Eligibility for the Abbott Scholarship will be determined by the following criteria:

The Minimum Awards for a scholarship grant shall be set at $1000.00 for each academic year and are not to exceed five consecutive years for any recipient.

A standard application form will be posted on the Supreme Council Web site, which can be completed on-line, printed and submitted.  Specific requirements for completing applications, including supporting data, will be defined on-line.  The deadline for submitting applications will be April 1st.

Applicants should submit their application to the Valley providing for their eligibility.  In other word, if your father was a Scottish Rite Mason, then he is providing your eligibility and you would submit your application to his Valley.  If your Grandfather is providing your eligibility, you would submit your application to his Valley.  Valley addresses may be found on the Scottish Rite Web page:

When distributing funds, the checks will be made out to the individual applicant, not to the institution.

Please return by April 1st to:

Valley of Springfield, AASR
Attention:  Executive Secretary
1020 Rickard Road
Springfield, IL  62704-1096

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