History of Wimbeldon Lodge No. 71, Wimbeldon ND

Submitted by James V. Acker

According to Lodge historians, on December 4, 1903, a group of young Masons assembled in Wimbeldon to discuss the advisability of organizing a Masonic Lodge. As a result of this meeting, twenty Master-Masons signed a petition for a dispensation instituting Wimbeldon Lodge U:.D:. at Wimbeldon, which was recommended by Independence Lodge No. 59 at Leal, its sponsor. The dispensation to form a lodge was granted on January 21, 1904 by the Grand Lodge of North Dakota.

A charter was granted on June 29, 1904, to Wimbeldon Lodge No. 71 at Wimbeldon, by the Grand Lodge of North Dakota and was signed by M:.W:. James W. Foley, Grand Master, listing twenty charter members. The Lodge was constituted August 3, 1904.

One member of Wimbeldon Lodge No. 71, has been a Grand Master of Masons in North Dakota. M:.W:. Brother Robert Cox, 1929-30.