The Story of King Solomon's Temple

W.Bro. Danny Parker
Aurora Lodge, #165

        The Story of King Solomon's Temple

W.Bro. Parker examines the origins and customs of the Israelites.

Who were the Israelites and why in a world where most Civilizations worshipped multiple Gods did this race of people choose a Monotheistic Deity? What influence did Moses have on Freemasonry in general?

Bro. Parker examines the impact of Laws carved in stone, the early Hebrew Kings, the reigns of King David and King Solomon and their desire to build a temple in Jerusalem to the Great Architect of the Universe. Who were the various players involved in the construction of the Temple ? Why did they use the tools and materials they did, and what constraints did the culture of the day impose on the great undertaking ?

We will also cover the destruction of the Temple and how the myths and fables associated with this edifice have influenced Freemasons in particular, and history in general.