The Three Pillars

We are all aware that a Masonic Lodge is supported by three great pillars that we have named Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. We have also associated the three great pillars with three of the five noble orders in architecture which are the Doric, the Ionic and the Corinthian. The reason for associating them with these three particular orders, is because they were the types of architecture used by our ancient brethren when they built the magnificent cathedrals, palaces and other stately buildings in Europe during the middle ages.

The Doric is the oldest of the three and denotes Wisdom. The Ionic is the second oldest and denotes Strength. The Corinthian, being the youngest, denotes Beauty. If we look around us here or when we go downstairs after lodge, we wont see any great pillars supporting the lodge, because, like the rest of the Masonic ritual, they are of a symbolic or allegorical nature, and refer to something other than the obvious that we read in the ritual. The three great pillars refer to you and me, the members of the lodge, because it is us, the members, who support a Masonic Lodge. We support it firstly by our Wisdom, that human intelligence that prompted us to become members of this honourable fraternity in the first place. By our regular attendance. By our active participation in the work of the lodge. By our interest in studying and researching the hidden mysteries and symbolism of the craft. And by paying our annual dues regularly and on time.

Secondly, by our strength, that is our strength of character, being just, upright, honourable men of honesty and integrity. By being bound together by that mystic Masonic tie into a solid monolithic column of friendship, unity and togetherness that lends strength to the whole structure. And thirdly, the formation of these two great pillars will result in a third great pillar of Beauty. Beauty in the ritual and in its presentation. In the harmony and serenity within the lodge room. In mutual respect and brotherly love, one brother for another that completes that support that makes for a successful Masonic Lodge. If any one of these three pillars is missing, the lodge will surely begin to crumble and disintegrate a fact that is amply portrayed in the demise of so many lodges during the past number of years. You and I are the three great pillars that support a Masonic Lodge, and we must never fail in our duty to maintain that support.

This short paper is designed to highlight several basic points

1..To give me the opportunity to present my own interpretation of the symbolism of the three great pillars. There are undoubtedly other interpretations out there.

2..To extol the virtue of active and enthusiastic participation by all the brethren in the work and the business of the lodge.

3..To emphasize the need for continued research and education, and the sharing of knowledge with our brethren for the benefit of all.

4..To remind ourselves that the financial aspects of the lodge also form a fourth pillar of support that is every bit as important as the other three.

5..And finally, to donate our annual dues to that fourth great pillar without attending lodge and contributing our time and effort to the other three, is but a half hearted attempt at supporting a Masonic Lodge.

WB Bill Douglas
Kenilworth Lodge #29