July 9
This day In Masonry

On this day in 1777, the state of New York elects Mason and Brigadier General George Clinton as their first governor. He was also the longest-serving governor in the United States, holding the position from 1795 and again from 1801 until 1804. In 1805, he was elected to serve as Vice President of the United States during the administration of President Thomas Jefferson and President James Madison. He entered the Celestial lodge in 1812.

On this day in 1850, Zachary Taylor the 12th President of the United States suddenly became ill and died of Cholera.

Zachary Taylor Twelfth president of the United States. He was born in Orange County, Virginia. He entered the Army as a first lieutenant in 1808. After years of Indian fighting and routine frontier duty, he took command of the Army in Texas (1845), defeated the Mexicans at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, and occupied Matamoros on May 18, 1846. He was breveted a major general and made commander of the army of the Rio Grande. He defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista in February 1847, ending the war in the Northern part of Mexico. He was definitely not a Mason, saying so himself soon after his inauguration as president, when the direct question was asked of him. He stated that he had always entertained a favorable opinion of the institution; that many of his personal friends and officers of the Army with whom he had been associated were Masons, and that he should have probably been one himself, had not so much of his time been occupied in camp duties, or had he been more favorably circumstanced to avail himself of the opportunity of joining a lodge, and added "I would do so now, but have got to be too old." Rob Morris, who knew him personally, said he was not a Mason. Henry Tazewell However, there were many Freemasons in lodges throughout the country who believed him to be a member. Zachary Taylor Lodge No. 166, Kiddville, Ky., was named after him under this misconception. The history of Marsh Lodge No. 188, N.Y., refers to him as a "brother." On Aug. 2, 1850 the two lodges of Portland, Maine, joined in funeral ceremones for him. Santa Rosa Lodge No. 16, Milton, Fla., passed a set of resolutions on "the death of Brother Taylor." The Grand Lodge of New York and many of its subordinate lodges participated in the military and civic funeral honors in New York on July 23, 1850, 450 brethren turning out at Troy, New York, on July 31, 1850. King Solomon's Primitive Lodge held a Masonic service for "brother Zachary Taylor." The nearest Taylor came to a Masonic ceremony was probably at the Masonic cornerstone laying of the equestrian statue of George Washington at Richmond, Virginia, February 22, 1850, by the Grand Lodge of Virginia. He died of Choler on July 09, 1850.