2003 Statement of Goals
New Washington Masonic Lodge #167 F&AM


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New Washington Masonic Lodge #167  F&AM
Thomas E. Fellows, Worshipful Master

 Ø        Removal of tree at rear of lodge hall, expansion of parking facilities

 Ø        Establish/maintain Box of Fraternal Assistance to be present and passed at each stated meeting for purpose of strengthening Lodge Relief Fund and encourage individual responsibility to go out of our way to assist distressed, worthy brethren, their widows and orphans

 Ø        Establish an initial Lodge Relief Fund of $500.00 yearly, supplemented by donations from Box of Fraternal Assistance

 Ø        Explore implementation of Masonic Angel Fund to assist needy children in schools with medical expenses, etc.

 Ø        Implement Committee on the Family to assist in bringing to light those brethren, their widows, orphans who may be in need of financial or other types of relief whom the lodge may assist

 Ø        Complete/furnish Preparation Room (concealment of furnace, water heater, etc.; construction of bench with storage underneath to keep degree paraphernalia stored in

 Ø        Implement additional fund raiser to be held in late winter to complement bean supper, fish fry

 Ø        Conduct Rusty Nail Night, encourage brethren who have been out for some time to come, renew their acquaintance with grips, words, signs, etc.

 Ø        Explore legality/possibility of establishing $500.00 scholarship for New Washington High School students in consultation with Grand Lodge

 Ø        Raise standard on Masonic education at every stated meeting; utilize Past Masters and other interested brethren