Oracle Chapter 180 News

Ye Orderly Keystone Online

Keystone for January, February, March and April 2005

Greetings Companions,


Another year has arrived and I would like to personally wish each and every companion and spouse a Happy New Year.  For those of you that received the Illinois York Rite Newsletter there is an interesting section regarding exaltations.  The article states that the Chapter with the most exaltation will win a free night at Grand Session as well as a free ticket to the Grand Banquet.  This is a nice bonus for something we should strive to accomplish anyway.  I would encourage all of you companions with multiple blue lodge memberships to reintroduce the York Rite at your lodge meetings.

In the last issue of the Keystone, I introduced the inception of our new Glenview York Rite body’s website.  I hope that all of you companions have had a chance to look at it.  I would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you might have.  This is your website and can be used to communicate any information that is relevant to our activities.  For those of you that missed it last time the address is

I have often contemplated what attributes to the success of a well governed Chapter.  Exuberance certainly merits worthy praise as does unyielding fortitude, but the single most significant observation that I have made is esprit de corps.  Oracle Chapter has a corps of officers who display genuine team spirit and an uncompromising determination to provide the candidate with the highest level of degree work.  For those of you, who haven’t seen a degree in a while, come see us at our best.  Any future degree work will be posted on the website.


Fraternally Yours,

Michael Fortunato

Excellent High Priest and Webmaster.