Bro. Dwyane Potts works the 'ditch witch' to cut a trench across the driveway that will cover the new drain pipe.

Worshipful Master Storey Tate works on repairing the window sills.

W.M. Storey and Senior Warden Ben Wurtz, Jr. look on as the drain pipe trench is being cut.

Bro. Dwyane's skill with the 'ditch witch' saves the backs of everyone that day!

Unity Lodge gets much attention today! Also, the addition of our new flag pole is great!

The work on the window sill is complete! W.M. Tate is well pleased...

Both windows look good as new!

Cutting back the growth of shrubs along side the driveway will help keep some scratches off of cars!

The new drain pipe will lead the water away from the driveway and into the side ditch where it will do no harm.

Display cases were moved into the foyer so that visiting brethren can enjoy them.

Our work crew from left to right: Bro. Ben Wurtz, Sr., W.M. Storey Tate, Bro. Bill Valles, Bro. Ben Wurtz, Jr., and Bro. Dwyane Potts. Well done!