The Reading Room

Sit back, relax, enjoy some brief tidbits of Masonic information.

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Never regret anything 
If it is good, it’s wonderful 
If it’s bad, it’s experience
          W.Bro. Michael Knight  March 2007
Just going to Lodge doesn’t make you a mason; any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
W. Bro. Michael Knight   March 2007
Due Guard: A symbol of obligation; a reminder by him who uses it to all who see him do so that he remembers his promise.  Masonic authorities are not in
complete agreement as to the derivation of the words, although they unite as to what the words signify.  Macky thinks the words mean ‘to duly guard against’.  Other
authorities are convinced the phrase has a French derivation coming from “dieu garde” – god guard (me or you).  Universally used as a salute to the Master before
the Alter and to the Wardens during the conferring of a degree.
    W.Bro. Michael Knight  Feb. 2007
AMPLE FORM…Sufficient to meet all need: abundant: liberal: complete in amount or degree.  In freemasonry, refers to any act or rite performed by a Grand Master.  Anything a Grand Master does—as, for instance, opening or closing a lodge in his own words and with brevity—is done in “ample form” because his powers are sufficient to meet all needs or requirements.  What is done in “due form” is accomplished according to law, custom, Ancient usage, or ritual.
W. Bro. Michael Knight   April 2007
~ The Sea Captain ~

I sailed my ship for many a day / across the stormy sea,

Many a ruffian I have carried / and never refused but three.

They met me on a summer day, / and saw my gallant ship,
And sought a passage to the other side / upon a hurried trip.

They offered all the dough they had, / mixed with a little sass,
That made me kinda hesitate, / and ask them for a pass,

They deemed a pass unnecessary / for men of their degree,
And insisted that I take my ship / and sail it out to sea.

An old man who was standing by, / and noted what they said, 
Saw them kick me in the ribs / and strike me on the head.

He heard them say they'd steal a boat / and put it out to sea, 

And sail away to the other side / to some strange countr'ee.

But no! The coward of the bunch / the one you'd think was brave, 

Suggested that they turn again / and hide in a mountain cave.

And as the day went slowly by / I heard the truth in time, 

I found that they were murderers / and guilty of a crime.

So as I sail my sturdy ship / until my life has ceased, 

I know not whom my friends may be / unless they've traveled East

Thought this was worthy of passing along 
                                 Bro. David Price 
"That fellow's on the Square."

It matters not whate'er your lot 
Or what your task may be, 
One duty there remains for you
One duty stands for me.
Be you a doctor skilled and wise, 
Or do your work for wage, 
A laborer upon the street, 
An artist on the stage;
Our glory still awaits for you, 
One honor that is fair, 
To have men say as you pass by:
"That fellow's on the Square." 
Ah, here's a phrase that stands for much
'Tis good old English too,
It means that men have confidence In everything you do,
It means that what you have you've earned,
And that you've done your best, 
And when you go to sleep at night
Untroubled you may rest. 
It means that conscience is your guide,
And honor is your care; 
There is no greater praise than this: 
"That fellow's on the Square."
And when I die
I would not wish A lengthy epitaph;
I do not wish a headstone large,
Carved with fulsome chaff,
Pick out no single deed of mine,
If such a deed there be,
To 'grave upon my monument,
For those who come to see,
Just this one phrase of all I choose,
To show my life was fair: 
Here sleepeth now a fellow who
Was always on the Square."

