<% require "calendars.inc"; $screenTitle="Add Calendar"; $db = new DBFile($main::calendars_db); $usersdb = new DBFile($main::users_db); if ($record) { $screenTitle = "Edit Calendar"; if (defined $record->{'id'}) { $_edit = 1; } &main::checkPermissions("_global","MANAGE_CALENDARS"); $command_value = "edit_calendar"; } else { $record = {}; $screenTitle = "Add Calendar"; $_add = 1; &main::checkPermissions("_global","MANAGE_CALENDARS"); } %> Calendar Administration : <%= $screenTitle %> ">

"> <% $fieldnames = &main::DBGetAddFields($db); foreach $field (@$fieldnames) { %> <% } %> <% if (!$_edit) { %> <% } %>
<%= $db->{'properties'}->{$field}->{'description'}%>
<%= $db->{'properties'}->{$field}->{'name'} || $field %> : <%= &main::GetFieldInput($db->{'properties'}->{$field},$field,$record) %>
You may copy an existing calendar to the new calendar (including all events and configuration), or leave blank for a default empty calendar.
Copy Calendar :
You may give full permissions to a user that will act as the administrator for this calendar by selecting a user below. Leave this option blank to not add any permissions.
Give Full Permissions To :

<% if ($_edit) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %>