Scottish Rite

For those you may not recall, the Scottish Rite is made up of 4 bodies and the degrees are divided among them.

This is one of the mandatory 5 degrees that must be given on 1-day reunions.

The Others are: 4th, (Secret Master); 14th (Perfect Elu); 18th ( Knight Rose Crox); and, 32nd ( Master of the Royal Secret).


The Lodge of Perfection (in which all Meetings are held) is responsible for the 4th through the 14th.

The Chapter of Rose Crox is responsible for the 15th through the 18th Degrees.

The Council of Kadosh for the 19th through the 30th. It is the emblem of the 30th Degree, that is of ?Knights Kadosh?

The Consistory ? the 31st and 32nd.

The Scottish Rite is one of the two branches of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason (3rd Degree) may proceed after he has completed the three Hiramic degrees of the Symbolic Blue Lodge in Masonry. The other branch is known as the York Rite consisting of the Holy Royal Arch, Cryptic Masonry and Knights Templar. Scottish Rite includes the Degrees from the 4th to the 33rd. Sometimes likened to a "College of Freemasonry", the Scottish Rite uses extensive drama and allegory to emphasize the content and message of its degrees.

Just so we are all familiar with this great philantropic organization of ours, here is a little info for those Brother's who have not yet decided to petition for the Scottish Rite.

What Is Scottish Rite Masonry?

Almost every Master Mason who is invited or afforded an opportunity to petition for the Scottish Rite Degrees, naturally raises the question in his mind, "Why should I take the Scottish Rite Degrees?

It is a fair and quite appropriate question for him to ask, as it is of utmost importance that the prospective initiate have a clear and definite understanding of what the Rite stands for, and is endeavoring to accomplish. Herewith, though of necessity brief, is set forth some of the aims and purposes of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

The Scottish Rite is a rite of instruction. It interprets the symbols and allegories of Masonry in the light of history and philosophy, using the words of the supreme prophets of humanity, ceremonials of the great religions of the world, and significant episodes from history, to point the moral and adorn the tale.

Prior to the beginning of World War II, before the Totalitarian aggressors suppressed the Craft in most of Europe, there were thirty-seven Supreme Councils in existence, including countries from Italy to the Argentine and New Zealand and from the United States to China and South Africa.

The Scottish Rite makes application of the doctrines of Freemasonry to every realm of human activity. The individual Mason is taught to put into practice the lessons learned in the Blue Lodge in his personal life and thought. Socially, the Scottish Rite is Freemasonry Militant, not in the sense of propaganda and agitation, not by endorsing specific causes or sponsoring particular political movements, but by showing through illustrations from history and human evolution how the Mason may make his influence felt for the principles of free thought, free government, free education and free religion. The Scottish Rite Mason is the foe of intolerance, bigotry, ignorance and all their forms.

The Scottish Rite Degrees give us a sense of historical values and standards. Today is the child of yesterday and no one can understand the significance of the epochal events that are shaking the world unless he sees them from the vantage point of history. Out of the crises of the past, man has discovered principles that are as solid as the mountains, as enduring as the stars. The moral truths that prevail in Jerusalem, Athens and Rome are just as valid, just as imperative in the roaring twentieth century. In his confidence in the reality of these principles he has built his faith in the permanent value of moral truth. Here is to be found the basis of optimism, of faith in the free institutions and a civilization resting on ethical principles. No Man can witness the degrees of the Scottish Rite and be either a cynic or a pessimist. They renew his faith in God, in man, in the process of history.

The Scottish Rite Degrees put in to picturesque but explicit language the civic and social Ideals, implicit in the Blue Lodge Degrees. For centuries Freemasonry has been a tremendous force for enlightenment, freedom and social progress, in Europe and in the Americas. It was not caprice or mere prejudice that caused the Nazi and Fascist aggressors to proscribe Freemasonry. Why did the Nazi oppressors hate Masonry, Why did they violate the sacred emblems of the craft, why did they hunt down with ruthless cruelty our Masonic Leaders? Particularly, why did the totalitarians persecute the "Masons of all degrees?" They know that tyranny is threatened wherever a Masonic Lodge exists.
Freemasonry is a compelling and conquering spiritual force. The reasons are reveled in the Scottish Rite Degrees. Scottish Rite Freemasonry is the foe of intolerance, fanaticism and superstition. It battles every form of racial and sectarian prejudice and bigotry. It is the mightiest exponent of freedom in thought, religion, and purity in government the world has ever known.

In a strict sense there is no Masonic Body higher than the Symbolic Lodge and no Masonic Symbol more significant than the apron of the Master Mason. But the search for Masonic Light is unlimited. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry amplifies and clarifies the teachings of the Blue Lodge. The Degrees of the Scottish Rite answer many questions raised in the Blue Lodge Degrees, and given a larger conception of the meaning of Freemasonry.

The Scottish Rite Degrees appeal to the mind and heart through the eye as well as through the ear. Instruction is given by drama, allegory, and symbolism in the great lessons to be learned in history, music, the arts and sciences, Masonic philosophy, morality and various religions. The atmosphere of the sanctuary is not that of a schoolroom, but rather that of a gracious fellowship of learners who sit at the feet of the prophets and sages of all times, and imbibe inspiration from their words of wisdom.

The Scottish Rite is Masonry, constructively, in action. This is a perilous time in the history of the history of our beloved country. These are days when every man must rally to the cause of freedom and loyalty, when love of country is sorely needed. There is no organization that holds freedom more dear or patriotism more of an ideal than the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Patriotic men do well to ally themselves with such an Order that they may lend their strength, their talents, and their influence to the preservation of the principles upon which our great democracy was founded.

Freemasonry is engaged in building a temple, a temple not made with hands, but made up of dreams, the aspirations, the hopes, the inspired visions of humanity; a temple dedicated to the sincere worship of the Most High God whose name is Love. Scottish Rite Masons are builders of that temple. Their prayers, their purposes, their efforts are intelligently directed toward that end, to create in the minds of men a sacred place from which shall flow the light of toleration, humility, love of righteousness, devotion to truth and justice, which shall illumine the world that is to be. This Rite of Freemasonry is committed to no particular social system; it fosters no political or intellectual propaganda. Rather, its mission is to create and stimulate in human hearts that pure sentiment that springs from a literal and wholehearted acceptance of the truth of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.

32nd Degree Mason

Consistory Jewel Ring

Contact Information

This news article / file was donated on Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry from Brother John Morrow, (with permission) ring maker in Texas -

Traditionally masons wear gold rings to events "once a month" and are created from gold, light enamel, or diamonds costing $300 - $3,000 however Brother John Morrow of Texas makes stainless steel rings for daily wear "working man's rings" that are almost indestructible costing under $200. Please visit the website

In March 2009 Professor Harry Broderick purchased the "working man's ring" to wear on daily basis while working with hammers, lawnmowers, chainsaw repairs, painting, typing, plumbing, and cooking with ovens and woks. Glad to report very happy with the ring that cost about $130 dollars - stainless, gold fired with bronze/brass emblem. Very active in

Brother John creates rings in quarter sizes - best way to measure is to visit Wal*Marts, Sears, Target walk around the store for half hour then visit the jewelry counter for sizing so that your fingers are same temperature as the ring sizer used by the store clerk. With winter/summer your ring size can change a half size or more - and stainless steel rings can not be resized.

Any 32nd Degree Mason can wear this ring. I hope all Scottish Rite Brother's like this beautiful new ring.