June 12
This day In Masonry

On this day in 1920 Republicans nominate Mason Warren G. Harding for president and Calvin Coolidge for vice president.

On this day in 1921 Mason and President Warren Harding urges every young man to attend military training camp.

On this day in 1923 Mason Harry Houdini frees himself from a straight jacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet (12 m) above ground in New York City.

Henry M. Judah Union Brigadier General in Civil War. He was born on June 12, 1821 in Snow Hill, Maryland. He was graduated from U.S. Military Academy in 1843, and served in the Mexican War with the 8th Infantry. He was commended for bravery in storming of Monterrey, Molino del Rey, and Mexico City. He served with the 4th Infantry against the Indians of California, and Washington and Oregon territories, until the Civil War. He was made brigadier general of volunteers in March, 1862, and acting inspector general of the Army of Tennessee. He resigned his staff appointment to command the 1st Division. He was active in the pursuit of Morgan, while the latter was making his famous raid into Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio. He later was inspector general of the Army of Ohio and was mustered out of service in 1865, but reverted to regular status and was commandant of the post at Plattsburg, New York at the time of his death on January 14, 1866. he was a member of North Star Lodge No. 91, Fort Jones, Calif.

On this day in 1864, at the battle of Brice’s Crossroads in Mississippi, confederate General and Mason Nathan Bedford Forrest defeated the numerically superior union Troops in the War between the States.

On this Day in 1905 Japan and Russia agree to peace talks brokered by Mason and President Theodore Roosevelt.