From the East

Posted Monday, 10/21/2009 - by WB Adam Wilson

Greetings Brethren,               

      Autumn is in full swing, the leaves are almost at their peak color, which can only mean one thing. Winter is near. Ughh. (unless you happen to be one of those people who actually enjoy winter, than good for you!)

      On Sunday, September 27th, we had our “Appreciation Day” to acknowledge the Award Recipients, Widows and our Families. We had a great turnout, great food, and great Fellowship was had by all. We were honored to award Honorary Memberships to the following Brethren for their dedication they have shown to the Lodge throughout the years. They are as follows: WB Nelson L. Bell (New Home #338) WB Noel R. Bell (New Home #338) WB Kory W. Weldy (Madison Lodge #221) and RWB Ross L. Barry (Center Star #11) - Congratulations Brothers! RWB Donald L. Burdett was also presented a plaque from the Brethren of Farmers Lodge for his dedication to the Fraternity as he is retiring as our District Deputy. We also had two Widows join us for the day, Sue Brown (WB Bill Brown) and Janet Weldy (RWB Ronald J. Weldy from Madison #221) I believe we had about 30 in attendance for the day, and all Brothers present, were presented a “Forget-me-not” pin, from WM Adam Wilson.

      Our stated meeting in October was our “Past Masters Night” and also a “Re-Obligation Night”. We were fortunate to have 10 Past Masters in attendance for the evening. We were also honored to have MWB Douglas O. Brenneman, Past Grand Master of Masons in Ohio, to speak with the Brethren regarding Masonry, and who also took the time to test the ‘Ole memory, by Re-Obligating us all as Master Masons. Thank you again Most Worshipful! We also were able to present RWB Ross Barry with his Honorary Membership, who was not able to join us earlier at the Appreciation Day. All Brethren in attendance were also presented a “Forget-me-not” pin. The Forget-me-not has a special meaning Freemasons, and a quick search on the internet, you can find it’s special meaning. We also were able to ballot on a new candidate, Mr. Randy Jenkins, who is scheduled to receive his Entered Apprentice Degree prior to our next Stated Meeting on Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:30pm. We will also be holding elections for Lodge Officers that evening as well.

      Grand Lodge was held on October 16th & 17th, and we congratulate MWB Terry W. Posey as he was installed as our new Grand Master. Congratulations to all of the Grand Lodge Officers who were elected to serve for the ensuing year!

To view a copy of the latest newsletter that was mailed out a couple weeks ago, click here.

New Photos have also been posted, so be sure to check them out, as well as the updated Calendar.

Friendly Reminder: Lodge Dues are now due for 2010, so please don’t delay, and keep our Secretary happy!!

As always Brethren, please continue to keep our “Sick & Distressed” in your prayers.

      Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind - live in peace; and may the God of love and peace delight to dwell with and bless us.  Amen


Sincerely & Fraternally,

Adam Wilson - Worshipful Master

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