Perfection, its essence is the holiness of God and reverence for His Holy Name. God will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain. Council of Princes of Jerusalem
