From the East

Posted Friday, 08/07/2009 - by WB Adam Wilson

Greetings Brethren,               

      I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer! (It’ll be over before you know it!)

      A Sincere “Thank You” goes out to the Brethren who showed up to help installing our new water line. We couldn’t have done it without you! Took a couple weekends fighting the rain, but we got it done. We will be needing a little fine grading along with seed & straw in September sometime.

      At our August stated meeting, we finally made some headway with the insurance claim on the siding from the wind damage we had earlier in the year. We will be moving forward with installing new siding on the Lodge, and also installing the new electric service which has been desperately in need of repairs. We are still in process of accepting bids on the sign out front, and hope to get it repaired as well soon. Brethren, if any of you would like to make a donation to help with these repairs it would be greatly appreciated, as the insurance will not cover the sign damage out front, or the new service installation. Please contact our Secretary, WB Garland Fleming if you would care to assist in these matters. We would also like to secure the roof with additional screws, as this also took some minor damage from the wind storms earlier in the year. And last but not least the roof could stand a new coat of paint to complete the restorations.

      We would also like to welcome back WB Jerry Richards, a Past Master in 1985, who took a brief hiatus from us for a little while. Great to have you back Worshipful!

      On Sunday, August 9th is the Hartford Fair, and we could still stand to have additional volunteers for this day to work the MCO club booth. Please contact the Worshipful Master or Secretary if you can volunteer your time that day.

      Our next stated in September will be the “Officer Advancement Night”, so we can start preparing for next year’s officer line.

      We also planned the date for our “Appreciation Day”. This will be Sunday, September 27th @ 2:30pm. Farmers Lodge would like to show our appreciation for our Award Recipients, our Widows, and our Families.

      Brethren, please continue to keep our “Sick & Distressed” in your prayers.

      Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind - live in peace; and may the God of love and peace delight to dwell with and bless us.  Amen


Sincerely & Fraternally,

Adam Wilson - Worshipful Master

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