Austin Commandery 84 Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary of Austin Commandery #84 meet in the evening of the third Thursday of the month at Glenview Masonic Temple. The Ladies have developed their own program of events as well as supporting some charitable giving.

Officers For 2004-2005

President Margaret Robson
Vice President Lyle Jorgenson
Secretary Bonnie Koontz
Treasurer Sylvia Ericksen

Each month the meeting begins with an opening prayer and a roll-call of members present. The minutes of the previous meeting are read and approved, the Treasurer presents a report, and any business is presented and discussed. The meeting then adjourns for the social gathering with the Sir Knights.

Margaret Robson.


Ye Orderly Keystone Online

Austin Commandery Ladies

Keystone for January, February, March, and April 2005


I hope everyone has had a happy and joyous Holiday season, and I wish you all a prosperous New Year.

    A big "thank You" to Bonnie and Tom Koontz for the delicious Thanksgiving dinner they prepared in November and to all the ladies for their side dishes.  It was also a pleasure to be part of the annual Christmas Libations.

    Looking ahead for the New Year there will be the usual sharing of deserts in January and February.  The arrangement for the March Corned Beef dinner is still being discussed, more information later.

    Ladies have your Sir Knights bring you to our Auxiliary meetings, we meet the same time as they do.  We are always happy to see you.

    Happy New Year to you all.


Margaret Robson