District Deputy
Grand Master

Most Worshipful
   Grand Master

  Chris Christianson
        2001-- 2002

DDGM 's Biography

Grand Master's Biography

"Freemasonry is one of the oldest secular fraternal societies…[it} is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values.  Its members are taught it's precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms and use stonemasons' customs and tools as allegorical guides."   from the United Grand Lodge of England (1984)

Brethren, Friends, and Visitors,

On behalf of the eight Blue Lodges in District No. 5, Grand Lodge of North Dakota, A.F. & A.M., I welcome you .

As a free and Accepted Mason, you are encouraged and always will be welcomed to any of the blue lodges in District No. 5.  The brethren look forward to visitors and you will  be treated as a family member of our District.

Over the years the Brethren of District five have contributed many fine members to their communities, the state of North Dakota, and the United States.

Each lodge in District No. 5, is raising more new Master Masons, now, then in the past.  The Masters, Past Masters, and Wardens of each lodge in the District are developing into an integral administrative committee for the District and  their local DeMolay Chapters.

Through teamwork, strong communications skills, and their belief in the Masonic Organization, the Brethren of District  No. 5 are planning and implementing our growth and progress  into the future.


James V. Acker
District Deputy Grand  Master
5th Masonic District

The ND 5th Masonic District Web Site is operated by James Acker
This Web Site was Last updated on March 26, 2002