What's New

This site is going through file updates... if you get an error message this is the reason why. Current information soon! 1/26/04
If you get an error message within the next couple of days during the late morning hours, or if the site is blacked out this is due to maintenance to make the site perform better. Thanks. 1/26/04
Service to the site has been restored and all power outage problems seem to be solved.
The power outage of 2003 affected some of our associate servers that conduct specialized applications. These applications were rendered useless due to the outage. Due to this uncontrollable situation the decision was made to suspend the site until everything was back online.
The members section has been shutdown for script repairs and remodeling. Sorry! This will be relaunched when I have the time to tackle this task. In the mean time email the webmaster: MasterMason@Hiram.net for questions or comments on this section. Ideas are welcome!!
Help support The Shiners Hospitals for Children by donating used cellular phones at The Cellular Connection and other locations. See the Walking TALL Man button on the Main Menu for more information.
New links added: Riley Lodge No. 390, and Links to U.S. Blue Lodge Websites. This update can be found on the Main Menu Links section.
New addition to the site:
The Archives.
Updates to the site:
New links added: Euclid Lodge # 537, Shrine headquarters, Terre Haute # 19, Terre Haute York Rite Bodies.
Updates to the site:
Space Shuttle Columbia tribute placed on main page.
Updates to the site:
Masonic Community Calendar added.
New officers have been elected. Congratulations to all.
Congratulations to Chuck Mattingly and last year's officers on a great year.

Thank you for stopping by.
-Matt Newberry