Lodge History continued from page 1

The early years of attending Lodge meetings were quite different than they are today. Back then, meals were a special occasion, served only on Degree nights. Brother Donald E. Small was in the sandwich business and generously provided the members with left over sandwiches.
  At this time we do not know how many Charter Members there were. Our Brother Merlin Bellamy is the only living Charter Member. If you have any information that could help us to expound further on our Charter Membership, please call WBro. Chris Holland at 843-280-5430 or e-mail to cvholland@sc.rr.com.  

During the Lodge meetings they passed the hat to collect monies for the building fund. Everybody contributed even if it were only a quarter, but it all eventually added up and finally paid off in 1968, when the membership moved into its new building on 6th Avenue. Brother Nathaniel Bell, upon his passing, donated the land and combined with building materials donated from a variety of sources,

Lodge history continued.....>>>