Author unknown
I ran across this the other day and thought it was worth sharing.
                         Bro. David Price
The Masonic Blue Slipper  from Bro. Patrick Price, Aurora 156
(This article first appeared in the July 1986 issue of the Scottish Rite Journal.) 
The Masonic Blue Slipper 
by Clyde H. Magee, 32° 
Are you familiar with the Masonic blue slipper? It is a small lapel pin in the shape of a blue slipper. Over the years it has been my habit to ask my wife and my daughters to wear one of these slippers on a coat or dress when traveling alone away from home. 
What is the meaning of this blue slipper and why should female relatives of Masons wear one? 
Some 50 or 60 years ago, while I was still living at home, a widowed lady who was a cousin of my Dad's came to visit our home. 
She vacationed with us for several weeks every summer. She always wore this blue slipper pin. Her late husband was a Mason. The pin that she wore made a lasting impression on me. Through my curiosity and questioning, she told me it was a Masonic pin and served to identify her as a Masonic widow. She declared that Masonic men gave her extra attention while traveling, especially on the railroad (conductors, etc.). 
To find out the meaning of this pin, let us go back in history to Boaz' time - the Book of Ruth. It will be remembered that Elimelech, his wife, Naomi, and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilon, fled to the land of Moab to escape the famine in their homeland of Bethlehem-judah. Things went well for a while. Then life fell apart for them. Elimelech died. The two sons married Moabite girls-Orpha and Ruth. Again tragedy struck. Mahlon and Chilon died. This left Naomi a widow in a foreign land with two widowed daughters-in-law from the land of Moab. 
In time of trouble, people think of home and more importantly of God. Naomi found out that the famine back home had subsided, and there was grain and food again. So she confided with Orpha and Ruth that she would journey back home and be among her kinsmen. 
Certain laws, rules, or customs governed her thinking at this time. Of first consideration was the fact that Naomi was too old to bear a son for her daughters-in-law to marry. Even if she could, the daughters-in-law would not wait for the son to grow up. So the girls should remain among their own people. The girls resisted and started to go with Naomi. Orpha was finally convinced she should stay in Moab. But Ruth remained steadfast and went with Naomi to her homeland. 
Naomi and Ruth arrived back in Bethlehem-judah at harvest time. The Scripture passage on which this is based is well-known. "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." This passage of Scripture is unsurpassed as a declaration of love and devotion of one person for another. It has been said that it would made a good marriage vow. But, to me it is a different type of devotion. 
Naomi also had to take into consideration another law. When Elimelech died, his next of kin was duty bound to redeem his 
possessions and take care of his widow and her family. Since Naomi was getting old, Ruth tried to earn a livelihood. While gleaning in the fields, she was seen by Boaz. And when he found out about her (that she was Naomi's daughter-in-law, etc.), he arranged special treatment for her. She could work with his girls in the field, and the young men were warned not to bother her. Since Boaz was not married and was kin to Naomi, Naomi decided that she should somehow make Boaz understand his duty to Elimelech's family. So Naomi advised Ruth to bathe and anoint herself and go to the threshing floor after dark and lay at the feet of Boaz. Boaz awoke at midnight and discovered her there. So as not to create a scandal, he gave her some barley and asked her to leave before dawn so that watching eyes would not recognize her. 
Business among the tribe of Bethlehem-judah took place at the gate of the city. So Boaz sat down at the gate the next day 
because he knew there was a kinsman more closely related to Elimelech than he. So when the kinsman came by, Boaz called him aside and asked 10 men of the elders of the city to sit with them. Boaz bargained with his kinsman. The kinsman said he would redeem Elimelech's property. But, when he found out that he would have to take care of Naomi and Ruth, he reneged and told Boaz he would not redeem or protect Elimelech's interest. He would leave it to Boaz. The passage from Scripture for these events is the following: "And the kinsman said, I cannot redeem it for myself, lest I mar mine own inheritance: redeem thou my right to thyself; for I cannot redeem it. Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor: and this was a testimony in Israel." 
So the kinsman drew off his shoe and gave it to Boaz. Boaz held it up for all in the gate to see. He asked them to be witnesses that he became Naomi's protector, Ruth's husband, and a redeemer of Elimelech's property. Thus, today we have the little blue slipper as an emblem of the protective influence of Masons for their wives, widows and daughters.
Masonic History of  THE FORGET-ME-NOT in Germany.
                                  DAS VERGISSMEINNICHT
    forwarded to us by Pro. Patrick Price, Aurora 156
It all started back in the year 1933, when Adolph Hitler declared that all secret organizations were harmful to his criminal plan for world conquest. Not only were the Jews and Catholics murdered, but also ordered the Masonic hatchet man to conduct the bloody purge that was to come. At the time, there were 85,000 Masons of good standing in Germany. Eichmann secretly issued strict orders that every single one of them would be put to death. Needless to say his orders were carried out and 80,000 Masons met an untimely death. The other 5,000 German Masons, for some reason had not had their names on on the books of the Grand Lodge, and their lives were spared. That was only because Eichmann did not know who they were. Immediately the remaining 5,000 went underground. They hid all of their Masonic records and also stopped wearing Masonic rings and pins. They adopted a little flower, the Forget-Me-Not. Therefore they communicated in this way without the Nazi's ever finding out. Ironically, this was Hitler's favorite flower and was impressed that men would wear this symbol as a tribute to him !  Eichmann never found out the true meaning of this pretty little flower called the Forget-Me-Not. This symbol of Freemasonry is still used in Germany in memory of those who were murdered trying to live up to the teachings of the Masonic Order. This certainly was a real tragedy, and from all documents and accounts, this story is true. 

As early as the year 1934, soon after Hitler's rise to power, it became apparent  Freemasonry was in danger. In the same year, the German Grand Lodge of the Sun in Bayreuth (one of the pre-war German Grand Lodges), realized the imminent problems facing them and elected to wear a little blue flower, the Forget-Me-Not, in lieu of the traditional Square and Compasses, as a mark of identity for Masons. It was felt the new symbol would not attract attention from the Nazis, who were in the process of confiscating and appropriating Masonic Lodges and property. Masonry had gone underground and it was necessary that the Brethren have some readily recognizable means of identification. 

Throughout the entire Nazi era, a little blue flower in the lapel marked a Brother. In the Concentration Camps and in the cities a little blue Forget-Me-Not, distinguished the lapels of those who refused to allow the light of Masonry to be extinguished. 

In 1947, when the Grand Lodge of the sun was reopened in Bayreuth by Past Grand Master Beyer, a little Blue pin in the shape of a Forget-Me-Not, was proposed and adopted as the official emblem of the first Annual convention of those who survived the bitter years of semi-darkness, bringing the Light of Masonry once again in the Temple. 

At the Annual Convent of the United Grand Lodge of Germany, A.F.&AM. In 1948, the pin was adopted work under adverse conditions. At the Grand Master's Conference in the United Staes, Dr. Theodor Vogel, the Grand Master of the newly-formed UGL, A.F. & AM. presented one of the pins to each of the representatives of the Grand Jurisdictions with which the UGL, A.F. &AM. enjoyed Fraternal relations. 

Thus did a simple flower blossom forth into a meaningful emblem of the Fraternity and become perhaps the most widely worn pin among Freemasons in Germany, Most German Lodges present this pin and it's history to their newly raised Master Masons. 

Many members of National Sjourners, Inc. have served in the U.S. Armed Forces in Germany and have learned to love and respect DAS VERGISSMEINNICHT and what it stands for. 

Meets every 3rd Friday, 7:30 PM at Highlands Masonic Center, 3550 Federal Blvd. in Denver, access via the back door. Contact Ed Harned, PM at 303/751-0638 for further info.
Speaking of information.  If you're not a subscriber the The Short Talk Bulletin, you're missing one of the best kept secrets in Freemasonry.  No kidding.  $6.00 per year gets you 12 issues.  The May 2003 Bulletin is by Bro. Robert Morris, and about Brother Winston S. Churchill.  Contact the Masonic Service Association of North America, Silver Spring, MD  20910-4785.  e-mail at  Website:

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