The Acacia belongs to a large family of plants. These plants are found in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. They provide gum, timber and cabinet woods. One of the most noted comes from Hawaii, the koa wood. Some of the plants have feathery leaves and sweet scented flowers. The Acacia we know in masonry grows, still, in Palestine.

To the Jewish people it is a sacred wood. The Ark Of The Covenant was made of Acacia, so also was the table for the Shewbread. In addition much of the furniture which adorned the Temples was made of Acacia. Masons have appropriated the Acacia as a symbol to teach divine truth to all ages to follow.

The Acacia is a symbol of the immortality of the soul. The Hebrew people planted a sprig of Acacia at the head of the grave of a departed friend. The ancient Greeks bedecked tombs with sweet scented flowers and herbs. But many ancient peoples substituted the Acacia for all other plants. They believed it to be incorruptible and not liable to injury or attack of animals or insects, implying the incorruptible nature of the soul of man. The sprig of Acacia to the mason is meant to remind him by its' ever green and unchanging nature, of that better and spiritual part within us, which is an emanation from the G.A.O.T.U. and can never die.

Secondly, the Acacia is a symbol of innocence. The Greek word Acacia has two distinct meanings. It signifies the plant and the moral qualities of innocence and purity of life. In this sense, the Acacia refers to him over whose solitary grave the Acacia was planted and whose virtuous conduct and whose integrity of life and fidelity to his trust has been presented as a pattern to the craft. This interpretation then suggests that all masons are invited to emulate the example of such a brother. Few masons indeed are permitted to wear this symbol on their regalia.

Thirdly and lastly the Acacia is a symbol of initiation. This interpretation is most interesting and perhaps the original meaning. In all ancient initiations and religious mysteries there was always some plant peculiar to each which was consecrated and occupied an important place in the celebration of the rite. Later the very plant, from constant and prominent use, came to be adopted as the symbol of the initiation. The Lettuce was the sacred plant of the Greeks, the Lotus flower was that of the Brahman rites of India. The Egyptians revered the Heath plant. We all know that the Mistletoe was mystical to the Druids. Later the Greeks used the Myrtle. Apart from any mystical or allegorical teaching we are quite familiar with the Rose of England, the Thistle of Scotland, the Leek of Wales, the Shamrock of Ireland, and even the Trillium of Ontario.

Returning to the Acacia adopted by masons, we find it the symbol of immortality of innocence and of initiation. All these significations are very closely knit in this one symbol. We are taught that innocence must lie in the grave to be called by the G.A.O.T.U. to a blissful immortality. In this little, and apparently insignificant symbol, we have the suggestions of all the mysteries of life and death, of time and eternity, of the present and the future. Such are some of the thoughts that come to mind as one looks at Acacia leaves.