For the Record . . .
Remarks from the Recorder- Donald G. Rottert PC


  Dear Sir Knights,

         In looking through the records we are still missing many dues.  Please take a moment to check your dues card to make sure you are current.  Any questions please call me.  

        All dues for 2004-05 year must be paid by May 31st to avoid suspension.
Also if you have sent in your dues and have not received your card many apologies.  I am finding computers are not an exact science... or maybe its the operator... ;)
In any case please let me know if this has happened to you and I will make any corrections needed.

     Also if you know of any of our members that are ill please call me or one of the other officers to report it.

  Should you need a Petition for membership contact me.   Fees are $75.00 with the petition.  Also make sure you get a phone number for the candidate and put it on the Petition.


Till next time, in Christian Knighthood

                                                                 Donald Rottert PC, Recorder

~ Call me to see your announcement in the bulletin or here on the website, or both! ~

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