Library Collections

Besides the main collection of books devoted to Masonry, history and philosophy, we also hold a number of collections of other Masonic related publications.


Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C. and Yukon

"some descriptive text to be provided by Doug Franklin"

Over 100 years of the proceedings of Grand Lodge. The complete account of
each meeting along with much other useful historical information. A gold mine
for all Masonic researchers in B.C.


Proceedings of Royal Arch Grand Chapter

"some descriptive text to be provided by Norm Mcavoy"


Past Papers of the Lodge of Education and Research

This collection is yet to be catalogued, but contains many interesting papers from
both past and present Masons, both from the local area and far and wide...

Younger Masons may be surprised by just who have contributed papers in the past !

Ars Quatuor Coronatorium

Annual proceedings of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, UGLE