Many years ago, the famous Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote these magnificent words,

It is not enough merely to exist . . . . Every man has to seek in his own way to make his own self more noble and to realize his own true worth.

     Those words capture the meaning of Freemasonry.  As the worlds oldest and largest fraternity, our goal is to build a man's most valuable possession - his character.

     We believe that the strength of the family, church, the community and our country rests with men of strong conviction, firm ethical and moral values and a devotion to our democratic system of government.  As Masons, we help each other intensify our devotion to these enduring values.

     In a day when it seems that few people really care about rising to the highest and best in life, it is good to know that there is a group where a man can work to really improve himself.

     In lodge meetings, there is no talk of politics, no discussion of religious issues, even though every Mason must affirm a belief - according to his own understanding - in deity and devotion to his country.

     Masons are concerned with developing their minds and enlarging their scope of knowledge.  In a word, Masons are dedicated to becoming better men.

     Because a man's personal desire to build his own character is at the heart of being a Mason, YOU MUST ASK TO JOIN.  YOU MUST MAKE THE REQUEST.

     For  the man who is looking for deeper meaning in life and who wants to be part of a fraternity committed to his growth and improvement, Masonry is filled with marvelous opportunities and limitless possibilities.

     The first step is Masonry is one a man must take himself.  He must say, "I want to become a Mason."  What follows will be thrilling, exciting and extremely worthwhile.

     "Should I Ask?"  That is the one important question.  The answer is up to you.

Excerpt  from "Should I Ask?", Published by: Supreme Council Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction